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10-11 класс

Нужно выписать из текста глаголы страдательном залоге Passive Voice.
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is the most northern part of the island of Great Britain . Its population is
over 5 million people. Scotland was inhabited mainly by the Picts. In the 6th century,the
Scots from Ireland (or Scotia) settled in what is now Argyll, giving their name
to the present-day Scotland. During the 9th century ,the various parts of
Scotland united in defense against the Vikings. The powerful monarchy which
existed in England threatened Scottish independence throughout the Middle Ages.
In 1603 James 6 of Scotland become also James 1 of England when Queen Elizabeth
1 of England died without children. In 1651 Scotland was united with England,
although Scotland kept its own parliament. In 1797, both countries, realizing
the benefits of closer political and economic union , agreed on a single
parliament for Great Britain. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between
England and Scotland. The greater part of Scotland is surrounded by see.
Scotland includes the Hebrides off the west coast and the Orkney and Shetland
Islands off the north coast. It is bounded by the North Sea on the east.
Scotland is divided into three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the
Southern Uplands. The Highlands are among the oldest mountains in the world.
There are a lot of valleys and lakes in this region, the best known lake is
Loch Ness. Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands.
The biggest city is Glasgow. It is an important port in the United Kingdom.
Shipbuilding is the leading industry. But other industries such as iron and
steel, engineering and coal-mining are highly developed too. The capital of
Scotland is Edinburgh. It is the cultural center of Scotland.

Vja4eslav2012 31 июля 2014 г., 20:03:23 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
31 июля 2014 г., 20:46:50 (9 лет назад)

1)  Scotland was inhabited mainly by the Picts. In the 6th century,the Scots from Ireland (or Scotia) settled in what is now Argyll, giving their name to the present-day Scotland.
2 In 1651 Scotland was united with England, although Scotland kept its own parliament. In 1797, both countries, realizing the benefits of closer political and economic union , agreed on a single parliament for Great Britain.
3) The greater part of Scotland is surrounded by see.
4)  It is bounded by the North Sea on the east.
5) Scotland is divided into three parts: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the
Southern Uplands.
6)  Most of the population of Scotland is concentrated in the Lowlands.
7)  But other industries such as iron and steel, engineering and coal-mining are highly developed too.



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In the 15th century people knew only three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa. They knew nothing about such a big continent as America.

The man who was thought to be the discoverer of America was born in 1440 in Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus.He became a sailor at an early age. Knowing that the earth was round, he decided to reach1 India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to organize his expedition as nobody wanted to help him. Many years after when he was an old man the Spanish government gave him some money for his expedition. He was able to set sail only in 1492, on August 3.

The voyage was very dangerous1 and difficult.- His men insisted on returning home, but Columbus did everything he could to make them continue their westward voyage. On the 12th of October, his ships reached a land. When they landed, they saw strange trees and flowers. Men and women with olive-coloured skins gathered around them and looked at them with great surprise. It was one of the Bahama's Islands. But Christopher Columbus thought it was one of the islands which lie off the coast of Asia and called it San Salvador.
He became a sailor at an early age. Knowing that the earth was round, he decided to reach1 India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to organize his expedition as nobody wanted to help him. Many years after when he was an old man the Spanish government gave him some money for his expedition. He was able to set sail only in 1492, on August 3.

The voyage was very dangerous1 and difficult.- His men insisted on returning home, but Columbus did everything he could to make them continue their westward voyage. On the 12th of October, his ships reached a land. When they landed, they saw strange trees and flowers. Men and women with olive-coloured skins gathered around them and looked at them with great surprise. It was one of the Bahama's Islands. But Christopher Columbus thought it was one of the islands which lie off the coast of Asia and called it San Salvador.

Columbus’ second voyage to America took place in 1493. This time he discovered some other islands of the West Indies and made some settlements these.
On the third voyage he came to South America.
In 1502 he made his last voyage. This time he coasted along the shores of Central America. In 1506 he died in Spain being sure that he had reached Asia and knowing nothing of his great discovery of the New World.

1 Прочитайте уважно текст, щоб повністю зрозуміти його

зміст. Знайдіть у ньому і випишіть англійські еквіваленти таких словосполучень:

вони не знали нічого про, у ранньому віці, організувати експедицію, допомогти йому, наполягати на поверненні додому, незнайомі дерева й квіти, дуже здивовано, один з островів, заснував поселення (колонію), остання подорож, будучи впевненим

2. Ответы на вопросы
What continents did people know in the 15th century?
When was Christopher Columbus born?
When did the first voyage of Columbus begin?
When did Columbus come to South America?
When did Columbus die?

B) My working day (to begin) at

seven o'clock. I (to get) up, (to switch) on the radio and (to do) my morning
exercises. It (to take) me fifteen minutes, At half past seven we (to have)
breakfast.My father and I (to leave) home at eight o'clock. He (to take) a bus to his office. My mother (to be) a doctor, she (to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we (to gather) in the living-room. We (to watch) TV and (to talk).

как называется курица?

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Помогите пожалуйста решить 5 заданий, очень прошуу, нужно перейти в другую шkолу, а английсkий вообще не знаю, пожалуйста помогите, сkазали что задания

лёгkие, очень прошу вашей помощи.

