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5-9 класс

Мне нужно придумать рассказ о своем лучшем друге.10 предложений (не больше).

Zxc23 02 февр. 2015 г., 21:12:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 февр. 2015 г., 22:54:05 (9 лет назад)

 My best friend’s name is Stepan. He is not my schoolmate. Stepan lives next to me and our parents are good friends. We first met on my mom’s birthday party three years ago. . Stepan is one year older. He is fond of tennis very much. He plays tennis since childhood and he even won some tournaments.Stepan is very clever, honest and friendly. He likes to read books and watch films, that’s why it’s always interesting to talk to him. We usually discuss our favorite characters and most exciting actions.  I’m happy to have such a good friend.


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Школьная система в Британии, пожалуйста люди помогите...срочно..........

исправте ошибки в предложениях. помогите это срочно! 1.Little Tom doesn't never swim here. 2.There are a ball and three b

olls in the box.

3.-Is there a bookshop near your scholl?

-Yes,it is.

4.We fond of playing with our pets.

5.We made the friends two years ago.

6.Is it often snow here?

7.It is rain now.

8.Let's sent him a postcard.

9.Do you enjoy to go to the theatre?

10. Did he met mrs Green in the park?

И в этом тоже надо исправить ошибки

1. A crocodile has a long mouth with many big tooth.

2.An elephant is a very large wild animal that live in Africa and Asia.

3.Rabbit is a small animal with long ears.

4.When did they visited the Tretyakov Gallery?

5. Who does want to visit the History Museum.

6.The Smiths wants to go to the Boshoi Theatre next Sunday

7.The Tretyakov Gallery is one of the best museum in the world.

8.The boys' aunt studied Italian, didn't he?

9.Tom's sister ckeaned the windows, wasn't she?

10.He isn't want to go to Hyde Park now.

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помогу в ответ)

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