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Составить слова из букв e e t w s

5-9 класс

ДАНИКИН 13 марта 2014 г., 15:26:24 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 марта 2014 г., 17:30:00 (10 лет назад)

sweet - сладкий , конфета 

+ 0 -
13 марта 2014 г., 18:39:05 (10 лет назад)

sweet, tee, wet, see, we.


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Make questions. 1. ____________________? Cotton is grown in hot countries. 2. ____________________? They have been living here for two years. 3.

____________________? Paul has written lots of poems. 4. ____________________? Alex has just won a prize. 5. ____________________? We have been running because it is late. Finish the sentences. Use enough or too. Choose from these words: long, fast, young, heavy, sweet. 1. l can't lift the suitcase because (too) _______________ . 2. I can't Eat these grapes because (enough)__________ . 3. I can't wear this belt (enough) ____________________ . 4. She can't go to school because (too) ______________ . 5. He can't win the race because (enough) _________ . 2.

clyde barrow was a young american . he didn't have a job- he robbed banks . one day f_ _ _ in love with a girl called Bonny Parker, and she becamea c_

_ m _ _ _ _ , too. Bonny and Clyde h_ _ a lot of adventures and they b_ _ _ _ _ famous . Bonny didn"t kill any people , but Clyde was g_ _ _ty of m_ _ d_ _ . The police tried to a_ _ _s_ them, but the always e_ _ _p_ _ . Then finally, in 1923 , the police caught Bonny and Clyde, but they didnt send them to p_ _ s_ _ - they killed them.

Переведите умоляю! On Salisbury Plain Rosy: We're nearly there! Look out of the window. What can you

Misha: I can see a circle of huge stones. What is it?
Robin: I can't believe it. I can see the Giants' Ring. It's still here!
Misha: What do you know about this place? Who built it?
Robin: My father believes it was an old Druid temple. Druids worshipped the sun here. But there's a build built beautiful legend about this place. Let me brin brought
tell you. In the fifth century there was a magic place in England called Camelot. The kings of Camelot were kind and strong. Their best friend was Merlin who was a great wizard. It all happened after a big war. A lot of soldiers died for their country and the king. The king's brother Ambrosius wanted to build a monument to his soldiers. "This monument must stand forever," he said to Merlin.
Rosy:"Send for the Giants' Ring, which is in Ireland. In that place, there's a circle of stones. No man from our time could build it. The stones are huge and nobody on earth is strong enough to move them. The giants brought them to Ireland from Africa. They used the stones to cure diseases. You must take the stones from Ireland and put them in the same position on Salisbury Plain. Then, they will stand forever." Ambrosius and his soldiers went to Ireland and found the huge stone ring, but they couldn't move it. Finally, Merlin used his magic and brought the stones to this place. The legend also says, Merlin's grave is under these stones. That's a very beautiful legend, Robin, but I don't believe it. The name of this place is Stonehenge. It is older than the pyramids in Egypt. My brother Mark will tell you all about it.

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нужно составить слова

P,s,i,h,k,y - составить слово, 2 буквы лишние;

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e l c i d o s u i
t s e e w s
t m e a
l a g s h p t e t

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Составьте, пожалуйста, слово из букв srki-kitgan. Тема: "Hobbies & Personalities".

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