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82.4 Complete the sentences

10-11 класс

with -selves or each other.

Artemcherepanov 01 нояб. 2014 г., 3:09:38 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 нояб. 2014 г., 5:15:49 (9 лет назад)

1  How long have you and Bill known each.other?
2  If people work too hard, they can make themselves ill.
3   I need you and you need me. We need


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. 1. Nick gets up at seven o'clock. ( When ? ) 2. He has bread and butter and a cup of

tea for his breakfast. ( What ? )

3. After supper Nick likes to read books. ( Who ? )

4. Olga passed her entrace exams successfully. ( How ? )

5. Shee studies at the Humanitarian departament. ( What depatament ? )

Постройте предложения относительно примеру. Какое это правило не помню :3 Example: It is simple to solve this

problem. --- This problem is simple to solve.

It is difficult to speak to such people. --- Such people are difficult to speak to.


1. It is expensive to buy a mink coat.

2. It is impossible to get a good dinner in our canteen.

3. It was difficult to start an engine in such cold weather.

4. It is dangerous to stand on this ladder.

5. It is rather difficult to deal with stubborn people.

6. It is dangerous to drive a car in big cities.

7. It is interesting to meet new people.

8. It is simple to communicate with people due to Internet.

9. It was unpleasant to watch their quarrel.

10. It is always funny to lister to him.

Смсысл задания не весьма понятен и прошу помощи у вас. Заранее спасибо. Перепишите блок-схему,

приведенную ниже, и заполните пропуски, используя информацию, данную в тексте.

change the sentences using these expressions with the right prepositions and the gerund: she wanted a place at Oxford and she managed to get it. Tom

does not smoke anymore. Try not to look at the textbook. Kate decided to leave later than she had planned. This bicycle breaks all the time. Ann really wanted to see her friend again. Our mum likes to tell everybody that she got the first prize in the local beauty contest. I like to ski. I would recommend anyone to watch this film примеры:to avoid,to be worth,to give up.to be fond of, to keep, to look forword,to be proud, to put off,to succeed...

Читайте также

Пожалуйста помогите, прям очень-очень срочно!))) Заранее спасибо) Complete the sentences . Use the negative form of the


Example: We had talks on Tuesday but we didn't discuss the terms of payment.

1.I looked through some newspapers but I ...

2.I went to the bank but I ...

3.We met out suppliers but we ...

4.The businessmen discussed the prices but they ...

5. The manager received some catalogues but he ...

6.Mr Blake was busy on Thursday but he...

7.I spoke on the phone with my (sister) but I ...

8. The director went on business to New York but he ...

9. The children watched TV in the afternoon but they...

Complete the sentences.Indicate the time.

1. Our company made some contracts ...

2. I left the office ...

3. We invited some friends to dinner ...

4. Mr Blake visited Moscow...

5. We stayed at home and watched TV...

6. There were some terrorist acts in Russia ...

7. My friend played football (tennis, voleyball) when ...

8. I went out for lunch ...

Use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences Go,

use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences
Go, see, watch, do, work, listen, want.
1.I... to make a cake. Have you got four eggs?
2.We... to the theatre.Do you want to join us?
3. I can not call mother now. She... TV.
4.Where is Sam?-He... on the computer.
5.Plese be quiet. I... my homework.
6.I can not find my book.- Oh, I... it. It is under your bed.
7. What is this noise?- Jack... to his favourite music.

IV. Choose the right form to complete the sentences. 6 points

1. John lost his keys. If John (didn’t lose / hadn’t lost) his keys, he would (get/ have got) in his flat easily.
2. If Nick (is, was, were, had been) a wise man, he (would agree, would have agreed, agreed) then.
3. Of the three books I like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”(less/ least).
4. She was crying in her room quietly then.
She was crying then quietly in her room.
She was crying quietly in her room then.
Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals. 5 points 1. Have you ever tasted cheese - … crisps? FLAVOUR
2. Alice … , if ever , goes out. RARE
3. The Headmaster of the school was a white – haired, … gentle man. DIGNITY
4. Did he talk to you … or was he interested in your plan ? DIFFERENT
5. The … and … children walked across the street. BARE

1. Complete the sentences with a past participle from the task 1.

A) Have you ever won the prize?
B) I have ___two e-mails.
C) Have you ever ____anything online?
D) Have you ever ____anyone famous?
E) My brother has ____to Astana.
F) Ann has ____her classmate with her homework.
G) My mother has ____a letter to her schoolfriend.
H) I`m not hungry. I have just ____breakfast.
I) Mary has ____an interesting book.
J) I have ____a singer from A-Studio.
2. Write this sentence using the First Conditional with these words:
We, our, the future, care for, a lot of, don`t, problems, if, have, generation, world, will, health.
Если мы не будем заботиться о нашем мире, у будущего поколения будет много проблем со здоровьем.
3. Complete this sentence using the Second Conditional.
If I ____a forester, I ________trees every year. (but I`m not a forester, I don`t plant trees every year)
4. Put in like or as.
A) It`s raining again. I don`t like weather ____this.
B) A few years ago she worked ____a secretary.

Complete the sentences containing the Indirect questions. Choose, make up sentences and translate it: I am not sure ___________________. a. where do you

live b. where you live Jackie is wondering ______________. a. whether she got the job b. did she got the job. Could you tell me ________________? a. why Fred was fired b. why was Fred fired 3. Find the Participles, comment on their forms, functions, and translate the sentences: He has bought a used car. Whistling Tom left the room. The advertised merchandise was not available at the store. The fence surrounding the garden is newly painted.

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