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Напишите причастие прош.времени. 1.eat 2.sleep 3.open 4.iron 5.clea 6.take 7.arrive

5-9 класс

Anatoliy32russ 07 окт. 2014 г., 12:00:25 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 окт. 2014 г., 14:21:01 (9 лет назад)

eaten, slept, opened, ironed, cleaned, taken, arrived 

+ 0 -
07 окт. 2014 г., 16:07:27 (9 лет назад)

причастие прошедшего времени - это 3 форма глагола

1 eaten

2 slept

3 opened

4 ironed

5 я так понимаю, что здесь должно быть clean, тогда должно быть cleaned 

6 taken

7 arrived


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I live in the city of Orsk. It settles down in the Orenburg area. Orsk borrows 80 seat on a population in Russia.
Orsk is considered the second in a commercial significance of the Orenburg area.
Pride of Orsk are Орский the state pedagogical college, as well as branch of the Orenburg state university and branch of the Orenburg state college of management as their pupils borrow prize-winning places in regional and All-Russia Olympiads.
One more pride of Orsk is the hockey command « Southern Urals Mountains » which spends house matches in a palace of sports "Anniversary"
As Orsk — one of large transport units of Russia, through it are carried out numerous passenger and freight traffic.
From the western side of Orsk spurs of the Ural mountains amazing with the beauty tower. In the given district the set of various mountain grasses and trees grows, it is possible to observe wild-growing tulips in the spring. Basically, in local seats weather pleases, as cloudless, in a year here it is more than sunny days.
Crisis in an ecological condition of an environment of Orsk directly depends on industrial pollution. Air in territory of Orsk is considered the most polluted in the Orenburg area.

Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1) 'He ever (be) to London?' 'Yes he _____. Several times'.
2) 'What's the news?' 'We (win) the tennis competition'.
3) 'When you (speak) to him?' 'We (meet) yesterday.
4) He (not call) me this month.
5) How long you (be) ill?
6) We an interesting film the other day.
7) I (know) them for 2 years.
8) You (be) happy when you (be) a child.
9) I always (travel) by plane.
10) Where is Tom? You (see) him.
11) It's the most interesting film i ever (see).
12) The construction (start) in April.
13) She (not call) me since she (arrive) in Moscow.
14) They (not go) to the cinema last week.
15) We (have) too many tests today.
16) What you (do) last Sunday?
17) William Shakespeare (write) a lot of plays.
18) I (lose) my exercise-book. I can't find it anywhere.
19) You (go) to the cinema yesterday?
20) You (meet) Ann lately?

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Читайте также

Напишите причастие прош.времени следующих глаголов :

sleep , open , iron , clean , take , arrive . put , leave , break , make , run

Напишите причастия прошедшего времени следующих глаголов :

1. see
2. cut
3. work
4. leave
5. feed
6. bring
7. swim
8. buy
9. drink
10. go
11. catch
12. read
13. arrive
14. make
15. give
16. sing
17. teach
18. ring
19. do
20. eat

напишите мне сравнения по русски а я переведу на ин яз,нужно сравнить два журнала между собой,чем отлитчается и схожи между собой подросткойвый и

детский,две книги между собой,два автора,два человека,два школьных предмета,две машины,два городадве телепрограммы,две газеты
напишите плииз прошу вас пример вот: Two libraries.There is no comprison between the Russian State Library and my local library.The Russian State Library is a lot bigger and has a larger collectionof books.It is used by more readers too.

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