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Срочно нужен перевод Этого текста,

5-9 класс

Срочно нужен перевод
Этого текста, помогите пжэалуйста или скиньте перевод текста

Hesensiraliyev 10 июля 2013 г., 15:46:24 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 июля 2013 г., 18:00:32 (10 лет назад)

чтобы завязать узел, чтобы завязывать бантик, чтобы завязать шнурки, чтобы завязывать галстук повязать волосы лентой,чтобы быть связан с строкой/Канат. Загадочная посылка была связана с тонкая струна. Мы собираемся, чтобы связать это письмо кирпича и выбросить его в окно.


Другие вопросы из категории

Отгадайте загадки.

1. Iam tall. A am green.In the wood Ican de seen.What am I?
2. What is that which has a mouth, but never speaks and a bed,but never sleeps in it?

написать ответное письмо, ответить на его вопросы, примерно 100-120 слов: I study in high school in Dresden. and Im thinking about going on an exchange

trip to England. my marks in English are good and my teacher says it will be easy for me to get into the programme. Do you think it is a good idea to study abroad in a high school? What is your opinion? Any comments are welcome! Thank you. Denis.
помогите плииииз!

Помогите пожалуйста.

Make questions.Give short answers.
-Yes,...................(He is eating salad)
-Yes,...................(He eat salad)
3. -..............................their homework at the moment?
-Yes,...................(They are doing their homework at the moment)
4.-...............................their homework after school?
-Yes,....................(They do their homework after school)
5.-.............................on the computer?
-Yes,.....................(She is working on the computer)
-Yes,.....................(She is cooking meat)
-Yes,.....................(She cooks meat)
8.-..................................................many apples?
-Yes,......................(She has got a lot of apples)
9.-..................................................a good time?
-Yes,......................(She had a good time)
10.-...........................................five lessons tomorrow?
-Yes,......................(She will have five lessons tomorrow)

Читайте также

аааааа, ребят, пожайлуста, помогитее!!!

срочно нужен перевод этих текстов.

A It’s a great buzz; I like knowing stuff and
then being able to pass it on to the audience. I really enjoyed that on radio and at Newsround I really like mak­ing stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids.

В I only liked English and Art, that was it. I hated everything else — I really did. History, Geography, sciences — I hated them all. But I loved English.

С I did hospital radio and I spent a lot of time going to see bands. I was heav­ily into music.

D I was trying to get into radio so I didn’t write a lot. I got my experience in hospital radio and then got work experience at the local BBC station and the local commercial station. That’s where I started writing for news bulletins.

E When I was about ten, I’m not sure why but mainly I was really into radio and loved listening to it. I wanted to be one of the news broadcasters and I found out that to get into radio news you had to be a journalist. My dad want­ed me to be a lawyer.

F I worked as a broadcast journalist on Red Rose Radio in Lancashire. I was doing some journalist work during the course. The editor I worked for told me that the editor of Red Rose was looking for a journalist, so it was an exam­ple of how important networking is.

G I have been a researcher on the Guinness Book of Records and I also worked at BBC local radio stations and commercial stations. I worked as a correspon­dent for a news service that puts bulletins on mobile phones. Now I work for the Newsround website.

H The worst bit about this work is the hours. It is shift work (работа no сменам): and I don’t think it will ever change.

I You have to be very keen and very confident because of all the competition. Get as much experience as you can by working in the areas that you are in­terested in. If you are not going to go to college then you have to get a lot of experience. It’s harder to work your way up but I know a lot of people who have done it. It’s another route

Срочно нужен перевод

Этого текста, помогите пжэалуйста или скиньте перевод текста. Называется bruce (a story of mystery). Reader 8 класс

Помогите ребят срочно нужен перевод !!!

этого текста !!!

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