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Talk about the country of the United Kingdom you would most like to visit. Say:

5-9 класс

• where it is situated
• what its symbols are
• what it is famous for
(7-8 предложений)

Никита000444 28 мая 2015 г., 11:44:29 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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28 мая 2015 г., 14:26:33 (9 лет назад)

 The United Kingdom is situated to the north-west of Europe and it is made up of four countries: Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. I would like to visit Scotland.  Scotland has own symbols: the anthem, coat of arms and flag.  Scottish towns look very different from English towns. Scotland is famous for their green parks, gardens and hills. Scotland has an interesting culture and traditions.  I think that Scotland is a very beautiful country.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста!Exercise. Complete the sentences with I’ll+ a suitable verb. Choose the verbs from the

list below:
Have, turn, go, phone, get. do.
Example: I’m too tired to walk home. I think....... I’ll get ........a taxi.

1) I feel a bit hungry. I think ....………...... something to eat. 2) It’s too late to telephone Tom now. I think ………….… him in the morning. 3) ‘It’s a bit cold in this room.’ –‘Is it? .......………….. on the heating then.’ 4) ‘We haven’t got any cigarettes.’ –‘Oh, haven’t we ? ………………. and get some. 5) ‘Did you write that letter to Jack?’ –Oh, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me ....………. it this evening. 6) ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ –‘………....... coffee, please.’

Помогите с Английским языком

A 13. Use the correct past tense in the sentence When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They ____________ (eat).
1) ate
2) were eaten
3) were eating
4) was ate
A 14. Use the correct past tense in the sentence Before Jamie changed jobs, he ____ on a plan to reduce his apartment rent:
1) had been working
2) had worked
3) was work
4) worked
A 15. Use the correct past tense in the sentence When we came back home, the children ___ for two hours.
1) had already be sleeping
2) had already slept
3) had already been sleeping
4) slept
A 16. Use the correct past tense in the sentence When I arrived, Lucy ___ in bed with temperature since lunchtime.
1) had lying
2) had been lying
3) had lied
4) was lied
A 17. Use the correct past tense in the sentence Sean explained why he ___ an essay.
1) hadn’t written
2) hadn’t been writing
3) didn’t write
4) hadn’t been written
A 18. Use the correct past tense in the sentence I ___ the golf club before Martin did it:
1) had joined
2) had been joined
3) have been joining
4) joined

Пажалуста ОООООООЧЧЧЕЕЕНННЬ срочно памагите с Англійськой мовой 4 клас.

Complete the sentences.
1) Should I _______ or ________ the door to open?
2) The shop works from 8 am to 7 pm. It's 7:30 now. The shop is already
3) You can't enter here. It is not an___________. Its an ___________.
4) Go ____________ ahead along the street.
5) Can I see your bus ___________?
6) Cross the road only at the _______________.
7) You must put the _____________into special bins.

Читайте также

(4 - 5 предложений)

Talk about the country of the United Kingdom you would most like to visit. Say:
• where it is situated
• what its symbols are
• what it is famous for
помогите пожалуйста!!!!

ПОМОГИТЕ срочно 6 класс за ответ ставлю лучший и поблагодарю :)

talk about the country of the uk you would most like to visit .:
- where it is situated
- what its symbols are
- what it is famous for

Помогите, пожалуйста!!!Я вас очень прошу!!! 0) You can learn more about the country if you are staying



You can learn more about the country be living in it.

1) Studying abroad seems difficult but interesting to many students.


Students understand how_________________is.

2) Studying abroad is similar to studying at one's home college.


Studying abroad is not __________________studying at home.

3) When you are abroad you can miss your relatives very much/


While abroad you ___________________because you can't see parents and relatives.

4) You are in charge of all your things.


You_________________ everything.

5) You can learn a lot about yourself and the world while studying abroad.


Studying abroad__________________experience you can have

1)What do you remember about the discoverer of America?(Where was he born? Where did he live? What country was he looking for in 1492 when he

discovered the new continent?) 2)what do you know about the first English settlements in America and the first English colonists? 3)why did people in America fight for their independence from England? 4)how can you characterize the colonists? 5)what is the name of the US city where Levi Strauss began making special clothes? 6)what big US cities do you know? 7)how many cents are there in a dollar?what are other american coins?how many cents are there in a nickel a dime and a quarter? 8)what is the name of the US city where Levi Strauss began making special clothes? 9)what are the colours of the American flag?why are there 50 stars on the flag?why are there 13 stripes on it?what do people often call the American flag? 10)the eagle became the officail national symbol og the USA in 1782 didn't it?where can symbol is an olive branch?what symbol is arrows?where can you see the picture of the eagle with an olive branch and arrows? 11)what do Americans celebrate on the 4th of July? 12)the capital of the USA is Washington D.C isn't it?what do the letters D.C stand for?why do people say Washington D.C when they speak about the US capital? ответьте на английском !

очень краткий пересказик 8 предложений очень срочно.... ROBIN HOOD AND THE BUTCHEr. [34] The Sheriff of Nottingham

hated Robin and would have been very glad if any one had killed him.

