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They are very good friends. - вопросы к высказыванию (на английском)

1-4 класс

Ojsha 18 янв. 2015 г., 11:31:42 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 янв. 2015 г., 12:25:30 (9 лет назад)

1. Are they good friends?

2. Are they good or bad friends?

3. Are they friends or enemies?

4. Are they enemies?

5. They are good friends, aren't they?

6. Who are they?

7. What friends are they?

8. Who are good friends?

+ 0 -
18 янв. 2015 г., 13:38:26 (9 лет назад)

They are very good friends

ARE they  very good friends?- общий

They are very good friends, aren*t they?- разделительный

Are they  very good friends or relatives? Are they  or we  very good friends?Are they  very good or excellent  friends?  - альтернативный

What are they? - специальные

Who is a good friend?

Who are they?

What kind of friends are they?



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1- общий
2- специальный
для следующих предложений:
1) Billy likes sweets and honey.
2) Mary runs in the forest.
3) Cats run and jump well.

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Скажи, к кому или к чему в сказке относятся слова. Example: The letterbox is nice. 1) nice 2) good friends 3) shines in the dark night 4) takes the

letters and the postcards. We have got a letterbox in our street. He is very nice and people [pi:pl] (люди) post their letters and postcards into him. Every day the postman comes and takes the letters and postcards. Near the letterbox there stands a lamp (фонарь). They are very good friends. The lamp shines (светит) in the dark night. He shows the people their way (путь) home and where to post their letters. One night the lamp says to the letterbox: "I think I've caught a cold (простудился). I want to sneeze (чихнуть)." And he sneezes.

Переведи начало английской сказки ,,Умная Миранда" Д. Биссета. We have got a letterbox in our Street. He is very nice and people post

their letters postcards into him.Every day the postman comes and takes the letters and postcard.

Near the letterbox there stends a lamp.

They are very good friends.

The lamp shines in the dark night. He shows the people their way home and there to post their letters.

One night the lamp says to the letterbox:" I think i' ve caught a cold. I want to sneeze".

And he sneezes/

помогите задать вопросы к тексту на английском языке The Brons are a family of five .They are Mr Brown,Mrs Brown.

their two sons ,Bob and Tom,and a daughter called Liz.
The Browns are from Greit Britain.They live in London.
Mr Browns is a doctor.Mrs Browns does not work.She's got a lot
of work to do at home.Bob is ten and Tom is eight.They are pupils.Bob doesn't want to be a doctor but Tom does.Bob wants to be a pilot.The boys like to play football and hockey.They play these sports at the school sports ground.Liz doesn't go to school yet-she is four.What a nice funny girl she is.Her mum ,dad and her brothers love her very much.She loves them all,too.Liz likes to play hide-and-seek and to skip.
Mr Brown.Mrs Brown go to the swimming poold with their sons and their daugther.They all like to swim very much.
The family has got a dog.His name is Rex.He's a very big black dog.Rex likes to swim,too,but the Browns don't take to the swimming pool.Rex is very sorry about it.

Hi, Jake! I like animals. I of ten go to the zoo. There are many animal there. There are five foxs, they are red. There are three brown bear and one polar

bears. They are very big and strong. Many mouses live in the zoo. They are so little! Some funny monkeies live there. They like bananas.There are many bird in the zoo. They are white, black and o rey. I like going to the zoo! помогите пожалуйста найти в тексте ошибки.

people have different opinions about learning english. what's your opinion. `why must i learn english` pete is a little boy. his family lives in a big

house in green street. his father is a dentist. he works hard in a hospital. his mother is a housewife. she works hard about the house.pete is eight. he goes to school. he likes his school. he likes everything he learns there. but he doesnt like english. he does not want to learn it.today pete's teacher gives him a bad mark in english. when pete comes home from school his father says ``again a bad mark in english ! shame on you, pete !he is sorry and looks down. then he looks up and asks his father, ``why must i learn english? i dont know with whom i can speak english`` ``you silly boy! you can speak english with your teacher and your friends. and you can watch tv films in english`` says his father.``i can speak russian with them,`` says pete, `` i know russian very well.`` `` but if english or american children come to see us, dont you want to speak with them? asks petes father``of course, i do.`` says pete. ``well. dear, and then dont you want to go to england or america?`` asks petes father. ``i d love to.``says pete. then you must know english well if you want to speak with your english or american friends.pete thinks a little and then asks. but do american and english children learn russian. oh yes and they are very good pupils says peters father. its great then i can speak russian with them says pete shame on you a lazy boy dont be angry father its a joke i know why i must learn english i am glad that you are clever my son to understand it get only good marks in english

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