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вставить предлоги "a" или "the" там, где это нужно.

5-9 класс

Usually I can't stand ___ war films but we went to ___ Odeon cinema the other day and saw ___ really fantastic film. The action began in ___ United states, then moved to ___ Britain. It was about ___ soldier who decides he doesn't want to fight any more and runs away from ___ army. He travels as far as ___ Scotland before he is caught and sent abroad on active service. The film is full of ___ suspense and is very exciting. ___ people in the audience seemed to enjoy it very much, and when it finished, no one appeared to be in a hurry to leave the cinema.

Alekseevnadary 02 июня 2013 г., 18:54:41 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 июня 2013 г., 19:49:08 (10 лет назад)

Usually I can't stand ___ war films but we went to ___ Odeon cinema the other day and saw a really fantastic film. The action began in the United States, then moved to ___ Britain. It was about a soldier who decides he doesn't want to fight any more and runs away from the army. He travels as far as ___ Scotland before he is caught and sent abroad on active service. The film is full of ___ suspense and is very exciting. ___ people in the audience seemed to enjoy it very much, and when it finished, no one appeared to be in a hurry to leave the cinema.


Другие вопросы из категории

Make up words

1)e,i s c n e c
2)t y h s i o r
3)a m d r a
4)s a t h m
5)f o i r a n m t i n o
6)s i l p a h y c
составте слова

You know the words in colum A . Read the sentences and guess what the words in column B mean.

invent inventive lie to lie
investigate investigation to reach reach
behhaviour misbehaviour duty dutiful
courage courageous event eventful
rewarding reward fair unfair

1)What an inventive mind this child had!
2)Alec's misbehaviour is shocking!He has been telling lies about all of us!
3)It was a courageous decision.
4)They gave the old gentleman a gold watch as a reward for his kindness.
5)We had a really eventful

day.In the morning we went to the centre of Moscow and did the sights

of the Kremlin.We had lunch at the tower restaurant and in the evening

we went to the Bolshoi Theatre.
6)Irene is a dutiful daughter always doing what her mother asks.
7)Why should you watch television while I do all the things about the house?It's unfair!
8)He said he had never been there but he was lying.
9)We live within easy reach of the shops.
10)The bottle was behind his reach but within ours.
11)She is still under investigation by the Spanish police.
12)His services were rewarded.

Читайте также

Вставь слова там где это нужно.

А.nice day ...
B.it'll rain tomorrow ..
A.are you sure?..
B. we'll arrange a picnic tomorrow .it always rains for the picnic..
A.i don't think so..

Поставьте предлоги там,где это нужно:(помогите пожалуйста!очень нужно!)

1.The table is.... the room
2. We are ....home.
3. I take it ....the table.(из-под).
4......a cold day I met my friends.
5. .....winter I did a lot of work.

Поставьте предлоги там,где это нужно:(помогите пожалуйста!очень срочно нужно!)

1.The table is.... the room
2. We are ....home.
3. I take it ....the table.(из-под).
4......a cold day I met my friends.
5. .....winter I did a lot of work.

Поставьте артикли (a,the) там,где это необходимо: 1) ...Ann is ....school girl. 2)....flat....is not .....big. 3)This....lamp



5).....St.Petersburg is.....beautiful....city

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