Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Вставьте необходимое местоимение - some,any,no или его производные something, somebody и т.д.:

5-9 класс

1.I can see ....... children playing in the yard.
2.The boy did not say ...........
3........................ came into the room.
4.I knocked at the door but ................answered.
5.Are there.................new pupils in your class this year?
6.There is.............TV set in my room.

юла81 25 дек. 2014 г., 1:32:09 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 дек. 2014 г., 4:25:26 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
25 дек. 2014 г., 7:15:39 (9 лет назад)

Во втором не правильно. Нужно anything


Другие вопросы из категории

1.When did England become a great country?

2.What do you know about the Tower of London?Who built the White Tower?Why?
3.Did the people of London build a new city after the fire?
Историю отлично знаю,а как на английском ответить-не знаю:с

Ангдийский! Перевод! Помогите пожалуйста! Только без переводчика!

1. Я очень переживаю. Как у тебя дела?
2. Давай завтра поговорим по скайпу? Я скучаю по тебе.
3. Я хочу увидеть тебя, твою улыбку..

Спасибо большое!!!

Напишите перевод.........

Читайте также

Вставьте неопределенные местоимения some , any , no , every или их производные.

1. Are there .... new buildings in your street ?
2. Give me ... water , please.
3. ..... came to the college in time.
4. I have ...... money in my pocket.
5. He has no time to go ..... with you.
Заранее ,спасибо)

Упр 50. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

1. There are ... boys in the garden now because they are at school. 2. I can see ... on the snow, but I don`t know what it is. 3. Are there ... desks in the classroom? - Yes, there are many. 4. There are ... books on this desk, but there are ... exericise-books. 5. Did he say ... about it? - No he said ... . 6. There was ... in the street because it was very late. 7. ... wants to see him. 8. It there ... here who knows this man? 9. Have you ... books on Diekens? I want to read about him. I have read ... books by Dickens and I am interested in him. 10. Can ... tell me how to get to the Public Library? - Yes, take ... bus that goes from here towards the railway station and get off at the third stop. 11. Please bring me ... apples, Mary. 12. That is a very easy question: ... can answer it. 13. "What shall I do now, Mom? I have done my homework." - "You can do ... you like"

Вставьте местоимение some,any, no или every.

I`m sory but there are ... cookies left.
Have you ... idea what time it is?
I can`t talk toyou now.I`ve got ... time.
Could you give me ... examples?
I see him at work almost ... day
Everything was correct. There where ... mistakes.
There were ... tomatoes left but there where ... cucumbers.
... country has a national flag.
Unfortunately, I have ... cash. Can I play with a card?

10. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

1. Here are ... books by English writers. Take ... book you like. 2. There are ... boys in the garden because they are at school. 3. I can see ... on the snow, but I don’t know what it is. 4. Did he say ... about it? — No, he said ... . 5. What shall I do now, Mom? I have done my homework. — You can do ... you like. 6. There was ... in the street because it was very late. 7. ... wants to see him. 8. Is there ... here who knows this man?

11. Задайте 5 типов вопросов к следующим предложениям:
1.He takes a cold shower in the morning.
2.I leave home very early.
3.The delegation visited the National Gallery.
4.She will spend her vacation at the seaside.
5.The sun is shining brightly.

5. Вставьте по смыслу модальные глаголы. 1 You__enter the

room.(it’s forbidden).

2 You__take a jacket. It’s rather warm.

3 I__to go to work early today.

4 If you want to keep fit, you__ go in for sports.

5 You can’t wear jeans at our school. We__wear school uniform.

6 She__play the violin when she was six.

7 We__go out. It’s raining.

8 Laura__take us to London. She’s got a car.

9 __ Iwatch TV for a while?

10 I can’t come to the dinner party tomorrow because my boss says I __to work late.

6.Заполни пропуски предлогами там где это необходимо.

1. Why can’t you find the newspaper? It is in front of you__the window-sill!

2. I met a lot of interesting people__my holiday.

7.Заполните пропуски местоимениями some any no every или производными от них.

1. I can’t find my glasses, they are__.

9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в необходимой временной форме

1. I (to wear) old clothes now because I am going to clean the car 2. My sister (to speak) Fiench very well. 3. He (to meet) theim, won’t he? 4. They (to leave) for Moscow three weeks ago. 5. We rarely (to watch) television but last week we (to watch) a lot of interesting programmers. 6. Alan (to work) in the bank for a year. But now he (to work) at another company. 7. Ten nunutes ago I (to hear) a strange noise. 8. I (not to see) lum for two weeks. I hope we (to meet) soon. 9. He (to enter) the University after he (to work) at a plant. 10. Students (to pass) their exams by the end of June.

10. Заполните пропуски следующими обстоятельствами времени: never, already, for, ago,since, yet, at the moment, last, every day, always.

1. He’s__ come back from jogging and he’s a bit tired. 2. She__takes the bus to school. 3. Mother is doing the shopping. 4. Tom's parents are always busy. They__help him with his homework. 5. Pam has__finished her test and I’ve only done half of mine. 6. David has been working for the same company__20 years. 7. I haven’t seen Louise__Jeff’s wedding. 8. Have you been to the bank__? 9. He has lunch at the Plaza Hotel__. 10. She met Sleve a week__.

11.Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах.

1. They arrived in Moscow yesterday. 2. Perhaps they will buy a new house next year. 3 Kale is singing a lovely song. 4. She had sent your letter. 5. They have waited for you since 11 a.m. 6. My brother will know the results of his exams next Monday. 7. He usually spends his holiday in Spain. 8 It is a long way from here to the airport. 9. He will answer our questions after the meeting. 10. When the lesson was over we had known about new grammar rule.

12.Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге (следуя образцу) и переведите их.

They developed a new method of teaching.

A new method of teaching was developed by them.

Новый метод обучения был разработан ими

1.His father always praises him when he works hard. 2. They will have finished the preparations by twelve. 3. The students can do this exercise without any difficulty. 4 She found the envelope at last behind the sofa. 5. You mustn’t leave your bags in the hall. 6. The secretary will change our time-table in a week. 7. The postman has just delivered the newspapers. 8 At that time we were looking through new advertisements.

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