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Wheres the mous? Its in the house. Wheres the cat? Its under the hat. Wheres the bears? Theyre on the chairs. Wheres the foxes? Theyre in the boxes. And

1-4 класс

wheres the toast? its in the ghost. Помогите пожалуйста прочитать по русски ,(немецкий изучали )))

Podrezow 27 июня 2014 г., 7:54:48 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 июня 2014 г., 8:53:33 (9 лет назад)

Уверез ве маус? Итс ин ве хаус. Уверез ве кэт? Итс анде ве хэт. Уверез ве биэрс? Вэй а он ве чейрс. Верес ве фоксес? Вей а  ин ве боксес. Энд уверес ве тоэст? Итс ин ве чост.


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They have already built a new bridge.

What Bob says is not true. Disagree with him.

With have already built two bridges over rhe river.
He has already read the next.
She has already bought a lot of food.
We have beeen to South America.
She has not met her boss yet.
We have seen a very interesting film.

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перевидите hi my name is Jill, I love to play ball sing dance and read books in school I was very clever in the morning at home, I love to eat cake with

pink icing, they are very good! I have lunch at school at twelve zero zero and in the evening I go to the ballet with her ​​dog smoey Yokoi and John and I have a house cat lives washi I live on the second floor in my room at my house the third lot of gamesβββββββββββββββββββββ

Irkutsk the capital east Siberiaю One of the oldest cities in Russia. Him three hundred and fifty years. Irkutsk is located on the banks of the Angara

River, in sixty three kilometers from lake Baikal and a lot of tourists visit it every years. In the old part of the city there lots of interesting ancient buildings. You can visit art museum, the house-museum Volkonskogo, icebreaker museum Angara. You can also visit musical a theater, theatre drama, opera and puppet theater. Tourists can see the Catholic Cathedral or Spasskaya church they very beautiful. There are some fantastic restaurants in the Irkutsk. You can have lunch at one of the many cafes in the centre of the city. Baikal is one of the oldest lakes in the world. The depth of the like is one thousand six hundred thirty-seven metres. The water is fresh clean and clear. In the lake there are many fish: omul, harius, sturgeon, cig and seals. Tourists usually go to like Baikal. They can buy souvenirs and eat fish there. In Irkutsk there are more six hundred thousand people and third of people of different nationalities^ Russian, Buryats, Tatars Poles, Germans, and another. All the people are friendly, live and work together. Пожалуйста проверьте ошибки и исправьте. Заранее вам благодарна. Это домашнее сочинение.

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