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Play a grammar trio game ExAMPLE A warm B warmer S the wfrmest clever ,blue,kind fine,pretty,old, small, big ,new,cold, green

1-4 класс

Laurisdarzins 28 дек. 2014 г., 16:17:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 дек. 2014 г., 18:02:42 (9 лет назад)

clever – cleverer – the cleverest
blue –


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Английский текст русскими словами;Small Grey Rabbit answers. When winter comes children wear warm coats. The play snowballs they ski and skate. My home is

near a big red house where a lot of children live. When l look out of my window l see : there are no children who play snowballs . It not snowy .Children do not wear warm coats. They do not ski and skate . Why shall l wear my white coat ? Big white rebbiit says : My dear friend , this winter is not very cold. There is not much snow . That why children don ski and skate . They don play snowballs and they dont wear warm coats .
But all rabbits wear warm white coates in winter. L think you must change your grey coat today
l see says Small Grey Rabbit, L ll run home and change my grey coat . Goodbye
Goodbye, answers clever Big White Rabbit

Раскрой скобки.Поставь прилагательный в сравнительную или превосходную степень. Example: The trainers are bigger than his shoes. (big) 1) The blue

scarf is_____ than the green scarf. (warm) 2) I think the blue jeans are the ________. (good) 3) Look! The red T-shirt is_______ than the yellow T-shirt. (small) 4) Mag's dress is the ________. (beautiful) 5) This black umbrella is the _______ .(bad)

У меня завтра экзамен как выучить быстро расказ The USA is composed of 50 states. It occupies the central part of North American continent. It borders on

Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.he area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean and by the Atlantic Ocean. As the USA is a large country, the climate is different in different regions. For example, the Pacific coast is a region of mild winters and warm, dry summers, but the eastern continental region is watered with rainfall. The region arounc the Great Lakes has changeable weather. There are many big cities in the coun try. They are Washington (the capital of the country). New York , Boston , Chicago , San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit. There are some holidays we celebrate that are not federal holidays but are very popular holidays to celebrate.

напишите , пожалуйста как читать по русски и перевод.

cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

1.Вычеркни лишнее слово.

Theatre, hospital, tree, garage.
Baker's, mechanic, artist, doctor.
Hockey, violin, volleyball, badminton.
Bird, burger, park, serve.
2. Напиши об увлечениях этих людей,как показано в образце. Образец:watch films/go to the cinema/twice a week - Daniel and George like watching films.They
go to the cinema twice a week. Задания: play tennis/have tennis lessons/on Welnesdays and Fridays Harry. play the guitar/have guitar lessons/there times a week Leo. paint/paint pictures/always/Clara. play baseball/have baseball games/at the weekend Paul. and his friends sail/go sailing/every summer Our family .
3.Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.
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