The Sheriff was a very unkind man. He treated the poor Saxons very badly. He often took away all their money, and their houses and left them to starve. Sometimes, for a very little fault, he would cut off their ears or fingers. The poor people used to go into the wood, and Robin would give them food and money. Sometimes they went home again, but very often they stayed with him, and became his men.

The Sheriff knew this, so he hated Robin all the more, and he was never so happy as when he caught one of Robin's men and locked him up in prison.

But try how he might, he could not catch Robin. All the same Robin used to go [35] to Nottingham very often, but he was always so well disguised that the Sheriff never knew him. So he always escaped.

The Sheriff was too much afraid of him to go into the forest to try to take him. He knew his men were no match for Robin's. Robin's men served him and fought for him because they loved him. The Sheriff's men only served him because they feared him.

One day Robin was walking through the forest when he met a butcher.

This butcher was riding gaily along to the market at Nottingham. He was dressed in a blue linen coat, with leather belt. On either side of his strong grey pony hung a basket full of meat.

In these days as there were no trains, everything had to be sent by road. The roads were so bad that even carts could not go along them very much, for the wheels stuck in the mud. Everything was carried on horseback, in sacks or baskets called panniers.

The butcher rode gaily along, whistling [36] as he went. Suddenly Robin stepped from under the trees and stopped him.

"What have you there, my man?" he asked.

"Butcher meat," replied the man. "Fine prime beef and mutton for Nottingham Market. Do you want to buy some?"

"Yes, I do," said Robin. "I'll buy it all and your pony too. How much do you want for it? I should like to go to Nottingham and see what kind of butcher I will make."

So the butcher sold his pony and all his meat to Robin. Then Robin changed clothes with him. He put on the butcher's blue clothes and leather belt, and the butcher went off in Robin's suit of Lincoln green, feeling very grand indeed.

Then Robin mounted his pony and off he went to Nottingham to sell his meat at the market.

When he arrived he found the whole town in a bustle. In those days there were very few shops, so every one used to go to market to buy and sell. The country people brought butter and eggs and honey to sell. With the money they got they bought platters [37] and mugs, pots and pans, or whatever they wanted, and took it back to the country with them.

All sorts of people came to buy: fine ladies and poor women, rich knights and gentlemen, and humble workers, every one pushing and crowding together. Robin found it quite difficult to drive his pony through the crowd to the corner of the market place where the butchers had their stalls.

He got there at last, however, laid out his meat, and began to cry with the best of them.

"Prime meat, ladies. Come and buy. Cheapest meat in all the market, ladies. Come buy, come buy. Twopence a pound, ladies. Twopence a pound. Come buy. Come buy."

"What!" said every one, "beef at twopence a pound! I never heard of such a thing. Why it is generally tenpence."

You see Robin knew nothing at all about selling meat, as he never bought any. He and his men used to live on what they shot in the forest.

[38] When it became known that there was a new butcher, who was selling his meat for twopence a pound, every one came crowding round his stall eager to buy. All the other butchers stood idle until Robin had no more beef and mutton left to sell.

As these butchers had nothing to do, they began to talk among themselves and say, "Who is this man? He has never been here before."

"Do you think he has stolen the meat?"

"Perhaps his father has just died and left him a business."

"Well, his money won't last long at this rate."

"The sooner he loses it all, the better for us. We will never be able to sell anything as long as he comes here giving away beef at twopence a pound."

"It is perfectly ridiculous," said one old man, who seemed to be the chief butcher. "These fifty years have I come and gone to Nottingham market, and I have never seen the like of it—never. He is ruining the trade, that's what he is doing.

[39] They stood at their stalls sulky and cross, while all their customers crowded round Robin.

Shouts of laughter came from his corner, for he was not only selling beef and mutton, but making jokes about it all the time.

"I tell you what," said the old butcher, "it is no use standing here doing nothing. We had better go talk to him, and find out, if we can, who he is. We must ask him to come and have dinner with us and the Sheriff in the town-hall to-day." For on market days the butchers used to have dinner altogether in the town-hall, after market was over, and the Sheriff used to come and have dinner with them.

"So, the butchers stepped up to jolly Robin,

Acquainted with him for to be;

Come, butcher, one said, we be all of one trade,

Come, will you dine with me?"

"Thank you," said Robin. "I should like [40] nothing better. I have had a busy morning and am very hungry and thirsty."

"Come along, then," said the butchers.

The old man led the way with Robin, and the others followed two by two.

As they walked along, the old butcher began asking Robin questions, to try and find out something about him.

"You have not been here before?" he said.

"Have I not?" replied Robin.

"I have not seen you, at least."

"Have you not?"

"You are new to the business?"

"Am I?"

"Well, you seem to be," said the old butcher, getting rather cross.

"Do I?" replied Robin laughing.

At last they came to the town-hall, and though they had talked all the time the old butcher had got nothing out of Robin, and was not a bit wiser.

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