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склади три реченя в Past Simple и запиши их

1-4 класс

Пальма3 29 янв. 2015 г., 23:59:20 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 янв. 2015 г., 0:54:06 (9 лет назад)

She met her old frind.

Did you play computer  games last weekend?

He washed it 2days before.



Другие вопросы из категории

Open the brackets.Put the verbs into Present Perfect.1.I never (to eat) caviar.2.We (not to be) to Spain yet.3.She (not to write) to me since last

summer.4. My friend and I (to see) an interesting film recently. 5. They (not to have) a holiday this year.6.My elder sister just (to come ) back.7. My father already ( to read) these magazines.8. The pupils ( not to do) Exercise 5 yet.9.His mother never ( to translate) such difficult articles. 10. I (to call ) him several times this week.

Номер 38 кто что знает, пожалуйста...

Заранее спасибо.

it's hot today, pot on your hat! take off your jacket, it's hot! it's raining, it's raining,put on your coat! it's raining cats and dogs! it's

sunny today, i'm wearing my hat! it's sunny, it's sunny today! it's raining,it's raining, i'm wearing my jacket. so can i go out to play?

Читайте также

What tense should we use:Present Simple,Present Continuous,Fature Simple or Past Simple?

Example:yesterday-Past Simple.
next week-
last year-
every day-
3 days ago-
at the moment-


1.We often studied till very late это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?

2.Are you at home now это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?
3.Did you meet him two months ago? это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?
4.I am working hard these days это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?
5.He works in the bank это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?
6.Mechael Jackson was born in 1958 это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?
7.While she was singing her friends were listening это Present simple / Present Continuos / Past simple / Past continuous?

Поставь глаголы в Past Simple . She _______ (clean) the rooms . Then she _____ (freed) the animals and _______ (water) the flowers . At 8 o'clock she __

____ (go) to the kitchen and ________ (cook) breakfast for her stepmother and sisters . At half past ten she _____ (lay) the table . After breakfast she ______ (make) her sisters beds and ______ (do) the washing up

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