В Paint просто ответ в kружочеk обведите, что бы легче было, пожалуйста помогите

Пожалуйста помогите !!! Завтра экзамен(

Нужны глаголы поставить в правильное время,в скобках оно уже указано. Надеюсь на помощь! времена обозначены - Pr I,F I, P I, P C, F P, P P,PR P и.т.д.
Пожалуйста, помогите срочнооо!! Завтра экзамен((
Нужны глаголы поставить в правильное время,в скобках оно уже указано. Надеюсь на помощь! времена обозначены - Pr I,F I, P I, P C, F P, P P,PR P и.т.д.

1) In summer our family always (to go) for rest to the Crimea. (Pr I)
2) She ( to check) your test at the moment. ( Pr C)
3) My uncle (to phone) me after he ( to return) home, tomorrow (P C)
4)Mozard (to write) more than 600 pieces of music ( P I)
5)This delegation (not to come) in 3 days because of bad weather (F I)
6)Who ( to take) my pen yesterday? (P I)
7)They (to build) many new houses in our town this year (Pr P)
8)John (to sit) in a cafe when I (to see) him last week (P C)
9)She (to publish) her new article next year ( F I)
10) My friend ( to go) to the university by the tome I (to come) ( F P , P P)
11)We never ( to hear) this story from my father (Pr P)
12)He called me up while I (to have) dinner ( P C)
13)Yesterday I ( to buy) a new watch as I (to lose) my old one ( P I, P P)
14)I'm afraid it (to rain) all day tomorrow (F C)
15)I am tired to walk home , I think I (to take) a taxi (F I)
16) Yesterday while she (to cook) the dinner, Sam (to watch) TV. (P C)
17) We (to finish) our report by 11 o'clock the day after tomorrow (F P)
18)They will go for a walk if the weather (to be) fine. (Pr I)
19)She usually (to do) her homework at home, but now she (to do) it at the library (Pr I, Pr C)
20) the Earth (to go) round the Sun (Pr I)
21)Last Saturday after our work, we (to go) to the cafe.
22)Next week my sister (to go) on a voyage across The Mediterranean Sea
23) Yesterday I (to write) my report on physics the whole evening
24) My friend (not to play) the piano, he (to play) the violin.
25) We (to do) this work next week, when we (to finish) our project (F I, Pr I)
26)You (to go) to the dentist often or seldom? (Pr I)
27)Our neighbour (to live) here for many years (Pr P C)
28) All day tomorrow I (to prepare) for the test(F C)
29) It was warm , so I (to take) off my coat (P I)
30)They ( to make) a number of important experiments in this laboratory last year (P I)
31)Why you ( to ask) him about his holidays last time? (P I)
32) She ( not to give) him her address till she ( to know) him better (F I, Pr I)
33) 5 minutes ago my little brother (to be) here and now he (to play) in the yard. (P I , Pr C)
34)It was hard carrying the bags, They (to be) very heavy (P I)
35)She ( to make) already coffee when we ( to enter) the kitchen. (P P, PI)
36) The builders (to finish) their work in time, if the weather (to be) good. (F I, Pr I)
37) They ( to correct) the dictation by the next lesson? (F P)
38) They (not to invite) her to the party yesterday ( P I)
39) Nick ( to fall) down the stairs this morning and (to break) his leg. (PI)
40) I (to translate) this text tomorrow, if you(to bring) me your new dictionary.(FI)

Пожалуйста помогите, срочно нужно, дам

за это 20 баллов!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))))))))))) В В своей речи «о судьях» Чацкий
разоблачает старое поколение, которое не принесло никакой пользы Родине, только грабило государство, богатело за счет друзей и родственников, проводило свои дни раздольно, заботясь лишь о высоких чинах, званных обедах и многочисленных визитах. Главный герой видит смысл жизни в служении народу, высказывает неприязнь в отношении крепостного права, что отразилось в его воспоминаниях о крепостном театре, о «Несторе негодяев знатных», обменявшем своих верных слуг на трёх борзых собак, о распроданных крепостных детях, отобранных у родителей. Чацкий является гуманистом, защищает свободу и независимость личности, право выбирать себе занятие: путешествовать, «вперить ум» в науки или посвятить себя «искусствам творческим, высоким и прекрасным». Он утверждает прогрессивные идеи, уважение к национальному языку и культуре, к просвещению. Произнося свою речь, Чацкий выступает от всего поколения, которое хочет изменить предрассудки старого общества.
1.чем вызван данный маналог
2.какие темы затронуты в нем
3.какие у взгляды убеждение героев влеваються в этом маналоге
4.какого психологического состояние персонажа в дн. момент, как оно выражается
5.с какой целью введен драматургом в этом маналоге
Мне только ответить на вопросы,пожалуйста помогите

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ составить предложения( по времени): 1. Wendy/ just / move / a new school 2. She / alreade / make/ lots of


3. She / get lost / first day/ school 4. She / be / new school / two months. помогите пожалуйста, я сама делала, но надо проверить

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
СРОЧНО!!! Пожалуйста, помогите написать 5-7 предложений (Не обязательно слишком замудрённых!), на тему: I personally think that the most

important right, apart from the right to live of course, is the right... (to choose your friends and hang out with them/ to desent standard of living ...)

Ps У кого учебник Биболетовой, это в РТзадание №6 на стр.17

Pps- только, пожалуйста, не из решебника.

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