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преобразуйте слово, чтоб оно грамматически и лексически подходило к предложению. ;)

10-11 класс

алёна568 21 марта 2015 г., 12:51:52 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 марта 2015 г., 15:23:41 (9 лет назад)

professions, unempoyment, achievements,
sufficiently, painless, unwise


Другие вопросы из категории

Упр. 268. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1. I bought potatoes yesterday. 2. We shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. They are repairing the clock now. 4. They sell milk in this shop. 5. I have trans­lated the whole text. 6. They broke the window last week. 7. When I came home, they had eaten the sweets. 8. We shall do the work in the evening. 9. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. They were playing tennis from four till five. 11. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 12. By six o'clock they had finished the work. 13. At twelve o'clock the workers were loading the trucks. 14. By three o'clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 15. We send our daughter to rest in the south every year. 16. They will show this film on TV. 17. They are building a new concert-hall in our street. 18. They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory. 19. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 20. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 21. They will stage this play at the beginning of next season. 22. They have forgotten the story. 23. Has anybody explained the rules of the game to you? 24. They haven't brought back my skates.

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Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1. The problem was that, without ___________________ it, I was on the ground floor of an approaching revolution.(realize) 2. He rearranged (перенёс) his ________________ for an earlier date.(arrive) 3. He couldn’t sleep last night. He fell _________________ almost in the morning.(sleep) 4. He asked for the key to _____________________ the closed door.(lock) 5. Harry was very _____________________ to find out that he wasn’t miles behind everyone else.(relief) 6. Take _________(s) of the room before you buy any furniture. (measure) 7. I have been in _____________________ with her for 5 years. (partner) 8. Her answer is of great _________________________ to me. (important) 9. Do you get ______________________________ before an exam? (nerve) 10. Jenny got up to make a ___________________________. (speak)
№11 Преобразуйте слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. 1. I'm really bad at Arts. In fact, I’m ________________________. (hope) 2. Who is the guest _______________________? (speak) 3. Prizes are awarded for ________________________. (achieve) 4. The natural world is full of _________________________. (wonderful) 5. He is very brave and _____________________________. (fear) 6. Some sales managers think selling abroad is __________ difficult. (possible) 7. There are lots of ____________________ for my career. (possible) ~ 52 ~8. The __________________ of man was long after dinosaurs` time. (appear) 9. The police are looking for __________________ of what happened. (prove ) 10.It could be quite some time before we see any _______________. (improve) 11.Our washing powder now has a new ________________ formula. (improve)

Образуйте от слова MOVE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Migrating Birds

In autumn you can see large flocks of birds flying from Russia to warmer countries. In spring, they come back to us. Migration is the periodic seasonal ______ of birds.

Заполните пропуски, преобразуя слова в скобках, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали смыслу предложений.Do you think you get a

good____________ ____ at your school? (educate) I’m not expert. I’m only a_____________ ! (begin) The police arc going to give Tracy an award for (brave) I’m writing in to your advertisement for a guitar

teacher, (prefer)

I want_______________ at all times during the exam, (silent)

Заполните предложения прилагательными, образованными от существительных, данных в скобках 1. It was very ...... so I drove slowly.(FOG)

2.It's nice meeting such a ........ person.(FRIEND)

3.He looked very .......... in that hat.(FUN)

4.They saw a ............... figure at the castle door. (GHOST)

5.Working on the car made her hands ................. .(GREASE)

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами - существительными.

Lord Byron (1788-1824) didn't live a long life. He was an aristocrat and a fashionable man. But he loved (1) _________ and a simple country life. His (2) ________ attracted Britain and all Europe. He brought to his (3) ____________ romanticism of his times. He was talented and handsome, nobl and brave. (4) ________ admired him. In 1812 he became famous after the (5) _________ of his autobiographic poem "Childe Harold".







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