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5-9 класс

Shadowsv2 18 апр. 2015 г., 19:12:00 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2015 г., 21:15:59 (9 лет назад)

2. it rains.
3. it doesn't rain.
4. they will die.
5. we will be able to perform the play.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите срочно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20 баллов

8. What does Halloween represent to farmers? a. it’s a time to give thanks b. the end of summer and the beginning of winter c. commemoration of Saint Patrick d. family gatherings, picnics and sports activities.

Think about the questions and write a brief report about the types of clubs and activities in your school. Remember to include an introduction, body and



Why are clubs important in schools?
How do they help students?


What clubs and extra activities are available at your school?
When do the activities take place?
How many students are there in the different clubs?
Is the number of students in school clubs going up or down?


Why is the number of students so high/low at your school?
What would you recommend to get more students to join clubs?
How do you think clubs could be improved?

Продолжите предложения:

I think reading is...
Reading is a way for me to...
My favorite genres are...
This week I have been reading...
I would recommend... because...

Привет всем

Переведите текст Карпюк 6класс
the tortoise and the hare
Очень прошу помогите

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Дорогие помогите мне пожалусто!кто хорошо знает Английский язык и читает хорошо по Англ.яз

When Edison was a boy of fifteen,he worked as a telegraph operator.He had to be on duty froom 7 p.m to 7 a.m and give a signal every hour to prove that he did not sleep.The signals were made with astonishing exactness. One night an inspector arrived and saw Edison sleeping in a chair. He was about to shake him when he caught sight of a mechanism on a table near clock pointed to the hour the instrument got busy and one lever threw open the key while the other sent the signal ever the wire.The inspecter seized the sleeping boy,roused him and fired him.That is why the first of Edison's numerous invention was never patented ...этот текст мне нужно написать по русскому как он читается.Например(Hello-хэллоу)вот так весь текст мне надо помогите пожалусто а то тему здать надо.А в англ яз я не сильна:((((

плиз помогите ето мне на завтра заданно написать по 2 вопроса к каждому реченню каких небуть вопросов но к етим реченням 1 )peter and sue invited their fri

ends to the tea party. 2) PEOPLE of different countries have their own traditions. 3) Ukrainians celebrate Easter in April or in May. Заранние спасибо! помогите пожалусто мне ето на завтра заданно =*(

Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение на тему "Мое будущее и будущее планеты", можете написать на русском, переведу сама.. Мне нужно срочно, не успеваю и


Составить предложения из слов ! помогите!!! 1) Me , He , Where , Tell , Lives. 2) Do , Spend , Summer , You , Holidays , Your , Where , Usually ? 3) Want

, Where , Usually , Summer , Your , I , To know , Holidays , You , Spend ?Помогите Пожалуста!

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