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ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ!!:Have you ever wondered what the world was like before cash, cheques and credit cards? Well, before the invention of money, people

5-9 класс

bought and sold goods through a system known as bartering. This meant that they exchanged goods. For example, if someone wanted some tomatoes and had a basket of fruit to offer, he swapped it with someone else who had tomatoes and wanted to get some fruit. An interesting fact is that the word “salary” has its origins in the Latin word for “salt”, which is what the ancient Romans used as a means of payment. One of the first forms of money was actually a type of seashell, the cowry. People in Southeast Asia and parts of Africa used cowries from 1500 BC to 200 AD/ Money, as we know it today, has a very long history. There are several opinions about who the inventors of coins were. Many experts claim that the Lydians, people who lived in the part of the world that is now Turkey, invented the first coins nearly 3000 years ago. Paper money dates back to ancient China. A shortage jf copper made the Chinese start producing money made from paper. The first recorder use of paper money goes back around 1300 years ago. Today money is more paper or metal currency. People have been using credit cards instead of money since the early 1900s. Consumers use cheques to pay for what they have bought, even in supermarkets. Someone can use the internet to pay their household bills. Indeed, today the person can spend vast amounts of money, without even laying their hands on a single coin or banknote!

Balenkovavlada 07 дек. 2013 г., 14:09:28 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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07 дек. 2013 г., 15:57:35 (10 лет назад)

Задумывались ли вы когда-набудь, каким был мир без наличных денег, чеков и кредитных карт?

И до изобретения денег люди покупали и продавали товары через систему, известную как бартер. Это означало, что они обменивались товарами. Например, если кто-то хотел  помидоров и имел корзину фруктов, он мог поменяться с кем-то, у кого были помидоры и кто хотел бы получить фрукты.

Интересен тот факт, что слово "зарплата" имеет свои истоки от латинского слова "соль", которую древние римляне использовали в качестве средства платежа. Одной из первых форм денег был тип морской ракушки, каури.

Люди в Юго-Восточной Азии и некоторых частях Африки использовали каури с 1500 г. до н.э. до 200 г. н.э.

Те деньги, которые мы знаем сегодня, имеют очень длинную историю.

Есть несколько мнений о том, кто является изобретателем монеты. Многие эксперты утверждают, что лидийцы, люди, которые жили в той части мира, которая в настоящее время называется Турцией, и именно они изобрели первые монеты почти 3000 лет назад. Итстория бумажных денег уходит  к древнему Китаю. Из-за нехватки меди китайцы начали производить деньги  из бумаги.

Первое использование бумажных денег произошло около 1300 лет назад. Сегодня деньги в основном бумажные или металлические.

Люди используют кредитные карты вместо денег уже с начала 1900-х годов. Покупатели (потребители) используют чеки для оплаты того, что они купили, даже в супермаркетах. Кто-то может использовать интернет, чтобы оплачивать свои коммунальные счета.

Действительно, сегодня человек может потратить огромные суммы денег, даже не держа в руках ни одной монеты или банкноты!


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вставте правильно буквы ПОЖАЛЙСТА!!!!! Every day we read newspapers and magazines. Every day we watch television news broadcasts and hear short

news reports on radio. Every day we are influenced by 1)____. People consider it to be a way of getting 2)____ information. The US 3) ____ has always provided people with the facts. But are we, the general audience of the United States, 4)____ all sides of issues? Are we, the US newspapers and 5)___ , always told about both sides of the problem? Or does one side get more 6)____ and a more positive attitude from the media? I think that American journalism ( as well as any other journalism 7)____ should give all views equal coverage. All views should be given 8)_____ to be understood.

1) b. the medium c. media

2)a. original c. intellectual

3) a. network c. newspapers

4) a. watching b.reading

5) b.magazines and readers c. readers' magazines

6) - не надо

7) a. worldwide c. overseas

8) b. us achane c. a cance

2. they/can/tv/watch/?

4.to you/listen/we/can/?
7.can/where/i/this book/find/?
8.who/translate/can/this texst/?

