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A. Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions (negative/question/affirmative

10-11 класс


1) The meeting (to start) at 10 o’clock.

2) We (to discuss) our project on Monday.

3) The employer (to plan) a series of interview with the applicants.

4) What you (to do)? I (to surf) the net.

5) We (to supply) you with all necessary equipment tomorrow.

6) The train (not to arrive) at 6 p.m. It goes behind the schedule.

7) Your working hours (start) at8 a.m. and (to end) at 5 p.m. Please, be punctual, tomorrow (to be) your fist time at work.

8) (to go) anywhere this week? No, fortunately I haven’t got any business trips.

9) You (not to sell) your car, right? It is new!

10) He (to join) us later, don’t worry.

111oks 06 марта 2014 г., 4:50:41 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 марта 2014 г., 5:57:14 (10 лет назад)

1)      The meeting starts at 10 o’clock.

2)      We shall discuss our project on Monday.

3)      The employer is planing a series of interview with the applicants.

4)      What will you do? I shall surf the net.

5)      We shall supply you with all necessary equipment tomorrow.

6)      The train does not arrive at 6 p.m. It goes behind the schedule.

7)      Your working hours start at 8 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. Please, be punctual, tomorrow will be your fist time at work.

8)      Going anywhere this week? No, fortunately I haven’t got any business trips.

9)      You will not sell your car, right? It is new!

10)  He will join us later, don’t worry.


Другие вопросы из категории

Джим написал о своих друзьях артистах.замени выделенные слова на she,he,they,it,we.

1.TIM is slim and sad
2.I AND TOM are friends
3TRICKY,TIM,AND TOM can sing well
4.ALICE likes sweets
5.TIM has got a hat. THE HAT is funny

Помогите плиз,надо сделать стихотворный перевод или высказать свое мнение о нем

Tomorrow smile at someone
that you’ve never seen before
take time to think of others that
you feel compassion for.

Tomorrow tell somebody
how they brighten up your day
let random acts of kindness
put your feeling on display.

Tomorrow hug your children
somewhat tighter than before
be sure to think of all the
things you can be thankful

pat you dog a little longer
hug and kiss your husband/wife
thank your god for granting
you another day of life.

Читайте также

A. Put the verb into the most suitable form with future meaning, Present progressive or Present simple. 1) We (to

have) a corporate party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

2) I (not to go) away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money. They haven’t paid me holiday pay yet. (You/to go) away?

3) Our first job interview this afternoon (to start) exactly at 3:30.

4) George, is it true that you (to work) overtime next week?

5) My seasonal work (to start) May, 25 and (to end) October, 25.

6) What time the (next shift/to end)?

7) Ann, we (to go) to town. (You/to come) with us?

8) Don’t make any plans I (to surf) the Net tonight.

9) Our after-hours activities usually (to start) after 8 p.m.

10) I (to look for) a position of a banker.

B. Put the words into the correct order paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions.

1) Doing/I/ course paper/am/ with/ in the evening/ my father.

2) Company /in our /seasonal overtime/ /starts/ May, 1.

3) Going/a new /vacancy/I am/to find/ my sister-in law/for.

4) You/to place/where/going/your/are/new/ job advertisement?

5) Arrive/your employer/does/when?

6) Colleagues/ for Madrid/are/my/in the next few days/leaving.

7) Become/next year/will/I/a good specialist.

8) With/Playing/our partners/volleyball match/are/tonight/we.

9) Is/to do/ironing/nobody/the/going.

10) Having/friends/we/for dinner/are /tonight.

C. Open the brackets paying attention to the usage of tenses denoting future actions (negative/question/affirmative forms).

1) The meeting (to start) at 10 o’clock.

2) We (to discuss) our project on Monday.

3) The employer (to plan) a series of interview with the applicants.

4) What you (to do)? I (to surf) the net.

5) We (to supply) you with all necessary equipment tomorrow.

6) The train (not to arrive) at 6 p.m. It goes behind the schedule.

7) Your working hours (start) at8 a.m. and (to end) at 5 p.m. Please, be punctual, tomorrow (to be) your fist time at work.

8) (to go) anywhere this week? No, fortunately I haven’t got any business trips.

9) You (not to sell) your car, right? It is new!

10) He (to join) us later, don’t worry.

Many people complain that dog owners do not look after their pets for a walk and do not pay attention to the fact that they are shitting in the

wrong places. People are offering penalize "offenders" or even arrest them.
I think that the arrest is not necessary, but to fine for the troubles caused by the animals need. Although I think that everything is so used to it that nothing will be done.
People should be care of their pets , because other people don't like when they pass near with foul dog or cat. Also, if they are foul on the lawn, private property or public place their owners should be pay.
On the other hand, the owners of the pets may not have time to work, or for some important cases, so they have to walk with their animals closer to home or to the nearest public place. Their, too, can be understood.
I think if I was the owner of the animal that want to walk, I would not paid attention to where I walk with him. In the end we are not that, life is like that.
To sum up, I want to say - if you have got the animal that want to walks, walk it in the right places, or do not take it.

Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Perfect. 1. He (to study) French before

he (to enter) the university. 2. Lanny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town. 3. The boy (to wait) to act the main part in the play because he (to organize) the theatre. 4. Lanny (not to know) who (to attack) him in the darkness. 5. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window. 6. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning. 7. By the time the train (to reach) the city, he (to make) friends with many passengers. 8. When his uncle (to leave), he (to hurry) to the station to book a ticket. 9. She (to think) that Gert and Lanny (to quarrel). 10. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home. 11. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood. 12. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin). 13. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather. 14. Where you (to work) before you (to enter) the institute? 15. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students. 16. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home. 17. All my friends (to be) glad to heart that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully. 18. Poor Oliver (to lie) unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him. 19. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him. 20. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life.

Хэлп ми!!!! Open the brackets. Put the pronouns in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. I want (you) to tell me the


2. Our teacher made (we) learn this rule by heart and now we are grateful to her.

3. My father doesn't let (I) go out in the evening. It's not fair!

4. I heard (she) open the door, but I pretended to be asleep.

5. The Browns are not at home tonight. Mike saw (they) leave earlier.

6. I would like (he) to be my friend, but he is too cool.

7. Susan expected (it) to start this morning.

Open the brackets using Gerund or Participle I.

1) I don’t enjoy (to eat) sweets because it’s harmful for my teeth.
2) The water (to run) from the gill was clean.
3) Stop (to write) this silly letter!
4) What do you call in English the thing that we use for (to reheat)
5) We couldn’t help (to laugh) at Eddie Murphy’s Acting.
6) The man (to sit) at the table was very pale and long-haired.
7) What products do you use for (to cook)?
8) She feel like (to dance). It’s her favorite music.
9) The pupils look forward to (to go) on excursion to Kolomenskoye.
10) Do you mind (to smoke) here if I open the window?

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