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Надо подставить say или tell 1. Mary ... shi was very busy yesterday. 2. The little girl ... she was going to see her grandmother. 3. Mary .. me she

5-9 класс

was very busy yesterday. 4. She ... she had to write many letters. 5. Please ... me about the film you saw last nicht. Mary ... she liked it very much. 6.Smith ... me all about his trip to Africa last night. 7. John didn't ... us where he was going. He simply ... that he would not be back before noon. 8. John ... he could not attend the lesson today. 9. Did he ... you what he was going to do.

Rustamsharofov 09 марта 2014 г., 5:25:49 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
09 марта 2014 г., 7:57:40 (10 лет назад)

Основная разница:

to tell SMB(кому-то) (нет TO) SMTH (что-то)

to say SMTH (что-то) TO SMB (кому-то)


1. said

2. said

3. told

4. said

5. tell said

6. told

7.tell said

8. said

9. tell

+ 0 -
09 марта 2014 г., 9:53:12 (10 лет назад)

1. Mary said  she was very busy yesterday.

2. The little girl  said  she was going to see her grandmother.

3. Mary told  me she was very busy yesterday.

4. She said she had to write many letters.

5. Please tell  me about the film you saw last night.Mary said  she liked it very much.

6.Smith told me all about his trip to Africa last night.

7. John didn't tell  us where he was going. He simply said that he would not be back before noon.

8. John said he could not attend the lesson today.

9. Did he tell you what he was going to do.


Другие вопросы из категории

My Dream Will Come True - соченение


Перевести на английский: 1) Я лежу на солнышке и слушаю плеер. Мама с сестрой плавают в море. А папа сидит рядом со мной и рисует. Хорошо. И уменя нет урок

ов! 2) Здесь много людей, но совсем не шумно. Все сидят за столами и читают разные книги и что-то записывают в свои тетради. ------------ Только не надо копировать это в переводчики, мне нужен грамотный перевод:)

помогите с ино((((((
Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Did you see / have you seen my book anywhere? I can’t find it.
2. I have done / did my homework. Now I can go for a walk.
3. We didn’t play / haven’t played football yesterday.
4. Someone has eaten / ate all the cakes. I’ll buy some more.
5. Children have visited / visited their Granny three days ago.
6. When did you help / have you helped your parents about the house?

Читайте также

Fill in the gaps with say or tell in the adequate form. (Нужно поставить say или tell + в правильном времени)

1. Mary sayed she was very busy yesterday.
2. The little girl .... she was going to see her grandmother.
3. Mary .... me she was very busy yesterday.
4. She .... she had to write many letters.
5. Please .... me about the film you saw last night. Mary .... she liked it very much.
6. Smith .... me all about his trip to Africa last night.
7. John didn't .... us where he was going. He simply .... that he would not be back before noon.
8. John .... he could not attend the lesson today.
9. Did he .... you what he was going to do?
10. William .... the truth, because he had been trained by his parents never to .... a lie.

Нужно поставить tell или say помогите пожалуйста! !

1.Mary ____ me she was very busy yesterday.
2. The little girl _____ she was going to see her grandmother.
3.Mary _____ me she was very busy yesterday.
4.She _____ she had to write many letters.
5.Please _____ me about the film you saw last night.Mary _____ she liked it very much.
6.Smith ____ me all about his trip to Africa last night.
7.John didn't_____ us where he was going.He simply ____ that he would not be back before noon.
8.John _____ he could not attend the lesson today.
9.Did he _____ you what he was going to do?
10.William _____ the trutch , because he had been trained by his parents never to ____ a lie.

Помогите раскрыть скобки в нужных временах ( все прошедшие)

1) He ( drive) slowly but he (scrat).
2)The old man (look) at the boy but (not/say) anything.
3) He (prepare) the dinner for 2 hours but everyone (be) fed.
4)She (go) to see her friend after she (do) her homework.

Переведите пожалуйста на русский язык: On a cold day in 1942, inside a Nazi concentration camp, a lonely, young boy looks barbed wire and sees a

young girl passing by. She also notices him. In an effort to give expression to her feelings, she throws a red apple over the fence-a sign of life, hope, and love. The young boy bends over, picks up the apple. An expression of joy touches his eyes, a ray of light appears in the darkness.
The following day, thinking he is crazy for even dreaming of seeing this young girl again, he looks out beyond the fence, hoping. On the other side of the barbed wire, the young girl looks forward to seeing again tragic figure who moved her so much. She comes again with an apple in hand.
Despite cold winter winds and chilling air, the two hearts are warmed and the boy gets an apple again. The scene is repeated for several days. The two young spirits on opposite sides of the fence look forward to seeing each other, just for a moment and just to exchange a few words.
At the last of these momentary meetings, the young boy greets his sweet friend with a frown and says, “Tomorrow don’t bring me an apple, I will not be here. They are sending me to another camp”. The young boy walks away, too heartbroken to look back.

Помогите сделать упражнение по английскому,туплю)Заданее ниже.Нужно вставить speak,say or tell. туда где стоят в предложениях точки!Помогите плизз)

Fill the gaps with speak,say or tell.Use then in the correct from.
1.A new student .... foreign laguages verry well.
2.She didn"t .... me anything.
3. When I ..... very fast my friend doesn"t understand me.
4.My father usually .... :"Live and learn".
5.Our teacher will .... us about the trip tomorrow.
6.Martin and Jess .... that they were happy to see us again.

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