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1. Read the article and decide whether the statements (1–8) are true (T) or false (F). Mark

10-11 класс

Gerzon believes that conflict exists in nearly every part of life. Conflict can occur when people work together. Leaders need to understand only one part of the company. Twentieth-century leaders rarely accepted responsibility for their mistakes. People who disagree with management feared they will lose their jobs. Good mediators are likely to be respected by staff. Using mediation to resolve conflict takes time. A competitive team needs one good leader.

Understand your team and the rest is easy

Mark Gerzon, author of «Leading Through Conflict: How Successful Leaders Transform Differences into Opportunities», has noticed that most things in life involve conflict.

Some of these conflicts emerge when people come together from different backgrounds where views, cultures and beliefs may not be shared by their colleagues. Today some 63,000 companies are operating internationally, employing 90 million people and responsible for a quarter of the world's gross national product.

'We simply cannot manage a whole company, a whole community, and certainly not a whole planet, with leaders who identify with only one part.' he writes. He therefore believes that future corporate leaders will need to be experts in mediation rather than the controlling style of leaders which was apparent during the 20th century.

These controlling leaders always blamed someone else for failures and achieved success only because employees were frightened of losing their jobs. Sadly such methods still exist in some companies. Similarly, people who question management in companies where employee morale is very low are seen as trouble makers and are often dismissed by the company. But suppose they have a point? Trouble makers are likely to respect a leader with good mediation skills because they feel that someone is listening to their complaints.

One problem with mediation in leadership is that it takes time, something this highly competitive world has little of. That is why the most competitive teams need individuals who are all capable of leadership. People need to talk all the time about their various tasks and work towards the same objective, and any conflicts should be managed in a way that does not disrupt the harmony of the team.

By Richard Donkin

From the Financial Times

Shahriiiiii 17 апр. 2014 г., 7:20:22 (10 лет назад)
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17 апр. 2014 г., 8:43:57 (10 лет назад)

Понимаю вашей команде, а остальные-это просто

Марк Gerzon, автор книги«, Ведущая Через Конфликта: Как Успешные Лидеры Превратить Различия в Возможности», отметил, что большинство вещей в жизни, вовлечь в конфликт.

Некоторые из этих конфликты появляются, когда собираются люди из разных слоев общества, где взглядов, культур и верований не может быть общей для своих коллег. Сегодня некоторые 63,000 компаний, действующих на международном уровне, в которых занято 90 миллионов человек, и ответственность за четверть мирового валового национального продукта.

"Мы просто не можем управлять всей компании, целое сообщество, и, конечно, не вся Планета, с лидерами, которые идентифицируют себя только с одной частью.' он пишет. Поэтому он считает, что будущие корпоративные лидеры должны быть экспертами в области медиации, а не контролирующий стиль лидеров, что было видно на протяжении 20-го века.

Все эти качества лидеров всегда винить кого бы то ни было сбоев и добился успеха только потому, что сотрудники боятся потерять работу. К сожалению, такие методы все еще существуют в некоторых компаниях. Аналогично, люди, которые подвергают сомнению управления в компаниях, где моральное состояние очень низким рассматриваются как смутьянов и часто отвергаются обществом. Но предположим, что они правы? Возмутителями скорее всего, уважать лидера хорошие навыки медиации, потому что они чувствуют, что кто-то слушать их жалобы.

Одна из проблем при посредничестве руководства в том, что пройдет время, что-то в этом конкурентном мире мало. Поэтому наиболее конкурентоспособные команды должны лица, которые все способны лидерство. Людям нужно все время говорим об их различных задач и работать в направлении той же цели, и любые конфликты должны осуществляться таким образом, чтобы не нарушать гармонию группы.

Ричард Донкин


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1.Read the article bellow.Match the paragraphs 1-3 to the descriptions a-e. There are two descriptions that you do not need.

a. Why people like reality TV
b. The beginnings of reality TV
c. The end of reality TV
d. Making money from reality TV
e. Problems with reality TV

The first reality TV show in the world was called Expedition Robinson and it was shown in Sweden in 1997. Half the population of the country watched the final episode and a new kind of TV programme was born. Two years later in Holland, the first series of Big Brother was filmed. Again, it was a fantastic success and the final programme was watched by million people. There are now more than 20 countries around the world which have Big Brother or Survivor on their TV screens. The ordinary people who take part in the programmes are known by millions of people in their own countries and reality TV has become big business.

For the TV producers, reality TV is a dream come true because many of the programmes cost nothing to make. At some point, the television viewers are asked to telephone the programme – to vote or to apply to take part in the show. It is the cost of these telephone calls that pays for the show. One of the most popular shows is Pop Idol. In the show, a group of attractive people are made into pop stars. The viewers vote for their favourite person on the show. The winner makes a record, his or her pictures are published on the covers of magazines, millions of copies of the record are sold and then … they are quickly forgotten.

