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написать 8-10 предложений на тему чего боятся люди,фобии людей на английском

5-9 класс

TryFollower 26 сент. 2014 г., 22:16:54 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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26 сент. 2014 г., 23:48:56 (9 лет назад)

People driven by fear. And it seems that now, more than ever, we are too many fears and let them get too much influence on our lives. This applies to everything: safety (crime and terrorism), the economy (expensive housing, unemployment, high interest rates, a bloated banking sector), the environment (lack of fresh water, energy needs, global warming), other people (an increase of the world population, religious fundamentalism) and even themselves. Politicians, as a copywriter, understands what motivates us, and so cynically use our fears, wanting to get over us power and control. We are happy to give our cherished freedoms in exchange for security police state (surveillance cameras on the streets, a full scan in airports, wiretapping and view e-mail correspondence, and other violations of civil liberties) - and all because of fear. After the terrorist attacks in the United States October 11, 2001, many of us are prepared for anything - even a violation of the laws of nature, if only to protect us from a variety of afflictions.


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1 Rewrite these sentences. Use the prefix re-.

Model: Write these sentences again. — Rewrite these sentences.
1. Use this bag again.
2. The workers had to build this wall again.
3. We made a mistake. Count the people again.
4. This flat is very old. We must decorate it again. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ОЧЕНЬ СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Open the brackets and complete the sentences using past simple, past continuous or past perfect. 1. Our teacher explained to us that Americans

(wrote/had written) their Constitution 200 years before and it (worked/was working) still. 2. I was not sure that in the USA the judges (worked/had worked) in the Supreme Court as long as they (lived/were living). 3. When my brother (came/was coming), I just (finished/had finished) reading the documents. 4. William (signed/had signed) all the papers by 6 o'clock, 5. The Conference (began/had begun) before James (arrived/had arrived).

Закину 50 руб на счет кто поможет!

Нужно составить историю, используя 1 из этих предложений! Срочно надо помогите
Make up a short story around one of these phrases.
1) The car brole down in the middle of the road.
2) The fire broke out at midnight.
3) She broke into a hysterical laughter.
3) And then he began thinking of now to break away.

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соответствующему на возраст ( мне скоро 16)
(можно пожалуйста полные предложения)
заранее благодарю!)

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