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Сочинение по английскому.На тему cultural rights

10-11 класс

Ritapilicheva 28 мая 2014 г., 11:46:44 (10 лет назад)
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28 мая 2014 г., 12:28:13 (10 лет назад)

A.P.Chekhov told: the person everything has to be fine: both person, and clothes, both soul, and. And this statement of the Russian writer remains actual century later in spite of the fact that time goes, times and customs change. Whether it is important to be the cultural person today? It is possible to answer this question with one simple word: ;Yes! ;. But, it appears, cultural for many people to be very difficult. It is easier to be rude, litter, misbehave, to talk smut, remain indifferent to violence and cruelty. The culture is both education, and education, and spirituality. The well-mannered person never will make a bad act, will always come to the rescue to the neighbor. The educated person never will tell the rough word and will express the thoughts competently. The cultural person will estimate a work of art and never will allow to behave unworthy at theater or at a concert. I am surrounded by a great number of cultural people to whom I am grateful for their lessons: my parents, my teachers, my friends and simply good acquaintances. I study at them to much, first of all culture of behavior, culture of communication and thought expression. It is necessary to impart love to culture since the early childhood. If we, children, saw only a positive example of adults in behavior, in communication, in the relation to life, the question of such small number of cultural people in modern society wouldn't stand so sharply! Whether it is so important to be the cultural person today? I consider that this concept doesn't depend on time. Cultural it is necessary to be always! But it is necessary to be called not simply as that, it is important to correspond to this definition. It is difficult, but, believe, very interestingly and it is so necessary for our society! Really, important or not in modern society to be really the cultural person or it is more convenient to seem to that? Whether there is a place in the modern world to people of honor, "to knights without fear and reproach"? That is more honest: to win an arrangement of people or by means of the principle at me everything is grabbed with personal qualities, for everything is paid;? Questions of this sort, in my opinion, become recently more and more actual. Gradually passes "boom of moneymaking" material benefits, the people start reflecting and on soul (and again a question: what it is a craze or true aspiration to spiritual enrichment? ) . To define a concept ;cultural person essence, it is necessary to have a clear idea of segments, it making: I.Q., education, education, outlook, moral principles, and, maybe, weight, growth, purse size, social status? It seems that everything is extremely simple, and, undoubtedly, the one who is well educated, ethic, socially focused is cultural, culturological is grounded. Question in other: whether such person is necessary to modern society? Whether there will be he the black sheep among extreme birds of prey? Everyone has to look for the answer to the question posed in itself(himself). To define own ethical and moral installations – means to create norms of personal behavior, and also idea of socially significant, socially accepted and carried-out rules. Once having defined for itself concept of truly cultural person, you already solve itself, whether you are capable to become that, it is how important for you now. Certainly, society lives under the laws and demands submission by it, and each person independently makes the decision as to treat them. But any the made decision, never people will be able to refuse the warm address, interesting and useful communication, from pleasure to listen to a compliment … Therefore also it is necessary to address to a question of importance of a cultural basis of life of society, of problems of personal degradation of generations even more often. Together we will be able to achieve that descendants will speak about us as about society of the high cultural principles!


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Найдите в предложениях Complex Object и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1)They find the conference to have been a remarkable one.
2)We expect Mark to write an article for the newspaper.
3)The rain made us come back home.
4)I saw him enter the room.
5)They don`t like to be asked about it.
6)Do you expect the work to be done tomorrow?
7)We heard Tom speak at the conference.
8)I know her to work and study.
9)We think this student to pass his exam in Physics successfully.

Найдите в предложениях Complex Subject с инфинитивом.
1)You are supposed to graduate from the university in five years.
2)This new operating system is reported to go into operation next years.
3)He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicists.
4)Many new textbooks are reported to be published soon.
5)That power station is known to be situated on the Angara River.
6)You friend seems to be very much interested in computers.
7)They are certain to inform us about their plans.
8)They are certain to leave for Moscow tomorrow.
9)Their article is believed to have been published

Дополните предложения. Используйте один из этих глаголов в Past Simple:die, enjoy, finish, happen, open, rain, start, stay, want 1. It was hot

in the room,so I......the window

2. the concert......at 7.30 and......at 10 o'clock

3. When I was a child, I.... to be a doctor

4.The accident....last Sunday afternoon

5. It's a nice day today but yesterday it....all day

6. We....our holiday last year. We.....at a very nice place

7. Ann's grandfather......when he was 90 years old/



Переделайте следующие предложения, употребив theSimplePastTense и соответствующие наречия и словосочетания там, где это необходимо. Следуйте образцу: Не is

at the lecture now. He was at the lecture yesterday. I went to church yesterday. I did not go to church yesterday. Did you go to church yesterday?
1. He speaks English fluently. 2. I scan newspapers in the morning. 3. The ballet company gives its first performance today. 4. My friends come to see me every week-end. 5. He studies in New York University. 6. The department gives a party this year. 7. He knows his job very well. 8. Who knows the answer? No one. 9. He has no gift for the stage, I think. 10. It usually takes him only 3 minutes to look through the text.

перевод слова бабушкв

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Посоны и девчонки, помогите мне! Мне надо написать сочинение по английскому на тему, ну как бы в вкратце о спорте , то что он там людей делает здоровыми,

укрепляет (+, -) только немного об этом , и о себе каким я спортом занимаюсь и как он мне помогает. Я занимаюсь карате. об этом напишитеСрочно надо, на сегодня надо!!!ПОЖАЛУЙСТА

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