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Переведите текст и сделайте к тексту задания Начало текста во вложениях "Young Ras, an Indian student who lives on the same

10-11 класс


Natasha06natas 31 дек. 2014 г., 22:19:05 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
01 янв. 2015 г., 0:23:56 (9 лет назад)

 - Дайте ответ на мои вопросы, пожалуйста. - попросил Холмс, - У вас есть семья или вы живете один?

- Совсем один, мистер Холмс, я не женат.

- Сколько комнат вы занимаете?

- У меня  гостиная и спальная. Ваши комнаты наверху?

- Обе на первом этаже. 

- Сколько людей живет в доме?

- Всего трое, кроме меня. Они студенты университета.

- Они проходят возле вашей двери каждый раз, когда выходят?

- Другого входа в дом нет.

- Кто приходил к вам, после того как вы получили документы? - спросил Холмсю

- Молодой Рас, индийский студент, который живет на этом же этаже.

- Его кто-то послал?

- Нет

- Почему он приходил?

- Он пришел, чтобы задать мне несколько вопросов по экзамену. Он приходил ко мне каждый раз, когда ему что-то надо было узнать. 

- Где были документы в то время?

- Они были на моем письменном столе

- Где вы оставили бумаги, когда  вышли?

- Я оставил их на письменном столе

- Как долго вас не было?

- Примерно  час

- Вы закрыли дверь, когда  пошли ко мне?

- Мне не нужно было  этого делать. Я оставил слугу в комнате.

- Почему он не пришел с вами?

- Он хотел осмотреть комнату еще раз

- Вы доверяете своему слуге? Он честный?

- Да. Его честность абсолютно вне подозрений. Я доверял ему крупные суммы денег. 

- Кого вы подозреваете?

- Это очень деликатный вопрос, я не могу на него ответить

- Можете ли вы рассказать мне о характерах  трех студентов?

- Конечно, могу,- сказал Сомс.

     Он рассказал Холмсу, что из трех студентов, Макларена, Раса и Гилфорда, первый  был старшим.Те двое были моложе, оба были молодцами и трудолюбивыми, хотя

Рас был намного серьезнее чем Гилфорд. Учитель знал, что последний (Гилфорд) работал столько, сколько индианец, но был менее смышленный, чем Рас. Сомс добавил, что Гилфорд был прекрасным молодым человеком, самый высокий из трех, любил спорт и был лучший прыгун в команде колледжа. К сожалению, он был очень беден, и  больше нуждается в стипендии, чем двое других. Он сказал, что ему будет  легче сдать экзамен, чем индианцу, у которого слабым местом был язык. Когда Холмс спросил, что он расказал бы о Макларене, Сомс ответил, что Макларен был наименее трудолюбивый и самый беспринципный человек среди своих сокурсников, что он проводил мало времени над обучением и чувствовал себя очень нервничал перед следующими экзаменами.



Ground floor,  lock the door,  to examine the room,  industrious students, the former, the latter,   the least industrious,  How long were you absent? Whom do you suspect?  His honesty is  above suspicion.  He was fond of sports.    He in greater needed of the scholarship. 

+ 0 -
01 янв. 2015 г., 1:48:48 (9 лет назад)

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обектний падеж.

there are very good exesices. Do... at home. a. me, b. them. c. it . d. their

Употребите правильную форму глагола в условных предложениях.

1. It rained all day. If the weather (not be) so bad we (go out).
2. We expect Mary to be here soon. If she (not arrive), we (phone) her.
3. I sleep badly. If I (not get) enough sleep I (not get) much work done.
4. We went to Paris. If we (not go) to Paris, we (not have) such a good time.
5. My brother doesn't do any work. If he (work) harder, he (pass) his exams.
6. Jane and John like each other. If he (ask) her to dance, she (say) yes.
7. This is an old computer. If you (not press) 'Save' you (lose) your work.
8. I did German at school. If I (do) English, I (get) a better job?
9. There's a bus. If we (get on) that one, we (arrive) in time.
10. I can't see a bus. But even if we (catch) a bus now, we (be) late.


The building of the Pushkin Museum appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in a small old Moscow Street Volkhonka. The museum opened in 1912. At first the museum exhibited - its halls copies of famous sculptures. Later the museum bought original masterpieces. Now the collection of sculptures in the Pushkin Museum is one of the best in the world. The building itself is an architectural masterpiece. The collection of paintings is not as large as the one in the Hermitage but the Pushkin Museum houses many originals of Italian, Spanish, Dutch and other famous artists. Now it is the second largest museum of art in Russia. Russian people are proud of the large collection of paintings of French artists of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries which are on the display of the museum.

Подскажите пожалуйста, как правильно написать фразу "Бог истинный герой".

Напечатали на футболке другу - God is true hero.
Он репетитор английского, сказал что забыли артикль "а" после is. Точно ли нужен артикль?

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Задания к тексту: . Допишите предложения, используя информацию из текста.

