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Complete these sentences using the words from Ex. 39, 40.

5-9 класс

1. Our team is ...ing for the match on Saturday. 2. It's important
to say things with the right ... . 3. Clothes of 20 years ago look very
... today. 4. What's an ... temperature in Moscow in winter? 5. —
4g Are those two boys ...? — Yes, they are cousins.

Slava66 06 нояб. 2013 г., 20:15:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 нояб. 2013 г., 21:21:07 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
06 нояб. 2013 г., 23:26:12 (10 лет назад)

учебник Верещагина

+ 0 -
07 нояб. 2013 г., 1:05:35 (10 лет назад)

учебник Верещагина

+ 0 -
07 нояб. 2013 г., 1:49:59 (10 лет назад)

Комментарий удален

+ 0 -
07 нояб. 2013 г., 3:36:22 (10 лет назад)

1.Is practising 2. right intonaton 3.very old-fashioned today 4. an average temperature 5.related


Другие вопросы из категории

Ответьте на вопросы пожалуйста очень надо 1)What environmental problems have we got today ? 2)Do you think we should discuss these

problems ?

3)What do you feel about the rare plants and animals ?

4) How can you personally take part in the protection of nature ?

Помогите пожалууйста!!!!!!!!!!

Напишите на английском о человеке котором восхищаетесь (что бы он например был инвалидом или что то типо того..)

Читайте также

1. Сomplete the sentences with the correct from of the word in brackets. 1. She is a perfect __________(dance). She

was invited dance at the Bolshoi Theatre.

2. Nobody likes going to the _________ (dental) although nowadays it is painless.

3. I think she will be a good ________(nursery). She is very kind and helpful.

4. He is a qualified ____________(programme). He spends all his time in front of the computer.

5 I am hopeless at writing compositions. I have no chance of becoming a _________ (journal).

6. It's not always easy to earn a living as an __________ (art)

2a. Match the words in the columns to from phrases describing skills and abilities.

1. give clear a) hours

2. have good/ bad physical b) explanations

3. work long c) co-ordination

4. have good/ bad d) concentration

5. have an ear for e) music

2b. Use the expressions from Ex.2a to complete the sentences.

1. You stand no chance of being good at singing unless you _________________

2. To me a good teacher is a person who can ____________________________

3. I have never been able to_________________________ as i get tired very quickly

4. Although I __________________________________________ , I like dancing very much.

5. To be a taxi driver you need to _____________________________________

Join the sentences, using the words in brackets.

1) She will buy tickets for the concert. She will phone us. (as soon as)
2) We will get good marks. We will finish the project in time. (if)
3) They will discuss this problem. They will make a decision. (before)
4) We won’t go for a walk. The rain will stop. (until)
5) I’ll read your e-mail. I’ll come home. (when)
Complete the sentences with the correct part of speech, using the words in brackets.
1) The latest book of this (novel) describes the (truth)
events in the history of our country.
2) My parents won’t give me the (permit) to leave the college.
3) The poem was so (emotion) that tears appeared in her eyes.
4) If you use your (imagine) you’ll guess the end of this (excite) story.
5) The teacher gave him some extra work as (punish) for being late
Report the statements.
1) «I bought this disc three days ago», said Harry.
2) «Don’t argue with me!» Father said to Paul.
3) «The Browns have just returned from the seaside», Mike said to his brother.
4) «Could you open the window, please?» Jane said to her classmate.
5) Liz said to Ben, «I can’t go to the concert with you.»
6) «We will choose her a present tomorrow, Sally», Mother said.

помогите сделать плиз Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the

sentences are about the future. Use will/won't or the present simple (I
see/he plays/it is etc.).
1. I'll phone (phone) you when I get (get) home from work.
2. I want to see Margaret before she --- (go) out.
3. We're going on holiday tomorrow. I --- (tell) you all about it when
we --- (come) back.
4. Brian looks very different now. When you --- (see) him again,
you --- (not/recognise) him.
5. We must do something soon before it --- (be) too late.
6. I don't want to go without you. I --- (wait) until you --- (be)
7. Sue has applied for the job but she isn't very well qualified for
it. I --- (be) surprised if she --- (get) it.
8. I'd like to play tennis tomorrow if the weather --- (be) nice.
9. I'm going out now. If anybody --- (phone) while I --- (be) out, can
you take a message?
25.2 Make one sentence from two.
1. You will be in London again. You must come and see us then.
You must come and see us. when you are in London again.
2. I'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my address.
I --- when ---
3. I'll do the shopping. Then I'll come straight back home.
--- after ---
4. It's going to start raining. Let's go home before that.
--- before ---
5. She must apologise to me first. I won't speak to her until then

Complete the sentences. use the words from the box. Слова которые можно вставить: Climate change, Glass bottles, Grennhouse gases, Plastic

bottles, The litter from iur bins, A lot of trees, Walking to school.
1. _____ are recycled into supermarket bags.

2.______are metled down and made into new glass products.

3.______ are saved if people recycle their paper.

4.______are made out of carbon dioxide, ozone and other gases,

5.______is taken to special places.

6.______instead of going by car is good for the environment.

7.______result from global warming

Помогите, пожалуйста!!! Complete the second sentence so that a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in bold and other words. You

must use between two words, including the word given.

0) You can learn more about the country if you are staying there/


You can learn more about the country be living in it.

1) Studying abroad seems difficult but interesting to many students.


Students understand how_________________is.

2) Studying abroad is similar to studying at one's home college.


Studying abroad is not __________________studying at home.

3) When you are abroad you can miss your relatives very much/


While abroad you ___________________because you can't see parents and relatives.

4) You are in charge of all your things.


You_________________ everything.

5) You can learn a lot about yourself and the world while studying abroad.


Studying abroad__________________experience you can have

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