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Переведите текст. плиз очень нужно

1-4 класс

Katunangel 06 июня 2013 г., 21:50:29 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 июня 2013 г., 23:53:27 (10 лет назад)

               Фигуры знаменитых людей в полный рост в музее Мадам Тюссо. 
Этот музей - одна из достопримечательностей Лондона. Это знаменитый музей восковых фигур, содержащий одну из самых больших коллекций восковых фигур в мире. Здесь можно встретить как выдающихся, так и других изве­стных личностей, незабываемое впечатление. Можно встретить великих ге­роев истории и искусства. Здесь актеры, кинозвезды, поп-певцы и спортсме­ны встречаются лицом к лицу с известными политиками.


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I____ ____.I_____in Russia._____is my friend.____lives in___.Write soon,____.Спасибо огромное за помощь всем.

Переведи текст на русский язык: Once upon a

Переведи текст на русский язык:

Once upon a time in a faraway country there lived a king. He lived in a beautiful palace. He had everything he liked. He liked cheese best of all. His cheese makers made the best cheese in all the land.

Everyone in the palace could smell that cheese. Everyone in the town could smell the cheese. Everyone in the country could smell that cheese.

One day a little mouse smelled the cheese. He told all his friends about the cheese. Soon, every mouse in the country ran to the palace.

Yhe mice were very happy. They lived in the palace and ate the king's cheese. But the king was not happy. He called his wise men and asked them: "How can I get rid of these mice?" "That's easy," said the wise men. We know how to get rid of them."
Не могу прочитать по английским напишите по русски

Переведи текст на русский язык: Once upon a

Переведи текст на русский язык:

Once upon a time in a faraway country there lived a king. He lived in a beautiful palace. He had everything he liked. He liked cheese best of all. His cheese makers made the best cheese in all the land.

Everyone in the palace could smell that cheese. Everyone in the town could smell the cheese. Everyone in the country could smell that cheese.

One day a little mouse smelled the cheese. He told all his friends about the cheese. Soon, every mouse in the country ran to the palace.

Yhe mice were very happy. They lived in the palace and ate the king's cheese. But the king was not happy. He called his wise men and asked them: "How can I get rid of these mice?" "That's easy," said the wise men. We know how to get rid of them."
Не могу прочитать по английски напишите по русски как читать по английски

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