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помогите напишите в прошедшом времени по англисскиLook at the pictyres and answer the question: What did Santa Claus do yesterday? 1.have brekfast 2. meet

1-4 класс

the postman 3. read the children s letters 4. put the Christmas presents into the bag 5. get into nhe sleigh 6. fly in the sky 7. climb the chimney 8. put the presents into the stockings

Helenrl 07 мая 2015 г., 0:03:43 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 мая 2015 г., 0:48:56 (9 лет назад)

 1. had breakfast
2. met the postman
3.read the children's letters
4. put the Christmas presents into the bag
5.got into the sleigh
6.flew in the sky
7.climbed the chimney

+ 0 -
07 мая 2015 г., 1:32:08 (9 лет назад)

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HELP!!! PLEASE!!! задание 3

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36.(с.61)Look at the pictures and answer the question: "What did Santa Claus do yesterday?"

Напишите всё по английски в прошедшем времени. (Past Simple)Read what Barbara Grey says about a typical working day.

i usually get up at 7 O'CLOCK I WALK TO SCHOOL .I HOVE 5 OR 6 LESSONS A day .I teach 10-year-old pupils in the lesson we speak english ask and answer questions, read and transiate, play games and take tests .I give only good marks my students don't speak russial in the lessons when i get home im always tired so i have a rest
idont go for a walk in the evening i watch tv and igo to bed at about 11 oclock
i always sleep well.

Напишите всё по английски в прошедшом времени. (Past Simple)

Read what Barbara Grey says about a typical working day.
i usually get up at 7 O'CLOCK I WALK TO SCHOOL .I HOVE 5 OR 6 LESSONS A day .I teach 10-year-old pupils in the lesson we speak english ask and answer questions, read and transiate, play GAMES and take tests .I give only good marks my students don't speak russial in the lessons when i get home im always tired so i have a rest
idont go for a walk in the evening i watch tv and igo to bed at about 11 oclock.
I always sleep well
Помогите плиз[t

Сделайте 2 текста в прошедшем времени по ангийскому.:) Dear Kate, 1 текст. I am at the seaside.The weather is nice.The water is very

warm.There are somedolphins in the sea.We can see them.They like to play and jump.

Love Eddy

2 текст.Dear mum my holiday are great here.I like a visit to the zoo.The monkeys are the funniest there.I also learn a lot about whales.There is the biggest whale at the zoo.It is twenty seven metres long.

Your Meg

Помогите с глаголами прошедшего времени по Англ яз

Пример:lose-lost, go-went, eat-ate

A вот слова:leave,have,take,meet,break

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