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Рассказ на английском про моду подростков в России

5-9 класс

Uli2n7 20 июня 2014 г., 17:17:19 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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20 июня 2014 г., 19:42:22 (9 лет назад)

Teens in Russia try to show all their style in their clothes . They never try to be up with the fashion they don't buy very expensive clothes , they can find cool clothes even in some not great shop . Teens in Russia prefer to wear jeans ans sweaters, tracksuits and so on . Some girls adore to wear dresses and like veriety of shoes , I absolutely understand them ! As for me I never tried to look very great , its good when you feel comfortable in clothes you like  .


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1.they...for us near the door

a)are waiting
c)is waiting
d)am waiting
2.Harry...tv every day
d)is watching
d)are watching
3.What...in the room now?
a)they are doing
b)are they doing
c)do they do
d)they do
4.Ann...French at all
a)is not speakins
b)not speaks
c)doesn not speaking
d)does not speak
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b)is speaking
c)are speaking
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a)am listening
c)am listen
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a)are going
d)is going
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a)am not reading
b)don't read
c)don't reading
d)amn't reading
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b)don't live
c)doesn't live
d)lives not
10.Where...he is from?
a)are you thiking
b)do you think
c)are you think
d)you don't think

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Пожалуйста помогите написать рассказ,буду очень благодарна

Надо рассказ на английском про то как я провеле выходные на пикнеке. по плану 1 типо как доеххали 2 палатку разложили развели костер

3ночью лил дождь

4 камары покуласи

5 палатка из за ветра улетела

6 дома

Плиз хотя бы на русском

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