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Перекладіть будь ласка текст 7 класс (some holidays and special days in britain)

5-9 класс

Malina07 09 июня 2013 г., 17:48:31 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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09 июня 2013 г., 20:47:31 (10 лет назад)

деякі свята і особливі дні у Велекобританії


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Sung. In 1972, when I was, um maube seven years old, the President of the United States, President Nixon came to my country, came to China. And one of the places he visited was Datong, which was my city. And I was very good at dancing when I was young so I was chosen from my school to dance, to dance in front of the President. And at the end, we were all standing in line and he stopped when he came to me and I remember he smiled and said `Hello`, which was the only English word I knew. And I just said `Welcome`, in Chinese, or course. I still remember it very clearly.

Andy. I met my girlfriend while I was working as a barman in a disco. And there was this really gorgeous girl in the club and I really wanted to talk to her, but I couldn`t because I was working. Anyway as luck would have it, I was carrying a ... a bucket of ice and I dropped it, accidentally, or course, just next to where she was sitting. And well, I said `Oh, I`m so sorry. I`m really, really sorry.` And we started chatting and I found out her name was Karen, and in the end she gave me her phone number. We started going out and we`ve been together for nearly two years.

Помогите пжлст.

в общем нужно сделать условные предложения:
1.If I see you,...
2.If I were you,...
3.If we had met each other,...
4.If it was my birthday,...

Нужно расширить высказывание. Что-нибудь добавьте к имеющемуся. Помогите, плиз I like history. I think, history is very interesting and useful

subject. Besides [bɪ'saɪdz] school books pupils can get information about history events from encyclopedias, newspapers, TV set and the Internet. History can teach us a lot of things. Historical events, for example, make us analyse the life of people in the past, think about their mistakes and help us to make the right choice. Unfortunately [ʌn'fɔːʧ(ə)nətlɪ], people not always learn lessons given by history. Moreover [mɔː(r)'əuvə], I want to say, that Russian people should be proud of their history. Our great – grand parents won several wars due to their bravery and courage ['kʌrɪʤ]. There are a lot of monuments and places, where we always remember their acts of bravery.

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