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I was about to print my report when I found out that somebody (delete) all the information on my computer. 2. He (search ) for something on the Internet

5-9 класс

and didn't pay any attention to the real world.3. I (call) my provider and they improved it somehow. 4. If people had no Internet,they (communicate) live more.5. Don't you think he (become) too addicted to the computer. 6. You never know what kind of people may get to it and how it can (use) by them. 7. The Internet (invent)in the twentieth century.

Ckfdf4932 04 янв. 2015 г., 8:11:03 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 янв. 2015 г., 8:51:47 (9 лет назад)

I was about to print my report when I found out that somebody had deleted all the information on my computer.
2. He was searching for something on the Internet and didn't pay any attention to the real world.
3. I called my provider and they improved it somehow.
4. If people had no Internet, they would communicate live more.
5. Don't you think he has become too addicted to the computer.
6. You never know what kind of people may get to it and how it can be used by them.
7. The Internet was invented in the twentieth century.


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Why is english so popular
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Самая маленькая комната-ванная. Вокруг моего дома большой сад. В нем много яблонь. В этом году много яблок,но цветов уже нет. Сейчас ранняя осень. Сентябрь. Вечер.Небольшой ветерок,но все еще довольно тепло. Бабье лето. Прекрасная погода! В Москве идет дождь,а у нас в городе пока сухо. Говорят,дождь будет завтра

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1.I was about to print my report when i found out that somebody..........all the information on my computer.DELETE

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1. i was about to print report i found out that somebody ________(delete) all the information on my computer
2. mike didn t even look at me when l entered his room . He _____(search) for somethimg on the internet and didn t pay any attention to the real world

0) Simon was not happy to find out that Doctor Who had been named only the fourth among the most popular dramas ( to be happy / to be named)

1)Don was not surprised that Doctor Who ________________ the National Award. He added that in 2005 Doctor Who______________ the Award. ( to win / to be given)
2)Douglas was happy that Who Wants to be a Millionaire_________________ the first among the most popular quiz shows. He remembered that in 2005 it only_____________ third place ( to be named / to take)
3)Charlotte was glad that her favourite TV programme Planet Earth _____________. She was proud that in 2006 it___________ the biggest audience. ( to be awarded / to get)
4) Catherine told her classmates that her favourite show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me out of Here___________ the National Award. She added that in 2006 the show__________ first place among the most popular reality shows. ( to be given / to win)
5) Susie found out that Strictly Come Dancing____________ the National TV Award and complained that in 2005 that marvelous show_______________ anything. ( to get / to get)
6) Laure said with regret that in 2006 EastEnders_________ the first place. She added that in 2005 the serial___________ the winner among the most popular serial dramas. ( to win / to be named)
7) Hazel was surprised that such a boring soap as Emmerdale_______________ so high. She also said that the only soap she______________ for many years was Neighbours ! (to be rated / to watch)
Помогите, пожалуйста!))

требуется грамотный перевод: When I called on Sherlock Holmes on the second morning after Christmas, he was lying on the sofa next to some newspa

pers. On a chair, there was a very dirty old hat and a magnifying glass.
I suppose,” I said:”that there is a story about that hat which will help so another mysterious crime.”
“There is no crime,” said Sherlock Holmes laughing.”Just a strange little incident. Peterson, the door attendant, found the hat. At about 4 o’clock in the morning, he was coming back from a party when he saw a tall carrying a goose. Suddenly, two thugs appeared. One pushed the man and the other thug tried to take the goose. Peterson went to protect the man, but saying some in uniform he dropped the goose and ran away. All the attacker disappeared so Peterson was left with both the goose and old hat. There was a card with the goose saying ”For the Mrs Henry Baker” and the initials ”H.B” inside the hat but there are a lot Henry Baker in London. Peter did not know what to do with either the hat all the goose so he brought both to me on Christmas morning. I kept the hat and Peterson had the goose for his Christmas dinner.”
“So can you find any clues about the man from this old hat?”
“What can you see,Watson?”
“Well,it is an ordinary black hat.The lining is made of red silk and there is no elastic.There is some dust on it and several spots.Someone has tried to cover all of the spots with ink,But I can not see any clues.”
“Well,Watson,the hat tells us a lot about the hat’s owner.He used to be quite rich but something must have happened to him,probably with drink.His wife no longer loves him.He is middle-aged with grey hair-which he has had cut recently.He does not do much exercise and he has not got gas in his house. ”
“You must be joking Holmes.How do you know all that information?”
“Elementary,my dear Watson.”
After that,Holmes explained all the clues about the hat to Watson. Then Peterson came into the room carrying an enormous diamond which his wife had found inside the goose.Holmes realized that this was the famous diamond stolen from a countess when she was staying at a London hotel .Two hotel servants had been involved.One was the butler,James Horner,a plumber.Horner had been working in the countess’room when Ryder noticed that the diamond had been stolen.Since then,Horner had been in prison for several days.Sherlock Holmes decided to asvertise for the goose and hat in the newspapers,That evening a man appeared;it was Baker.Baker did not know anything about the goose.They went there and saw a man,who turned out to be Ryder,the hotel butler,asking about the goose.Holmes invited him back to his house and when Holmes mentioned the diamond Ryder confessed that he had stolen it.After Horner’s arrest,Ryder had gone to his sister’s house to hide the diamond.There had been some geese in the garden and Ryder had put the diamond into its mouth and then asked his sister for this goose for Christmas.Later,he had taken the goose away and killed it there was no diamond as he had chosen the wrong goose!Holmes had enough proof to put Ryder into prison,but he decided to let the man go.In the end,Horner was released from the prison and the diamond returned to the countess.

Помогите вставить слово пропущенное в предложении.He was very brave __ ___ of the dangers involved.even with

in spite
even though

He is _____ a very good chef.
considered of
famous for
believed to be

She borrowed money _____ looking for work.

as opposed of
instead of

The job sounds fantastic and I am _____ to get started.


We would have got lost if it _____ the map.

hadn't been
would have been
hadn't been for
hadn't done

On _____ nights the shop closes early.


We don't have _____ of those items.


He drives a black car, _____ he?


The letter _____ this morning.

has delivered
was delivered
have been delivered
will be delivering

_____ what day do you leave?

On From In Of

Let's go somewhere less noisy, _____ we?


He's thinking of _____ Alaska this year.

going of
to go
to go to
going to

Are you sure that you _____ all the questions on the exam this morning.

had answered
have answered
to answer
are answering

My teacher _____ born in Japan.

have been
has been

You need to _____ quiet after 10 pm.


I would love to go for a drink, but I don't _____ enough time.

would have
will have

How _____ your trip?


We _____ trying to fix the problem.

are still

have still been

The party was fun, _____ loud the music was.

even though

The dog ran _____ after the rabbit.


She _____ me a letter last week.


It's a strange taste, but you _____ used to it.


You _____ your passport.

need to
will need
will needed
have need

Is Amina in the office today? - Yes, she _____.


The singer was popular because he knew _____ the crowd.

how to entertaining
to be entertaining
how to entertain
how to entertains

She speaks the language very _____.

I love chips! - _____!

I do so
I too
So do me
So do I

It's good, but I am not _____ satisfied.


I have met a lot of musicians, _____ of whom were very talented.

I _____ that is a good idea.

don't thought
don't think
doesn't think
don't thinks

It has been a _____ bad year for rain.


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