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Speaking task. One can have only one friend….

10-11 класс

Qscwdv123 23 нояб. 2014 г., 14:14:05 (9 лет назад)
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23 нояб. 2014 г., 14:45:05 (9 лет назад)

Each of us, for sure, boasts a host of friends.


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Переведите на английский язык употребляя глаголы в PRESENT SIMPLE.ТОЛЬКО НЕ ЧЕРЕЗ ПЕРЕВОДЧИК ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!

--Когда встает твой брат? --Он встает без двадцати восемь.---А твоя сестра тоже встает без двадцати восемь? --Нет.Мой брат ходит в школу,а моя сестра не ходит в школу.Она еще не ученица.Она встает двадцать минут восьмого.

Some or any? Read and write. Какое правило в написание этих местоимен.?

A: What do you want to eat?
B:Mm, I want a burger and 1) some chips.
A: Oh,they haven^t got 2) .......burgers.
B:Have they got 3)......sandwiches?
A: Yes! Do you want 4).....lemonade too.
B:No, thank you. Can I have 5)......Coke, please?
A: They haven^t got 6).....Coke. What about 7)........orange juice?

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The Funny Monkey Wants to Have a Friend.Chita is a little monkey.She is from Africa.She is brown.Chita is funny.She likes to jump ,run and play very

much.She can sing ahd dance,to.But she hasn*t got friends to play with.And Chita wants to have many friends.So she goes and goes and goes.One day she sees a big green frog.The frog jump but she can*t run or play games.*I don*t want to have the frog as a friends *, says Chita. And she goes ,and goes and goes.Пожалуйста перевидите на русский

Помогите пожалуйста с заданием!!! Read the text below and think of the words which best fits each space. Write down only one word in each space. Use the

words: in, in, a, the, the, for, for, others, who, of. Most people have the ability to learn 1) _______ foreign language. They simply need constant encouragement 2) _______ order to overcome their fears. Conversation seems to be 3)_________most difficult aspect for some students while for 4) _________ it is comprehension of the spoken word . This feeling is not exclusive to those 5)___________ feel least confident, as even the most outgoing students are sometimes reluctant to speak. One reason 6)___________ this reluctance may be shyness. Students may be ashamed 7)____________ their accent. We could say that 8)__________root of this problem might be the student`s desire 9)________perfection, but no one can have perfect pronunciation 10)___________ practice.

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If I happen to live in Spain, I'll live in a small provincial town, far from big cities. My house will be in the mountains where nature is wild and magic. But still it is dream, and perhaps some day I'll visit Spain, but I will only visit, I'm not going to live there. East or West, home is best. I can't imagine my life in another country without Russian friends, the Russian language, Russian frost and Russian cookery:

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