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10-11 класс

The future of cyberspace.
In the last thirty years, the Internet has grown dramatically. In 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the Internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue.

Some experts are pessimistic about the future. One worry is the activities of cybercriminals. Even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, cyberterrorists may attack the world’s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash.

However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. Already, users can buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet. ‘In the next few years,’ says Angela Rossetto of Cyberia magazine, ‘it is clear that we are going to see an explosion of shopping on the Internet.’

She also believes that, in the future we will get entertainment from the Net and that television will probably disappear. The postal service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail.

Some specialists see our future in virtual reality - the use of computers with sounds and images that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.

Veronika3666 02 апр. 2015 г., 7:57:46 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 апр. 2015 г., 8:44:28 (9 лет назад)


+ 0 -
02 апр. 2015 г., 10:19:32 (9 лет назад)

Будущее киберпространстве.
В последние тридцать лет, Интернет резко возросла. В 1983 году, было всего 200 компьютеров, подключенных к Интернет; сейчас насчитывается около 50 миллионов, и этот рост является, очевидно, будет продолжаться.

Некоторые эксперты настроены пессимистично в отношении будущего. Один беспокоиться о деятельности киберпреступников. Даже сейчас, молодые хакеры могут проникнуть в компьютеры банков и правительств. В будущем, cyberterrorists могут атаковать в мире компьютеров, привести к хаосу, и делают самолеты и поезда аварии.

Однако, многие люди с оптимизмом смотрят в будущее Интернета. Уже можно приобрести книги, узнать о выходные предложения, забронировать билеты и получить все виды информации из Интернета. "В ближайшие несколько лет, - говорит Анджела Rossetto из Cyberia журнал, ‘понятно, что мы увидим взрыв покупки в Интернете.’

Она также считает, что в будущем мы получим развлечения в Интернете и о том, что телевидение, вероятно, исчезнет. Почтовая служба также может исчезнуть с ростом использования e-mail.

Некоторые специалисты видят свое будущее в виртуальной реальности - использовать компьютеры с звуков и изображений, чтобы сделать вас чувствовать себя, как будто вы находитесь в реальной ситуации.


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What does construction of a building start with? Construction of any building usually starts with excavation. Excavation is a process necessary for the construction of every modern building.

It is well-known fact that there exist different kinds of soil. It is also a well-known fact that the structure of the upper stratum of the soil is of great importance for excavation. The foundation of a building should never be placed on organic soils because soils of this kind are easily decomposed. They are decomposed because water and wind change their structure. So, if the upper stratum of soil is organic, it must be removed from the construction area in order to guard the foundation of the building against water and wind erosion. Further excavation may take place only after the upper organic stratum has been removed. In colder climates the foundations of buildings should be placed below the level to which the ground freezes in winter.

What are the major parts of building? Modern buildings have three major parts. These are the superstructure, the substructure, and the foundation. The superstructure is the above-ground part of a building; the substructure – its below-ground part. As to the third part – foundation – its function is of great importance as it serves to transfer the loads of a building into the upper stratum of earth – its soil.

It is well-known fact that every building needs permanent stability. In order to have stability, buildings should have foundations. We know that the function of a foundation is to transfer the loads of a building into the soil. ^

нужен перевод заранее спасибо
Всем привет) срочно нужен перевод..до завтрашнего утра))) Заранее спасибо) Sounds like trouble! Should People Download Music from the Inte

rnet for Free?

Your parents never imagined the future would allow them to download music from the Internet, but for you, it’s as easy as a few clicks of a computer mouse.

Napster, Gnitella and Aimster are only a few of the many Internet sites that allow visitors to download or upload digital music tracks. Music fans everywhere are getting the tunes they want from the Internet now – for free.

These music – sharing sites have opponents- chiefly the Recording Industry Association of America, which represents the companies that make and sell CDs. The RIAA sued Napster for copyright infringement, and as of Score’s press date, Napster was still in US. District Court fighting for its right to exist.

Many people see music – sharing sites as the wave of the future. “Napster and those Internet radio stations are going to be the norm,” says rapper Ice-T. “People need to get over it.”

But some people can’t get over it – including the band Metallica. They say that Napster and free-music fans are stealing their profits and endangering musicians’ ability to earn a living. They say that CD sales will drop because people will have no reason to pay for a CD when they can get the songs they like for free from the Internet. What do you think? Is it right to download music for free off the Internet?

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