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Надо составить вопросы в simple или continuous

5-9 класс

ElisMiller 29 апр. 2013 г., 14:05:52 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 апр. 2013 г., 16:10:02 (11 лет назад)

1. does she speak?
2. are you smiling?
3. does he
4. are you playing
5.are you going
6.do they go

+ 0 -
29 апр. 2013 г., 17:26:24 (11 лет назад)

she speak
are you smiling


Другие вопросы из категории

5 класс,грамматика:З

Ask questions using: How many/How much
He ate a lot of apples
-HOW MANY APPLES did he eat
_The drink a lot of milk
-HOW MUCH MILK do they drink?
1.He could take jam
2.Winnie had a lot of honey.
3.They have got a lot of carrots
4.She brought a lot of cheese
5.He can give us a lot of boxes
6.She asks them a lot of questions
7.We have got a lot of juice

Written во всех временах
Part 1. Choose the correct item.

1. She had a party on Friday ____ ?
a) had not she b) had she c)did not she
2. I'm fifteen ____ ?
a) are not b) is not it c) do not i
3. She ____ the text yet.
a) translates b) hasn't translated c)translated
4) I never ____ cold milk.
a) don't drink b) drink c) are drinking
5) Nobody ____ sad.
a) wasn't b) was c) weren't
6) Who ____ the camera three days ago?
a) have bought b) did buy c) bought
7) The test ____ by the pupils tomorrow.
a) is written b) was written c) will be written
8) The door was opened ____ that key.
a) by b) in c) with
9) Parents must take care ____ their children.
a) for b) of c) to
10) I don't know ____ about the plant. You should ask somebody else.
a) something b) anybody c) anything

Write countries and nationalities 1)The USA-Americans


Сделайте 4 задание! Текст вверху!

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Надо составить вопросы с ответами подробно

Пример: -Do you sell perfumes, soap, shampoo for men and women?
-Yes, we have been selling all these things since 1976.

Вопросы: 1. Do you do business in other countries?
2. What ingredients do you use?
3. Do you test your products on animals?
4. Do all your shops look alike?
5. Do you care about the environment?
6. Do you support any charity programmes?

Ответы: 1. support small producer communities in around 25 countries (1980s)
2. only natural, since our first shop was opened
3.No, since we began to work.
4. Yes, dark green, a strong simple design; carry the yellow and green The Body Shop logo, for 30 years.
5. reuse bottles, for all these years - sponsor posters for Greenpeace (1985), work with Ecotricity (2001)
6. Children on the Edge (1990) and others

Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple,

Past Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous), перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык:

Составить вопросы к кроссворду из слов на тему: еда

Помогите составить вопросы к кроссворду на английском языке.Можно с этими словами: juice milk strawberry apricot yoghurt bacon pizza hamburger biscuits pasta. Но это не обязательно. Можно и другие, но на тему еда.Помоги,прошу.Сама я плохо составляю вопросы.А кроссворд я сама сделаю.

Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)

he / usually / the / where / jog / morning / does / in?
Cl. Make the question using the following words. (Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.)
see / in / you / planet / how / ten / our / do / years?

помогите плиз

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