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сочинение на тему "мой любимый фильм бурлеск"на аглийском

5-9 класс

Gely02gely 28 нояб. 2013 г., 17:08:37 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 нояб. 2013 г., 18:12:37 (10 лет назад)

This film was removed by studio 20 century FOX . Action of film is developed in the beginning of 21 centuries. The group consisting, of several experts has gone to Antarctica to lead inspection of ruins of ancient pyramids which are latent under thickness of ice. When they arrived up to one of pyramids have found out there the hardened skeletons of people. And remains of certain unknown essences. They understand that aliens can be in a pyramid which their

lives threaten. But they yet did not know that they are watched already with one more kind of newcomers - the Predator. The main director of this film the Floor Anderson. The leading actors are Paul W.S. Anderson, Sanaa Lathan, Raoul Bova, Ewen Bremner and others. This film interesting and fascinating, in it is a lot of special effects, blood.


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JOIN THE TEAM!The boys of our School Volleyball Team are happy today. Theyhave just won their 8th match. “They’re a great team,” said theirteacher. “Since last December they have lost only 3 games.” Theyhave played together for two years.The School Football Team is not so lucky. Its players haven’twon any competition for the last year. They need new players now.VolleyballThis game can be played inside or outside. It isfor two teams of six players. You need a ball and ahigh net. You hit the ball with your hand or arm. Youcan’t catch or hold the ball. The winner is the fi rstteam to get 15 points.FootballYou know that football is an outdoor game fortwo teams of eleven players. But do you know thatthe goalkeeper is the only person who can touch theball with his hands, hold it and throw it? The otherplayers can only kick or roll the ball. The winner isthe team with most goals at the end of the game.Make your choice and join the team you like.Support your school!

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