1. A bond is …

2. Interest paid on bond is …

Issuing too much stock …



ISSUING BONDS. A bond is a written promise to pay a
specific amount of money at a certain date in the future or periodically over
the course of a lo an, during which time interest is paid at a fixed rate on
specified dates. Should the holder of the bond wish to get back money before
the note is due, the bond may be sold to someone else. When the bond reaches
“maturity”, the company promises to pay back

the principal at its face value.

Bonds are desirable for the company because the
interest rate is lower than in most other types of

– borrowing. Also, interest paid on bonds is a tax
deductible business expense for the corporation. The disadvantage is tha t
interest payments ordinarily are made on bonds even when no profits are earned.
For this reason, a smaller corporation can seldom raise much capital by issuing

SALES OF COMMON STOCK. Holders of bonds have lent
money to the company, but they have no voice in its affairs, nor do they share
in profits or losses. Quite the reverse is true for what are known as “equity”
investors who buy common stock. They own shares in the corporation and have
certain legal rights including, in most cases, the right to vote for the board
of directors who actually manage the

company. But they receive no dividends until interest
payments are made on outstanding bonds.

If a company’s financial health is good and its assets
sufficient, it can create capital by voting to iss

ue additional shares of common stock. For a large
company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock
issue at a set price. If the market refuses to buy the issue at a minimum
price, the banker will take them and absorb the loss. Like printing paper
money, issuing too much stock diminishes the basic value of each share.

Может кто помочь с переводом большого текста?

Только с переводчика не пишите,пожалуйста!!!!

текст для удобства разделен на 3 части,смотрите во вложениях

Помогите прошу с переводом,более точным и адекватным чем в онлайн-переводчиках.

Задание № 10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.InventionInvention (device or process) is creation of new devices, objects, ideas, orprocedures useful in accomplishing human objectives. The process of invention isinvariably preceded by one or more discoveries that help the inventor solve theproblem at hand. A discovery may be accidental, such as the discovery of X- rays byWilhelm Conrad Roentgen while he was experimenting with cathode rays, orinduced, such as the invention of the lightning rod by Benjamin Franklin after heproved that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.Early inventors were usually isolated and unable to support themselves throughtheir inventions. In some cases, although two individuals working independentlyachieved the same innovation simultaneously, only one was recognized for thediscovery. For example, the American inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander GrahamBell applied for a patent on the telephone on the same day. Credit for the discovery ofthe calculus was fought for bitterly by the English scientist and mathematician SirIsaac Newton and the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried WilhelmLeibniz.Today most modern inventions and discoveries take place in large researchorganizations supported by universities, government agencies, private industries, orprivately endowed foundations. Because of this, ascribing any single invention to aspecific person has become difficult.
an invention - изобретение
creation - создание
a discovery - открытие
to support - поддерживать
research - исследование

Помогите пожалуйста!!!

Задание 1. переведите текст.
Ivan Polzunov
Ivan Ivanovich Polzunov was a Russian inventor. He created the first steam engine in Russia and the first two- cylinder engine in the world.
Ivan Polzunjv was born in the family of a soldier in the town Turinsk. After graduating in 1742 from Mining School (Горнозаводская школа) in Ekaterinburg he worked as a mechanic’s apprentice and in 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.
In the library of Barnaul he found works of Mikhail Lomonosov, that he studied by himself as well as the descriptions of contemporary steam machines by I.Shlatter. In 1763 he proposed an original 1.8 h.p. steam engine. The design used two cylinders on the same shaft that allowed its operations completely independantle from water power even on dry places or in mountains. The design was a great step forward from contemporary steam machine that used hydropower to return the piston and so could not be used if the hydropower was not available. The project was sent to Empress Catherine II. She awarded him 400 rubles but did not seem to appreciate the new technology.
In 1765 Polsunov designed a large 32 h.p. steam machine for air pumps. The director of Barnaul Plants general Porshin agreed to use Polzunov’s two-cylinder design as Barnaul steel mills were in a very dry area and in summer they often did not have any hydropower at all.
The machine was assembled in the winter and spring of 1766. But Ivan Polzunov’s tuberculosis became much worse and he died on May, 1766, at the age of 37, three days before the machine was finished. The machine worked three months, and then was disassembled despite paying off its costs in those three months. A working model of the steam machine made by Ivan Polzunov is in the museum of Barnaul and it still works.
A minor planet, 1978SP7 is named in his honor, as well as the crater on the Moon.

Задание 2 Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. Используйте фразы: It is right. It is wrong. Исправьте неверные утверждения.
1.1.I.Polzunov was an English inventor.
6. In 1748 he began to work in Barnaul.
7. In the library of Barnaul I.I.Polzunov found works of M.Lomonosov that he studied by himself.
8. In 1865 Polzunov designed a large electric machine for air pumps.

Writing.Задание во вложении. Всего 60-100 слов)

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