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Пожалуйста,помогите написать письмо,очень очень надо(

10-11 класс

кто-нибудь выручите!))

Написать письмо, в котором должны быть ответы на вопросы :what holiday is your fovourite and why? What presents do you like to give and get? What do people do on holidays?

Кристина1706 18 апр. 2014 г., 20:14:52 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2014 г., 21:06:00 (10 лет назад)

Hello Jane, 

How are you?

I want to tell you how we celebrated the New Year. The New Year is a special day, it is my favourite holiday. This holiday is celebrated around the world. On this holiday we decorate the house with fairy lights, dress the New Year Tree. At night we always look at the festive fireworks. Of course, I like to get present. My mother gave me a modern electronic book. I was really happy. I also made presents; I gave a scarf for my mother and a teddy bear for my little sister. And I always make a wish on the New Year.

What about your favourite holiday?
Best wishes,



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Paragraph 1

1 Open your letter

2 Thank your friend for the letter

3 Express your readiness to help

Paragraph 2

1 Describe common pastimes in your country

2 Mention some pastimes which are not popular in Russia

3 Write about your favourite pastimes

Paragraph 3

1 Express hope that your letter will help (in his project on the most popular pastimes in other countries)

2 Offer more help if needed

3 Close your letter

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