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets:Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. He______(not/play)the drums regularly.
2. No, i don"t like that band now. I _________(listen) to Muse these days. Do you know them?
3. He's so boring ! He usually________(talk) about his favourite sports team and I'm not interested in it!
4. My girlfriend_______________(not/understand) why I like heavy metal.
5. Look, he________(fall) asleep again! I can't believe it!
6. ________(he/read)anything at the moment?
7. His father____________(prefer) detective stories.
8. _________________(her husband/come) from Wales?
Помогите пожалуйста (долго печатал)

Пожалуйста кто хорошо понимает английский помогите с заданием! От него зависит моя четвертная оценка а очень хочу получить 4..

Вставьте подходящие модальные глаголы (must, may, can, need, to have to, to be able to)

1. ..you help me now? — I am afraid not: I am in a great hurry. I shall be free in the evening. Come to my place at about eight, and I ...help you.

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Ребят,помогите пожалуйста !Read the story about Andrews trip have you ever been australia orread

Read the story about Andrews trip have you ever been australia or
read the story about Andrews trip have you ever been australia or chinaA)
Read the story about Andrews trip.Have you ever been to Australiaa)
Read the story about Andrews trip.Have you ever been to Australia or
Last summer Andrew went to Australia.He spent two weeks
there.Andrew liked the country very much.He saw the kangaroos and
koalas, took lots of photos and bought handmade souvenirs for his
friends at home. He also enjoyed traditional Australia meals.
Next summer Andrew is going to China. He has never been to China.
b) Write the questions about Andrews trip.
1.............................?To Australia.
2.............................?2 weeks.
3.............................?Yes, he did. Very much.
4.............................?The kangaroos and the koalas.
5.............................?Handmade souvenirs.
6.............................?Yes, he did. They were tasty.
7..........................?To China.
8.........................?Yes, he did. Lots of photos.
9..........................? No, he hasn/t.

1)Have you ever sent a postcard?

2)Have you ever spent a lot of money on a trip?
3)Have you ever met a Englishman?
4)Have you ever taken pictures on a trip?
(Все вопросы перевести на русский)

вставте слова в разговор двух нло должно быть have you evere been to

A : have you evere
B : no . not yet . ( НЕНАДО ТУТ ДОПОЛНЯТЬ )
A: LET"S ARRange the day and the time , then .
A: OK . bye , then ,

The World is tour oyster.

A) Sledding in Russia
This winter why not escape to Yakutia in Russia, where you can have the experience of a lifetime driving a reindeer sled through the heart of Siberia? Wrap up in warm furs and travel through the valleys of the Lena River and over the frozen landscape, just like the native Yakutian people, who have travelled this way for centuries. You can spend your evenings in traditional Russian family homes, enjoy home-cooked meals, and learn about the rich culture of these people. During your trip, you will have the chance to see all sorts of amazing wildlife including wolves, foxes and elk, and you will even be able to ride the famous Yakut horses.

B) Camel Riding in Marocco
See all of southern Morocco on a camel! Take your time and enjoy a relaxing journey from Marrakech with historic sites across the desert to the Dades Gorge. Spend a night in a nomad's tent, visit traditional Berber villages and Kasbahs1, see the Atlas Mountains and relax on the beautiful beaches at Essaouira. You will see so much more than sand because Morocco has many varied landscapes. The perfect escape from a busy life!

C) Wagon Travel in Wyoming
Have you ever wondered what it was like back in the Wild West? Well, now you can find out for yourself with a holiday that offers the unique opportunity to see how life might have been over 150 years ago. You will travel in a convoy of covered wagons through the unspoilt countryside of Yellowstone National Park and through Wyoming, and enjoy the majestic views all around. Stopping at a different camp each day, there will be plenty of opportunities to go on nature hikes, go swimming, canoeing, horse riding, or just relax. You can spend your evenings cooking on an open fire and singing cowboy songs around the campfire.

D) Ice Diving in the Arctic
In the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, you will see a strange but unique world that very few humans get the chance to visit. The Arctic is one of the last places on earth that remains a mystery and a challenge.
Not many people are brave enough to explore the region and even fewer are brave enough to explore it from twenty feet beneath the ice! If the diving experience is not enough, you can also enjoy the scenery and wildlife above the ocean on foot or on snowmobiles. One thing is for sure; no one else will have holiday snaps like yours!

Пожалуйста ,заранее большое спасибо! Надо ответить на вот эти вопросы: 1.Have you ever heard American songs? 2.Have you ever tasted

Italian food?

3. Have you ever ridden a horsee?

4.Have you ever been to England

5.Have you ever drawn a kiti?

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