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Write what you must or mustn t do to protect nature

1-4 класс

Lapi 23 июня 2014 г., 3:30:25 (9 лет назад)
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23 июня 2014 г., 6:19:39 (9 лет назад)

To protect nature, we must:1) Do not litter2) Prohibit the felling of trees3) To put more green plants4) Close the enterprise environment zagreznyayuschie


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срочно плиз В задание
Помогите пожалуйста!заранее спасибо)))

Write this story using one of the participles from the brackets to make the story complete,

Have you heard of the Loch Ness Monster? Many people believe that there is a huge animal (living / lived) in Loch Ness in Scotland. The animal is about 50 meters long (including / included) its tail. Nobody knows anything about its (eating / eaten )habits. There are some photos of the animal (taking/ taken ) by different people (visiting / visited) the lake, but nobody can prove that they are real. This animal (giving / given) the nickname Nessie has been one of the greatest tourist attractions to the area for years. Expeditions (sending/ sent) to Scotland tried very hard to find and catch Nessie. And so did individuals ( looking/ looked) for the animal. Nessie ( seeing/ seen) now and again is still a great mystery. Very few things ( knowing / known) about Nessie are: it has a long and thin neck like a giraffe s its head is quite small and looks like a horse s or a snake s head its colour is dark yellow and its habitat is the deepest and the coldest part of the lake.

дано определение

a thick string нужно догадаться что это такое на английском
слово состоит из 5 букв причем должна убиратся одна буква из предшествующего слова
WINTER порядок букв другой помогите плиз очень нужно

Write the name of these places and things a place and things.

1) a place where pupils have their lessons____________________________
2) a place they sit at___________________________________
3) a place where pupils can write____________________________
4) a thing which helps pupils to draw lines_______________________________
5) a thing which helps them to rub something out in their exercisebooks___________________
6) a thing which helps a teacher to snow somethings on the blackboard_____________________
7) a thing which help of which we clean the furniture________________________________

Читайте также

Complete the sentenses.Say what pupils must or mustn't do in the lesson.

Example:Pupils must di what the teasher says.Pupils mustn't draw on the desks.
Вот все слова которые нужно !"преоброзовать" по образцу вроде:take a pet to the lesson,speak loudlyin the classroom,sleep in the classroom,draw on thedesks,answer the teasher's questions,say "Good morning!"to the twasher,write notes(записки)to friends,draw on the wells ot the classroom,run and jumpbetween the desks,be polite to other classmates.Помгите пожалуйста умоляю на завтра уроки !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Прошу вас ребят и взрослые !!!!!!!!!!

Complete the sentences. Say what pupils must or mustn't do in the lesson.

Example: Pupils must do what the teacher says. Pupils
mustn't draw on the desks.

8. Andrew is making plans for Sunday . Write what he will do . Use : to visit Granny , to buy food for Rex,

To take Rex for a walk ,to help mum ,to go to the swimming pool , to play chess .

9. Bob will not do what Andrew will do.

10. Ask your friend what he will do tomorrow ( write 8 questions ).

11.write what you usually when it is cold?

12. what does your mother wear when it is cold?

Write what you must / mustn't do or be at school

polite listen to the teacher be late for school friendiy miss lessons come to school on time use modile

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