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Составить историю о Иисусе Христе с помощью этих прдложений. the Bible

10-11 класс

Mary and Joseph
travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem for a census
no empty rooms at the inn
stay in a stable
born in the stable
laid in a manger
a bright star appears in he sky
an angel tells shepherds about the baby Jesus and tells them to go to the stable to worship the Savior
three kings The Three Wise Men from the East also come to worship Jesus following the bright star
The wise men bring gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh

Subaru319 07 авг. 2013 г., 17:54:52 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 авг. 2013 г., 20:52:58 (10 лет назад)

Мария и Иосиф
путешествие из Назарета в Вифлеем для переписи
нет пустых номеров в гостинице
оставаться в стабильном
Родился в стабильным
лежащего в яслях
яркая звезда появляется в небе он
Ангел говорит пастухам о младенцу Иисусу и говорит им, чтобы пойти в конюшню, чтобы поклоняться Спасителя
трех царей волхвов с Востока и пришли поклониться Иисусу после яркой звездой
Мудрецы приносят дары: золото, ладан и смирну


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В задании легко допустить ошибку, поэтому прошу помощи, заранее спасибо) Запишите реплики диалога в правильной последовательности.

An HR manager has received an interesting CV. She telephones the candidate, Kate Rankin, to arrange an interview. Put the dialogue in the correct order 1-16.

Yes I did. That's why I'm calling. Could you come to Paris one day next week?

We're interviewing on Wednesday and Thursday. Are you available on Wednesday afternoon?

Yes? it's on the CV.

Thanks for calling. Bye.

This is Claire Pails. I'm calling from Sanofi.

I'll send you an email with directions. It's very simple.

Lovely. What time is good for you? Shall we say three o'clock?

Hello? Could I speak to Kate Rankin? (1)

Yes, I think so. What day did you have mind?

Yes, of course it is. OK then, I'll see you next Wednesday.

Oh hello. You got my CV, then?

Wait a second. I'll just check. Yes, that's fine. Wednesday 11th.

That's fine with me. How do I get to you?

Have you got my email address?

Speaking. (2)

I'm looking forward to it. Bye for now.

помогите пожалуйста

предложения, некоторые из них правильные)
Harry go to school every day. He is a good pupil.
My brother is a good house.
I'm looking for my sister. Do you know where she is?
I'm not understanding what he wants from me.

John is tired, so he will has a short holiday. 6.1 don't like

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3 What actually happened? Give a short description?
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