But not everyone is happy about reality TV. In Portugal, two TV channels got into trouble because they showed too much of the private lives of the people in the shows. In France, reality TV is called “rubbish TV” and the studios were attacked three times in one week. In Greece, Big Brother ways described as an insult to human rights and civilization. But despite the problems, reality TV continues to do well in most countries and it will be here for a long time.

2.Read the article again and tick (+) the things that are mentioned in the text.

1.Reality TV started in Sweden.
2.The prize money for Survivor is $1 million.
3.Many countries have reality TV shows.
4.Some people get married after being on a reality TV shows.
5.In the UK,Big Brother is more popular than Survivor.
6.Reality TV makes money when the viewers make phone calls,
7.Loft Story and Pop Idol are the names of reality TV shows.
8.Loft Story has been very successful in France.

Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). THE AMERICAN GOLD RUSH It all started early in 1848 in California. James W. Marshall

was working by the riverside when he found some small pieces of yellow metal in the water. He showed them to his boss. It was gold. The two men tried to keep a secret but without success. Soon, the magic word 'gold' was repeated all around the world. Everybody wanted to go to California to get rich. Thousands of people started to rush to the golden river by horse, by ship and even on foot. Night after night, a few more new towns appeared along the river. Some people brought tents to live in while others built wooden houses called huts. Looking for gold was hard work and many people were disappointed. Only the lucky ones found gold - sometimes up to $2,000 in one day. It is not surprising that many small hotels, restaurants and bars opened in these new towns. Their owners made for- tunes providing services to people who arrived in a town in search of gold. By the end of 1850, the California Gold Rush was over. However, about forty-seven years later gold was discovered again, this time in Canada. Once more, over a thousand people left their homes and families to look for a better future. Today, at the original site of the California Gold Rush, near Sacramento, visitors can still try their luck with finding the yellow pieces of metal in the river. The old buildings have been redecorated and tourists can experience the life of the old days. Many of them are sure that they can find at least a small bit of gold. __________1. The American Gold Rush started in the second half of the 19th century. __________2. The pieces of metal found in the river were yellow. __________3. James W. Marshall didn't show the gold he found to his boss. __________4. People travelled to California by horse, by ship and on foot. __________5. The huts in which people lived near the river were usually made of bricks. __________ 6. The owners of hotels, bars and restaurants got really rich in California. __________ 7. In 1897, gold was discovered in Canada. __________ 8. Today, people can look for gold in California near Sacramento

Read the text and mark if the following sentences are

true or false.

Mr. and
Mrs. Barker were having a quiet day ay home. Their 17-year-old daughter was
away in Scotland staying with a friend. At 12 noon, Mr. and Mrs. Barker had a
phone call from the friend where their daughter was staying. They said that the
girl had disappeared. The parents were going to call the police when the phone
rang again. A hoarse voice informed Mr. Barker that their daughter had been
kidnapped and unless he paid a ransom of 1000 dollars he would never see his
daughter alive again. The voice gave him instructions about where and when to
hand over the money. The voice warned Mr. Barker not to tell the police or to
attempt to have the phone traced. Mr. Barker went to the bank and immediately
withdrew the money out of his bank account and left on the next train to
Brighton. When he arrived, he entered the Grand Hotel at five to six and
carefully placed the briefcase beside a sofa as arranged. At six o’clock
precisely, a woman in a scarf and raincoat approached, took the briefcase and
walked away quickly.

At 10 p.m.
the same evening, to his great relief, his daughter returned home. She could
hardly refrain from laughing. Imagine Mr. Barker’s surprise when she handed him
his briefcase containing the 1000 dollars. It turned out that she and her
friend had decided to play a practical joke.
The parents did not appreciate the joke as much as their daughter did.

Read the text and answer the questions: 1) When and where was Caxton born? 2) Where did he start his business? 3) How many books did Caxton print?

William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1422. His father was a farmer . William did not want to be a farmer like his father. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office that is traded with other countries . William loved to read new books that have been published in Europe. When Willian Caxton was thirty , after the death of his master he started his business in Belgium. In 1471, he left his business and began translating French into English . He became interested in the press and at IAST he recognized him. William would like to have your own news one day, and he did it. In 1476 he brought his own print shop in London . Printing was the work of the devil. Some people like to break his press . Caxton printed his first book in 1477 . It was the first book printed in English . The book has been translated Caxtons French Tales of Troy William Caxton about eighty printed books. He turned thirty-one books from French. Caxton died in 1491

Read the situation and make notes which will help you to write the letter.

a local newspaper has recently published a series of articles about young people. in most of the articles, young people are described as irresponsible, rude and looking only for cheap entertainment. these opinions are mainly based on a few recent incidents in the local discotheque. you're going to write a letter to the editor expressing your disapproval not only with the editorial policy of treating the topic, but also whith the perception of young people.

make notes which will help you to write the letter :
-reason(s) for writing your opinion;
-your arguments + suggestions;
-opposing views & your counterarguments;
-closing remarks.

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