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Помогите сделать инглишь вот задание: Сomplete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct from. Вот слова которые надо вставить: be, take, switch,

5-9 класс

work, get, fly. Теперь предложения куда надо вставить слова: 1) Maria ......... of her MP3 player when she's at school. 2) Martha and Katie live far from their school, but they ........ on time for class every day. 3) You don't have to .............. part in the school performance if you don't want. 4) Ivan is an excellent student and always.....

11111111111112222 13 апр. 2015 г., 22:11:00 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 0:00:36 (9 лет назад)

switches, are, take, works

+ 0 -
31 авг. 2019 г., 13:05:21 (4 года назад)

Весьма полезная штука --- а чо милинько... скачать fifa 15 ultimate team, fifa 15 скачать play market и fifa 15 cracked by glowstorm fifa 15 cracked by glowstorm 3 dm

+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 2:41:58 (9 лет назад)

вот продолжение: Trapeze artists look amazing as they..........

+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 3:17:35 (9 лет назад)

Not everyone can ............... inot Australia's Flying Fruit Fly Circus school

+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 4:29:51 (9 лет назад)

плизз быстрее

+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 6:52:03 (9 лет назад)



Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста)) 1 задания) Complete the sentences with this , these , it , or they) a) "Are_____keys Tom's?" "No,_____aren't" b) How much

are____trousers? c)"____book is interesting". "No,____isn't. _____'s d)I don't like____cheese. e)"Do you like____jacket?". "Yes,_____'s fashionable" а вот второе)) Complete the sentences with that , those , it , or they a) Look at _____boys._____ are twins. b)"How much is ____ stamp?" "_____'s very expensive" c)"Are_____ girls your sisters?" "Yes,____are". d)"Is _____ house Kate's?" "Yes, ____ is" e)Look at _____fantastic car.

Задание: complete the sentences with have, havent, has or hasnt. 1. The tourist ..... bought any souvenirs in the shop yet . 2. What

..... you done? - Ann ..... already translated the exercise and I ..... learnt the new words by heart.

3. ...... the students written the test? - Not yet.

Задание: complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

1. ....... you (be) to London? - Yes, I ... (be) there last summer.

2. She .... (never / fly ) a kite

. 3. The tourist ..... ( just / cross ) the square.

Помогите с лексико-грамматическим тестом Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Denis is the (good) friend. For me Maths is (difficult) than Literature. My sister is (tall) than me. This exercise is (easy) than that one. I think History is (interesting) subject at school. Ann is the (bright) student in our class.

Put the prepositions. They invited us at/to/in London. Who takes care about/for/of your pet? Did you meet anyone at / in /during Summer school in Britain? Will you go abroad at/ on/ in October? My best friend is from/ out/ in Britain. They travelled on/ in/ by a comfortable bus. We would like to learn more from/ of/ about London.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word Charles Darwin was a famous ( science). Paula wants to become an English (teach). I. Repin was an outstanding (art). I think he will be a successful (write) in the future. Madonna is a popular American (sing)

Choose the right variant: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1 You ____on holidays last year.

a) go b) went c) will go

2. He _____late for work yesterday.

a) is b) was c) will be

3. Every morning Tom ________early.

a) wakes up b) woke up c) will wake up

4. They _______ a lot of new subjects next year.

a) have b) had c) will have

5. Ann _____English well.

a) speaks b) spoke c) will speak

помогите плизззз вот задания Complete the sentences with have, has , was and were.

1. _____ you ever been to the Kremlin ?- Of course we ___ We____ there last Sunday.2.My little sisiter ___ not been to the zoo yet.____your little brother been there? - Yes, he ___ . at the zoo last weekend. But I___not been there for ages . Let's all go togerther . It's worth vising in May. 3.They ___ alreadiy been to the musems . They ____ there last month.

Помогите пожалуйста СРОЧНО вот задание Guess the English proverb and write it in Russian. вот слова grey,the,are,all,in,cats,dark

и ещё 2 задание

Match the parts of the proverbs

1 Make hay while.... a) ...is right

2 While there is life.... b)....is his castle

3 An Englishman.... c) ...the sun shines

4 Might..... d).... there is hope

5 Don't look a gift horse... e)...mouth

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