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doctors/his/he/and/sister/are?Составте изи этих слов вопрос

5-9 класс

Vovano 02 окт. 2013 г., 20:10:15 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 окт. 2013 г., 20:51:23 (10 лет назад)

Are he and  his sister doctors?

Он и его сестра врачи?

+ 0 -
02 окт. 2013 г., 22:50:03 (10 лет назад)

Are he and his sister doctors?

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a 12-year-old boy, Andy, is sleeping in his bed late at night when a loud knock at the window makes him jump up. He stares at the window and sees an extremely tell, dark figure outside.
Andy gets scared, slips deeper under the blanket and holds his breath. He hears Ralf calling his name. Andy opens the window with a loud bang and makes a sign to Ralf to be quiet.
Ralf has a book Treasure Island in his hand and wants to read in now, in the middle of the night. Andy is extremely surprised at his suggestion and asks Ralf to explain why. Ralf does not explain. He just asks for a torch. Andy gets down on his knees and looks for it under his bed
Suddenly they see Andy is father with the torch in the doorway.

5. Marilyn

Monroe was … actress.

a) an
b) the
c) -

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помогите пожалуйста с переводом,спасибо огромное! 1. Rupinder was sitting by himself in the house.It was an important day.Today he and his family were

going to leave their village.They were going to emigrate to England.He was feeling very excited and sad.He was feeling sad because he was going to leave his home, his village and his friends.He thought: ''I will miss them all.I will probably not like England.I will probably want to come back.'' 2. Outside there was a crowd of people. They were his relatives and his neighbours.They were all waiting for the bus to Jullunder,the nearest town.There they could take a train to New Delhi.In New Delhi they wanted to take their plane to England.Everybody was going to travel to Jullunder with them to say goodbye.His parents and his sister,Hardeep,were outside,too.He could hear them talking.Hardeep was very excited.She was laughing and talking to her two friends:"We are going to lsve in England.We are going to travel in a big plane.We are going to live in a big house.And i am going to go to an English school."She was very happy. 3. "Oh,look!Here's the bus.Where is Rupinder?""Rupinder!Where are you?It's time to go."Everybody got into the bus.It was very crowded inside. There was a lot of luggage on the uoof.The driver fixed their boxes onto the roof.It was not far to Jullunder.It only took an hour. 4 . At the station everyone waited for the train to New Delhi.Everyone was laughing and talking.Two of their neighbours put garlands of flowers round their necks.Grandmother gave Rupinder some sweets and oranges in a basket.His best friend gave him some cakes."You are a lucky boy,Rupinder.I would like to go,too.Write to me.Don't forget me.Send me a postcard of London." Then the train came.It was a steam train.Hardeep was frightened."I don't like the noise.Idon't want to go.""It's all right,Hardeep.It's guite safe.Look at all the people on the train.Come on.Get in here."The father found four seats for them.Everyone was shouting:"Goodbye!Goodbye!Have a safe journey!Write to us when you get to England.Goodbye!"Their grandmother was crying and their relatives looked sad. 5. It was a very long journey to New Delhi.It took eight hours.The train was hot and crowded.Hardeep was excited and impatient."How far is it to New Delhi?What time shall we get there?"Rupinder was guiet.He was looking out of the window.There were men working in the fields."Look,Hardeep,there's a baby donkey with his mother."But Hardeep was asleep.Soon Rupinder was asleep,too.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense. 1 Ann sees Paul putting-on his coat and says: Where you (go), Paul?

Paul: I (go) to buy some cigarettes. You (want) an evening paper?

2 Ann: No, thanks. You are always buying cigarettes, Paul. How many you (smoke)

a day?

Paul: I (not smoke) very many—perhaps 20. Jack (smoke) far more than I (do). He

(spend) £10 a week on cigarettes.

3 Mary (see) Peter standing at the bus stop.
Mary: Hello, Peter. What bus you (wait) for?
Peter: Hello, Mary. I (wait) for a 9 or a 14.

4 Mary: You usually (go) to work by car, don't you?
Peter: Yes, but the car (belong) to my mother and she sometimes (want) it. She (use) it today to take Tom to the dentist.

5 Mary: I usually (go) by car too. Jack (take) me because he (pass) my office on his way to the factory. But this week he (work) in a factory in the opposite direction: so I (queue) like you.

6 Peter: Here's a 9 now. You (come) on it or you (wait) for a 14?
Mary: I (think) I'll take the 9. If I (wait) for a 14 I may be late, and if you (be) late at my office everyone (look) at you.

7 Mary and Ann (wait) outside a telephone box. Inside the box a boy (dial) a number.

Mary: You (know) that boy?

Ann: Yes, he's a friend of my brother's. He (phone) his girl friend every day from this


8 Mary: Where he (come) from?

Ann: He (come) from Japan. He's a very clever boy; he (speak) four languages.

9 Mary: I (wonder) what he (speak) now.
Ann: Well, his girl friend (come) from Japan too; so I (suppose) he (speak) Japanese.

10 It is 8.30. Tom and Ann (have) breakfast. They both (open) their letters.

Tom: No one ever (write) to me. All I (get) is bills! You (have) anything interesting?

11 Ann: I've got a letter from Hugh. He (say) he (come) to London next week and (want) us to meet him for lunch.

12 Peter: You (have) traffic wardens in your country?
Pedro: No, I (not think) so. You (not see) them in my town anyway.
What exactly a traffic warden (do)?

13 Peter: He (walk) up and down the street and if a car (stay) too long; at a parking place or (park) in a no-parking area he (stick) a parking ticket to the windscreen.

14 Look! He (put) a ticket on Tom's car. Tom will be furious when he (see) it. He (hate) getting parking tickets.

15 Customer: I (want) to buy a fur coat. Have you any nice coats for about £500?

Assistant: I'm afraid we just (close), madam. It's 4.55, and we always (close) at 5.00

sharp on Fridays as Mr Jones the manager (not want) to miss his favourite television


16 It is Friday evening and the Brown family are at home. Mrs Brown (listen) to a concert on the radio; Mr Brown (read) a paper, George Brown (do) his homework and Ann Brown (write) a letter.

17 Mr Brown always (read) his newspapers in the evenings. Mrs Brown sometimes (knit) but she (not knit) tonight.

18 Mr Black often (go) to the theatre but his wife (not go) very often.
He (like) all sorts of plays.She (prefer) comedies.

Помогите перевести на русский язык! Грамотный перевод Dishonesty and lying are like twisted or sloping lines.

Honesty and truth are like straight lines that go up or along.
It was bad business, involving some crooked dealers.
It's not true: you are twisting the facts.
The newspapers put their own splat on what happened.
They were accused of bias in their reporting.
That's are very warped version of the truth.
She's completely straight: I'd trust here anywere.
He kept to the straight and narrow after his release from prison.
Are they on level ? Can we trust them?
I need to level with you: I can't pretend that things are OK.
There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth.

Перевод : And at noon the Student opened his window and looked out/ " How wonderful" he cried. "Here is a red rose! I have never seen any rose like it

in all my life. It is so beautiful that I am sure it has a long Latin name," and so he picked it with joy in his heart. Then he put on his hat, and ran to the Proffessor house with the rose in his hand. The Proffessor daughter was lying at her feet. " You said that you would dance with me if I brought you a red rose,"cried the dent. "Here is the reddest rose in all the world. You will wear it to-night near your heart and when we dance together it will tell you how much I love you." But the girl frowned.

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