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Complex object.

5-9 класс

1.I never heard (эту девочку улыбающуюся)
2.I never saw (как она плачет)
3.My sister made (заставила меня сделать домашнюю работу)
4.I left (что кто-то коснулся моей руки)
5.My mother would like (чтобы мы пошли в зоопарк)
6.Let ( мне дать вам совет)

Kikicom29 10 сент. 2013 г., 16:56:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 сент. 2013 г., 17:49:37 (10 лет назад)

1)i never heard about that girl to cry
2)i never saw how she was crying.
3)my sister made me do my homework
4)i felt that someone was touching my hand
5)my mother would like us to go to the zoo
6) let me give you an advise


Другие вопросы из категории

complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.: fly, discuss, not go, you/meet, stay. 1) what

time __ James tonight?

2) They __ the problem at the meeting tomorrow.

3) Emma __at Anna is house on Saturday night.

4) We __ on tour next summer. We have not got time.

5) I am so excited. I __ to New York next week

Перевод срочно)

The Kazakhs then separated into three new tribes, or hordes - the Great Horde in the south, the Middle Horde in the north and the Little Horde in the west.

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Express the same in one sentence. Use Complex Object

1. My friend is coming to see me after dinner. I expect him. 2. She played the piano at the party. I heard it. 3. I would like you to do something for me. Read this story aloud. 4. Peter wants to make the birthday cake himself. Let it be so. 5. Our footballers won that important match. We watched them when it happened. 6. Will Uncle Jim take Alex out for dinner? Alex wants it so much. 7. The thief entered the house very quietly. Nobody noticed him. 8. They are planning to spend the weekend at home. I wouldn't like it very much. 9. The train arrived five minutes early. No one expected it. 10. Liza didn't want to recite her poem. We made her.

I variant

1. Open the brackets to use the correct tense form.
1) She usually (to stay) with her granny in summer.
2) While he (to play) the piano his mother (to cook) dinner.
3) I don’t think we (to see) him next Sunday.
4) They already (to finish) the job.
5) We (to meet) our friends last Monday.
6) It (to snow) for 3 hours already.
7) I couldn’t find the book which I (to buy) 2 days before.

2. Translate into English, use Complex Object.
1) Все слышали, как Рита говорила это.
2) Мне разрешили смотреть телевизор.
3) Родители заставляют меня много читать.
4) Я видел, как они вошли в сад.
5) Я хочу, чтобы мальчик меня понял.

3. Ask the question.
1) Russia is situated on two continents. (специальный)
2) The Russian people seldom use samovars nowadays. (альтернативный)
3) The pupils have been learning English for 7 years. (общий)
4) We are having a party next Saturday night. (разделительный)
5) The Browns have been here since July. (вопрос к подлежащему)

2) Grammar. Tracy is really bossy sometimes. Her brother Steve says that living with Tracy is like having an extra parent.нужно составить предложения

Make up sentences

about what Tracy wants her brother Steve to do. Use the words given.
(grammar hint)

Complex object

Tracy makes me tidy my room every day

0) want / do / regularly / his chores about the house

Tracy wants Steve to do his chores about the house regularly.

1) make / tidy / his room

Tracy makes Steve tidy his room.

2) want / make a mess / in the house / not


3) ask / turn the music off


4) let / take / her things / not


5) make / do the dishes


6) need / do the shopping


7) would like / walk the dog


2. Translate into English, use Complex Object. 1) Я почувствовала, что она смотрит на меня. 2) Они хотят, чтобы дети играли вместе.

3) Мальчику разрешили пойти в лес одному.

4) Ученики видели, как учитель вошел в класс.

5) Мама заставила меня закрыть окно.

Проверьте пожалуйста!

Express the same idea using the complex object.
1. I want (he) to be my friend.-i want him to be my friend
2. They would like (we) to learn English.-They would like us to learn English
3. They expected (she) to arrive at 6 p.m.- They expect her to arrive at 6 p.m
4. She doesn't want (her daughter) to come home late.-she doesn't want daughter to come her home late
5. Tom expects (I) to write a letter every week.-Tom expects me to write a letter every week.
6. Our parents want (we) to be friends.- Our parents wants us to be friends
7. I'd like (you) to offer him help.-I'd would like her to offer him help.
8. I don't want (she) to read the letter.-I don't want her to read the letter.

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