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Напишите нужную степень сравнения прилагательных

5-9 класс

Tom is (old) than Richard
the weather is (good) today than it was yesterday

Karishka20687 29 окт. 2014 г., 10:55:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 окт. 2014 г., 13:04:38 (9 лет назад)

Tom is older than Richard
the weather is better today than it was yesterday


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умоляю спасайте.нужно написать рассказ о домашнем животном.в этом я хромаю сильно.помогите пж.(прошу не использовать переводчик он вобще тупой...

перевести нужно это:(хоть половину)

моё любимое домашние животное кошка.дома у меня есть кошка.ей 4 года.это для котов много.она часто спит. только ест и спит.иногда мы с ей бегаем по дому.она2 раза падала с балкона .давно у меня была ищё одна кошка но она не прожила и года и сбежала.скоро мы завидем собаку но серовно я буду любить свою кошку.

умоляю спасайте!

Читайте также

Помогите, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилагательных. 1. He was only five years (young) than I was. 2. They

stopped at one of (good)...hotels in town. 3. At that moment he was (happy) person in the world. 4. Please, show me (short) way to the department store. 5. She looked (happy) today than she did yesterday. 6. I hope to read this book (fast) than that one. 7. Ann plays the piano (good) than the other girls. 8. He works (hard) at his English than they do. 9. I get up (early) than my brother does. 10. He is one of (good) actors in our theatre. 11. Tom is (good) student than Peter. 12. John is (clever) man I have ever met. 13. Her explanation was (clear)than yours. 14. This article is (easy) than that one. 15. I have (little) time for reading than my friend has.

Раскройте скобки употребив нужную степень сравнения прилагательного

1) Travelling by air is (expensive) way
2) Travelling by train is (slow) then travelling by plane
3) Travelling by air is (convenient) than travelling by train.
4) His office is situated (far) than his.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Не was only five years (young) than I was. 2. They stopped at one of (good)... hotels in town. 3. At that moment he was (happy) person in the world. 4. Please, show me (short) way to the department store. 5. She looked (happy) today than she did yester-day. 6. I hope to read this book (fast) than that one. 7. Ann plays the piano (good) than the other girls 8. He works (hard) at his English than they do. 9.1 get up (early) than my brother does, 10. He is one of (good) actors in our theatre. 11. Tom is (good) student than
Peter. 12. John is (clever) man I have ever met. 13. Her explanation was (clear) than yours 14. This article is (easy) than that one. 15. I have (little) time for reading than my friend has

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1. My brother is a student. 2. Where is a key? 3. Oui room is big. 4. Her family is small. 5. That is a book. 6. Here is a pencil. 7. What is the answer? 8. Go to the window. 9.1 can see a ship. 10. That is a door. 11. Her* lived a Frenchman. 12. This is an apple. 13. This shee] is fat. 14. That is an order. 15. It is a pleasure.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилагательных.
1. Не was only five years (young) than I was. 2. They stopped at one of (good)... hotels in town. 3. At that moment he was (happy) person in the world. 4. Please, show me (short) way to the department store. 5. She looked (happy) today than she did yester¬day. 6. I hope to read this book (fast) than that one. 7. Ann plays the piano (good) than the other girls 8. He works (hard) at his English than they do. 9.1 get up (early) than my brother does, 10. He is one of (good) actors in our theatre. 11. Tom is (good) student than
Peter. 12. John is (clever) man I have ever met. 13. Her explanation was (clear) than yours 14. This article is (easy) than that one. 15. I have (little) time for reading than my friend has

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