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Перевести на русский и из этих предложений нужно чтоб получился текс (поставить предложения в нужном порядке) Yesterday my pupils had

1-4 класс

tree lessons .

They counted flowers and played computer games/

During the second break they ate bananas and chocolate ? drank orange juice.

The first lesson was Maths.

My pupils had English in the second lesson.

During the third lesson my pupils sang as lovely English song and drew pictures .

They spoke English copyed new words asked and answered the questions.

My pupils hsd a good time at school.

Перевести на русский и из этих предложений нужно чтоб получился текс (поставить предложения в нужном порядке)

Dasha158 19 апр. 2015 г., 13:19:47 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 апр. 2015 г., 14:51:51 (9 лет назад)


Yesterday my pupils had tree lessons .

The first lesson was Maths.
My pupils had English in the second lesson.
They spoke English copyed new words asked and answered the questions.

During the second break they ate bananas and chocolate ? drank orange juice.
During the third lesson my pupils sang as lovely English song and drew pictures .

They counted flowers and played computer games.

My pupils hsd a good time at school.

+ 0 -
19 апр. 2015 г., 16:19:58 (9 лет назад)

1)My pupils had three lessons yesterday. (Мои ученики имель 3 урока вчера)
2) похоже что никак не изменяется и слово counted переводится как считался, пересчитывал, то есть от слова счёт, подсчёт и перевод получается такой Они считали цветы и играли в компьютерные игры.
3)They ate bananas and chocolate, drank orange juice during the second break.( Они ели бананы и шоколад, пили апельсиновый сок во время второй перемены)
4)Maths was the first lesson. ( Математика была первым уроком)

5) тоже кажется не изменяется ( Мои ученики имели Английский на втором уроке)

6)My pupils sang a lovely English song and drew pictures during the third lesson.( Мои ученики пели милую английскую песню и рисовали картины во время третьего урока)

7)Не изменяется. ( Они говорили на английском, копировали новые слова, спрашивали  и отвечали на вопросы)
 8)Тоже не изменяется ( Мои ученики имели хорошее время в школе)
 Порядок возможно такой: 1, 4,2,5,7,3,6,8.


Другие вопросы из категории

как будет на английском касета
I would like to tell you what happened to my uncle Oscar, or I would rather try to understand it and explain it to you. My uncle Oscar was a very nice

man. Every morning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday he usually took the seven-forty-five (7.45) bus and started for work. He went to the bank early in the morning as he was an accountant (and by the way, a very good one). He worked hard all day long and returned home rather late. My uncle was forty-seven years old, married and had two children. His wife’s name was Agatha. Aunt Agatha was fond of talking and always talked too much and in a very loud voice. That’s why I think Uncle Oscar sel-dom had much to say. Their two children, Elizabeth and Julian, were not very pleasant. Both of them were large and loud like their mother. And they were selfish and greedy too. They didn’t think about their father much. He was a lit-tle quiet man, who spoke little and went about unnoticed. He liked music but didn’t play any musical instrument. He practically never went to the theatre or to the cinema and he didn’t visit exhibitions or museums either. Uncle Oscar didn’t go in for sports. You could never see him in the sitting room in front of the television watching sports programmes. Uncle Oscar never complained about his boring life. I knew he had a hobby. He had a very good collection of stamps and he was happy only when he worked on his stamp collection. His children took no interest in their father’s hobby. But I, his nephew, did. Uncle Oscar showed me some stamps and ex-plained that they were really very expensive. Then on the 14th of October 1971 Uncle Oscar got up as usual at six-forty-five, made his own breakfast (Aunt Agatha, Elizabeth and Julian were still in bed; they never got up before 8), left the house and went to the bust stop. Some people who were at the bus stop that day didn’t see him at all. The others were not so sure. They couldn’t say anything definite. But that was the kind of per-son Uncle Oscar was: other people seldom noticed him. One thing was certain, he never got to the bank that morning.
1)Who is the narrator of the story?2)How many members were there in Uncle Oscar's family?3)How old was Uncle Oscar ?4) What was his job?5. Who talked a lot in his family? Who was always quiet?6. Do you think Uncle Oscar’s children loved their father? Why?7. What was Uncle Oscar’s hobby?8. Why was Uncle Oscar’s life boring?9. Uncle Oscar didn't go in for sports, did he?10. Where did Uncle Oscar go on the 14th of October? Did he get there?
Ответъи на вопросы на английском по тексту

как прочитать слово this
Номер 2 и 3


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Перевод на русский язык They ...(come) to Mrs Tiger's shop.There ...(be) a lot of T-shirts and shorts there."Good morning,Mrs Tiger," ...(say)

Father Elephant. "Have you got a T-shirt and shorts for my Baby Elephant?" ...(ask) Father Elephant. But wait a little,and my little Tigers will make him a nice big T-shirt and shorts," ...(answer)Mrs Tiger. The little Tigers ...(make) a nice new blue T-shirt and white shorts for Baby Elephant.Then father Elephant ...(put) them on Baby Elephant. Baby Elephant ...(be) very happy,and he ...(say) Перевод на русский

(Как эти высказывания перевести на русский язык)Соединить русское с английским

1.to tread on smb's cofns(toes)
2.put your best foot forward!
3.to throw dust in smb's eyes
4.you have only yourself to blame
5.to catch smb in the act
6.the earth seemed to swallow smb up
7.to set the wolf to keep the sheep
8.to put down roots
9.to raise one's hands
10. to appear out of the blue

a)разводить руками
b)пускать козла в огород
c)наступать на мозоль
d)попасть с поличным
e)словно в неба свалиться
f)для отвода глаз
g)одна нога здесь,другая там!
h)провалиться сквозь землю
i)пенять на самого себя
j)пускать корни

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