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Будь ласка допоможіть !!!!!Потрібно написати по 15-20 речень на ці теми: 1. What is a white lie? Do you think it is OK to tell white less?

10-11 класс

Don't you think that a number of white lies just grow into a pack oof lies and you get used it? Why is it dangerous? Remember the last time you told a white lie to a friend a family member or a yeacher. Do you think the situation was worth telling lie? Is exaggeration the same as lying in oyur opinion? Is lying common for our society?

2. Imagine you are going to write a book.

- what type of book will it be/ Explain your preference.

- what will the book be about? How will you make the story really grapping from beginning to end?

-who will be the heroes of your book?

-WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ON THE FRONT OR BACK OVER OF THE BOOK?Will there be any illustractions? What publishing house woulf you like ti engage into publishing your book? Why?

Meka123 19 марта 2014 г., 19:03:04 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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19 марта 2014 г., 21:51:32 (10 лет назад)

1. A white lie is a small, almost insignificant lie that shouldn't be justified at any time. That said, I use them often. An example would be if your friend asks you if you think she's pretty. If you don't think so, but you say yes anyways to make her feel better, that's a white lie. Unfortunately, white lies can sometimes grow into very large lies (i.e. if you friend overhears you saying she's ugly). 


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1. The children (1.swim) and (2.play) in the river when they were at the cam. (3.Get) you off at the people (4.cross) the street. The girl (5.dance) and

(6.sing) Russian songs at the concert last Saturday.
2. There (1.be) many cities in our country. (2.Watch) you the demonstration on TV? - I (3.like) it very much. We (4.have) a concret in our school hall before May Day. I (5.not take) in the demonstration. I (6.be) ill. Look, the schoolchildren (7.marsh) with slongans and portraits. (8.Like) you to listen to a good concert of Russian songs?

Пожалуйста, переведите более-менее текст)

Пожалуйста, не просто через гугл-переводчик, хоть немного отредактировать, чтобы было что-то понятное и связное.

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Будь ласка, ДОПОМОЖІТЬ!

Твір на тему: Мій зовнішній вигляд у школі(шкільна форма), з описом одягу
Дуже потрібно!!!

Choose the right item/

1)I... home very early yesterday afternoon.
a)had come; b)was coming c)came
2)While my friend ....I was watching the birds.
a)fished b)had fished c)was fishing
3)He said I...up the story myself.
a)made b)make c)had made
4)My elder brother ... school 3 years ago.
a)finishes b)finished c)had finished
5)Before mother called us she ...the table.
a)set b)was setting c)had set
(2) Complete the sentences opening the brackets.
1)When the bell rang the children (to run)into the classroom and(to take)their seats.
2)When I opened the door ,the lesson (to begin)and the teacher (to explain)something to the class.
3)Before we (to take)the boy to the theatre he (never to see)a play.
4)By the time we (to arrive)the party(to finish).
5)-What you (to do)when I (to call)you? - I (to cook)
6)When I (to get )to the playground my friend already(to leave)
7)We (to have)a good long holiday after we(to do)all the work.
Будь ласка допоможіть хто знає срочно))))))))))дякую наперед велике

Скласти речення,але в кожному з них є одне зайве слово

Будь ласка допоможіть швидко!

1 we / home / were / while we / met / weekend / your brother / walking
2 a DvD / was / fell asleep / Pete / when he / watching / were
3 got / David / married / his homework / was / while he / a text massage / doing / from his girlfriend
4 to my classroom / i / leave / to school / at 8.45 a.m. / went / got / and i
5 was/ breakfast and she / sleeping / were / at 7.30 this morning / he / having / was
6 when / cooked / my dad / from work / dinner / he / came back / happened
7 and we / it / wet / to rain / got / started / met

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