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In 500 years will the world be defferent. Сочинение или на русском что будет через 500 лет в мире. Помогите!!!

5-9 класс

Лизо444 20 июня 2013 г., 10:43:15 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 июня 2013 г., 11:35:02 (10 лет назад)

Через 500 лет мир станет более развит. Будут такие технологии, как искусственные горничные - роботы, которые будут выполнять всю работу за вас. Будут изобретены специальные чипы, на которые можно грузить информацию, и вы сможете знать все, что есть на этих чипах. У каждого ребенка и подростка будет свой мини-автомобиль.


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Помогите правильно перевести на английский язык :

Это случилось летом 2013-го. В августе, я, мама и папа находились в домике моей бабушки. Мы решили сходить на пляж. На пляже мой папа увидел тонущего мальчика и сразу же бросился в воду. Он спас его и тот поблагодарил моего папу. Мой папа - герой.
Вывод: Не заплывайте за буйки!

почему эти животные самые лучшие?

my rabbit is (fat)
my parrot is (happy)
my mose is (pretty)
my fish is (small)
me bird is (beautiful)
образец: my cat is (big) my cat is bigges

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you are preparing to host a group of American students in your school. In work groups collect the material for a welcome booklet, which you can

give to your guests to help them adapt to life in Russia. Follow the steps.1. Answer these questions and explain your answers.What extreme situation might they face?What unforgettable experience might they have?What may create a bad impression on them? What may change in their vision of the world as a result of the visit?What is the biggest challenge they might face? What unique features of the place might they appreciate?What may frustrate them?2. Write brief answers to each question without explanations on a sheet of paper. 3. Choose a member of your group and send him/her to another group with your list of answers. 4. Look at the other group's answers and guess the reasons the group had for giving these answers.

помогите,пожалуйста:) - Chinese is recognized as the world's largest language in terms of native speakers. The next four

(1)__________ languages - English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic are likeky to be equally ransed. In the future German will (2)_______, and the influence of Chinese and Arabic will grow (3)__________.

- Less and less people are learning (4)________ languaes in the UK and the USA, because they believe that everybody speaks or will speak English, which in one of the most (5)_________ languages.

- Thouggh English is spoken in many different ways in defferent parts of the world, Standard English (6)________ the language for international (7)________.

- Every language (8)________ new words from other languages. Without new words languages can't grow and change. That's why many old, small languages are (9)__________ out now.

1) a. major b. bigger c.such

2) a. become b.die c. expand

3) a. enormous b. enormously c. highly

4) a. foreign b. international c. official

5) a. widespread b. worldwide c. world

6) a. remains b. ranks c. is recognized

7) a.recognition b. communication c. reputation

8) a. expands b. exports c. borrows

9) a. dying b. going c. expanding

Помогите пожалуйста расставить слова. - Chinese is recognized as the world's largest language in terms of native speakers. The next

four (1)__________ languages - English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic are likeky to be equally ransed. In the future German will (2)_______, and the influence of Chinese and Arabic will grow (3)__________. - Less and less people are learning (4)________ languaes in the UK and the USA, because they believe that everybody speaks or will speak English, which in one of the most (5)_________ languages. - Thouggh English is spoken in many different ways in defferent parts of the world, Standard English (6)________ the language for international (7)________. - Every language (8)________ new words from other languages. Without new words languages can't grow and change. That's why many old, small languages are (9)__________ out now.

1) a. major b. bigger c.such

2) a. become b.die c. expand

3) a. enormous b. enormously c. highly

4) a. foreign b. international c. official

5) a. widespread b. worldwide c. world

6) a. remains b. ranks c. is recognized

7) a.recognition b. communication c. reputation

8) a. expands b. exports c. borrows

9) a. dying b. going c. expanding

Online or in class? many people belive that there won't be any schools in the future. instead,students will learn at home with the help of a

personal computer and the Internet.

it is true that technology plays a big part in learing today. in many parts of the world, students use personal computers to write their school assignments or keep notes of lectures. waht's wore, students go online to look up useful information or do an online course.

however, computers will never be able to replace teachers. teachers motivate their students, help them out with difficult tasks, answer their questions and give clear explanations. moreover, teachers show young children how to behave and act as role models for them.

to sum up, tehnology can help students learn things. unfortunately, it cannot offer them the inspiration and support that teachers can.


Перевод текста. Siberia has the world'd deepest known lake — the breathtakingly beautiful Lake Baikal. It is so clear that if

you drop a coin into the water, the coin can be seen clearly at a depth of a hundred feet. Lake Baikal is also the world's largest freshwater lake with one fifth of the Earth's liquid fresh water.

On several trips to Baikal over the past few years, I have come to know the lake, and have listened to many people who live nearby and worry about its future.

It has a special place in the hearts of Russians and is a symbol of beauty. This huge old lake — clear, beautiful, and surrounded by the wilderness of Siberia — is the world treasure but it can only remain so if the world treats it with love and respect.

First lay the mirror in the dish of water at an angle of about 30°. You may need to hold it there with sticky tape. Then fill the dish with water. At this stage place your dish in a strong beam of sunlight so that the light falls across the mirror. Next look around the room for a reflection of white light, not far away you will see a rainbow. Finally try moving the mirror slightly and watch the rainbow move.

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