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I am at home.I...sad.It ....windy and rainy.My friends....at home,too.I....near the window.I can see trees.They.....beautiful.I can see a little

1-4 класс

kitten.It.....under the tree.It.....sad.
Write am,is,are.

Irka2716 02 февр. 2015 г., 23:16:51 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 февр. 2015 г., 0:49:18 (9 лет назад)

I am at home.I am sad.It is windy and rainy.My friends are at home,too.I am near the window.I can see trees.They are beautiful.I can see a little kitten.It is under the tree.It is sad.
Пожалуйста :)


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите разгадать кроссворд!!!

1.Песчаный берег моря.
2.Группа людей, действующих совместно.
3.Декорации из цветов или листьев.
4.Длинная узкая доска,используется для сёрфинга.
5.Платежи за работы.
6.Крупные коричневые семена высоких тропических пальм.
7.Часть ракеты которую мистер Биг держал на своей подводной лодке.
8.Люди,живущие на острове.

Помогите!!!! Переделать предложения по образцу.

Образец: I am a dog.- I,m a dog.
1. I am a kind
2. I do not live in London
3. I have not got many friends
4. I have got two friends
5. They are a donkey and a cat
6. The donkey does not like winter
7. Yt cannot play snowballs
8. It will be sunny
9.It will not be rainy
10. I will be happy to see you
Зарание спасибо

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engineer.4)This is my bag.5)They are beautiful.6)She's got a new dress.7)I've got many friends.8)We've got pens.9) He'a got a sister.10)It's got big ears.11)You can play football.12)She can ride a bicycle.13)I can cook.14)They can dance well.15)It can fly.

Bat the little Bird were very smart. of course you are my friend but i see many dogs and they are on their way to this tree oh dogs! i must go home !saiid

the cat oh why my dear friend &the dogs are our friends too said the Bird i think they don"t know the news said the cat and ran away.Перевидите на русский)

Умоляю срочно надо поставьте в прошедшее время прошу вас : It,s winter. It,s cold and snowy. The Donkey is sad. "I don,t like winter because I haven,t got

any green grass. I can,t walk in the park. In spring I will walk and play with children," says the Donkey.Spring comes. It,s worm and sunny. Now the Donkey is in the park. He has got a lot jf green grass to eat. But he is sad again."I don,t like spring! The children are very noisy in the park. In summer I will dive and swim," says the Donkey.Summer comes. It,s hot. The children dive and swim. They ride bikes and scooters, play badminton and football. But the Donkey is sad again."I don,t like summer because it,s very hot. In autumn I will eat apples and carrots," says the Donkey.Autumn comes. It,s cloudy and rainy. Now the Donkey has got a lot of apples and carrots to eat. But he is sad again. "I don,t like autumn because it.s cloudy, windy and rainy. In winter I will play snowballs and toboggan."Winter comes. But the Donkey is sad again.

Read and complete.Use was,were or werent. A: Were you and Sally at home last night? B No,we 1)......We 2).....at the cinema. A:How

3)....the film?

B:Well,it 4)....very good.I 5)....bored.Were 6).....you?

А:I 7)....at home.

B:8) ...you with Kim?

А:No,I 9)....She 10)...at work.

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