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помогите переведите текст плиз заряние огромное спасибо Dear pen friend,My name is john,I am a boy,I am nine.I am from the Usa .I live with my mum,dad and

1-4 класс

two sisters Betty and Kate.They are five.The giris like fairy tales.What is your name.How old are you.?Have you got a sister or a brother.????My birthday is on the 18 th of Audust.Summer is my favourite season.In summer i roller skate,ride my bike and swim.I can swim very well.I like to play football and tennis When is your birthday.????What is your favorite season?What do you like to do? What can you do well?I have got a grey rabbit Harry.Harry is nice and funny.He likes io skp and play.Harry likes carrots ,to have a dog and a big parrot.Have you got a pet?Is it funny? Please write back.Your pen friend,John Smith......,

Евгения282 14 авг. 2013 г., 5:46:00 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 авг. 2013 г., 8:20:26 (10 лет назад)

 Дорогой друг по переписке, меня зовут Джон. Я мальчик и мне 9 лет. Я из США. Я живу с мамой, папой и двумя сестричками: Бетти и Кейт. Им по пять лет.  Девочки любят сказки. 

 Как тебя зовут? Сколько тебе лет? У тебя есть сестра или брат?

 Мой день рожденья 18 августа. Лето - мое любимое время года. Летом я катаюсь на роликах, на велосипеде и плаваю. Я очень хорошо умею плавать. Я люблю играть в футбол и теннис.

 Когда твой день рожденья? Какое твое любимое время года? Что ты любишь делать? Что ты  умеешь хорошо делать?

 У меня есть серый кролик Гарри. Гарри хорошенький и забавный. Он любит прыгать и играть. Гарри любит морковку. (to have a dog and a big parrot.может быть I want to have a dog and a big parrot. Тогда это переводится так Я хочу, чтобы у меня была собака и большой попугай.)

  У тебя есть домашний питомец? Он забавный?

  Пожалуйста, ответь мне. Твой друг по переписке Джон Смит.


Другие вопросы из категории

Опишите картину пожалуйста
Omplete the dialogues between Tim, Tom and the shop assistant.Complete the dialogues between Tim, Tom and the shop assistant. Listen and

check:Tim: Excuse me, can you ... the trousers?
Shop assistant: Yes, ....
Tim: How... ... they?
Shop assistant: ... ....
Tim: Here are you.
Shop assistant: Thank you.

Напишите вопросы так,чтобы получилося диалог. (Where/go)...we want to France

(Who/go with)I went with my parents
(Fly) no,we went by car
(Stay in hotel) no, we didn't .we took our caravan
(Visit Paris ) oh,yes, it is wonderful
(Like Paris )oh,yes,we did
((Buy any souvenirs) oh,yes,I bought lots of things
( get back yesterday) no, we came back on Saturday .
Помогите пожалуйста

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Помогите перевести текст

Dear Pen Friend,
​My name is Sveta. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns, and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Moscow. It is a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow.
​In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.
​Some people like to live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees. There are a lot of cows, horses and sheep on the farms. The houses in the country are nice and small.
​Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!
​Best wishes,
​Sveta Belova.

Напишите в 1 столбик все предложения про город (city), а во 2 столбик про деревню(capital)

Вот текст : Dear Pen Friend,
​My name is Sveta. I am from Russia. It is a large country. There are many cities, towns, and farms in Russia. The capital of Russia is Moscow. I live in Moscow. It is a big city. The streets are wide and long in Moscow.
​In the streets you can see a lot of people, cars, big and tall houses.
​Some people like to live in the country. In the country you can see green fields and hills, long rivers and nice green gardens with apple trees. There are a lot of cows, horses and sheep on the farms. The houses in the country are nice and small.
​Our country is beautiful! Come and see us!
​Best wishes,
​Sveta Belova. И еще текст ( стих) : Some people live in the city
where the houses are very tall
some people live in the country
where tht houses a very small
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big.
And in the cities where the houses are tall
There are no gardens at all.

Помогите плиз!!!Прочитайте письмо Джека.Помоги ему сделать письмо короче.Переделай подчеркнутые предложения.Текст

My name is Jack.I am a dog. I am kind.I am not big.I do not live in London.I live in the country.I have not got many friends.But I have got two friends.They are a donkey and a cat.The donkey does not iike winter.He cannot play snowballs.But he likes summer and green grass.The cat likes all seasons.
Would you like to visit us in summer?It will be sunny.It will not be rainy.I will be happy to see you.
Your pen friend,
Зарание спасибо!!!!!

Dear friends, My name is Andrew. I am a boy. I am eight. I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum, dad and... Rose. I have got a dog Wolfie. Rose and l

like to play with Wolfie. Wolfie is merry and... . Have you got dogs or cats, parrots or fish? I go to school and l am a... .I can reand,write and count. I like to reand fairy fales and...pictures. I also like to... letters to my friends. Do you go to school? Have you got post ofices and postmen? I like... . I ride my bike and play football in summer. Can you play football? Have you got spring or winter? Have you got rivers and forests? Please write back. Andrew

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