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Помогите пожалуйста срочно! A Give news about yourself and other people to a friend of yours. Use the words given to make sentences in the Presen

10-11 класс

t Perfect Tense.
Example: My sister/get married. —My sister has got married

1.I/find/a new job. 2. My father/retire. 3. Jane and Mike/go to work/to Australia. 4. I/buy/a new motorcycle. 5. My niece/start to walk. 6. The Browns/move/to another town. 7. Jack's Grandpa/die. 8. I/join/another football club. 9. Nick and Rita/divorce. 10. John/receive/ a fortune, he/become/a millionaire.
В Ask your friend who is in the USA questions about what he or his relatives have seen or done (use the Present Perfect Tense).
Example: You/have/a good journey? — Have you had a good journey?
1. You/already/see/the Great American Lakes? 2. You/be/to Broadway? 3. Mike/manage to see/the Statue of Liberty? 3. What/new places/your brother/show to you? 4. Ann/visit/the White House? 5. Your father/get/ promotion? 6. You/receive/your driving license? 7. Your
brother/change/a car? 8, What kind of house/you/buy1
С Say what you or your friends have not done yet (year, month, etc.).
Example: I/not be/to the theatre/this month. — / have not been to the theatre this month,
1. Sue/not read/Gone with the Wind/yet. 2. Jill/not enter/London University/this year. 3. Larry/not produce/ a new film/yet. 4. Peggy and Paul/not move/to another flat this month. 5. Pete/not finish/his project yet. 6. My cousin/not get married/this month. 7. Mrs. Brown/not recover/yet. 8. They/not go/on business/this week.

LiMaXc 03 янв. 2015 г., 18:03:40 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 янв. 2015 г., 19:38:39 (9 лет назад)

1.I have found a new job. My father has retired.3.Jane and Mike have gone to work to Australia.4.I have bought a new motorcycle.5.My niece has started to work. 6.The Browns have moved to another town.7,Jack's Grandpa have died.8.I have joined another football club.9.Nick and Rita have divorced,10.John has received a fortune,he has become a millionaire.

1.Have you already seen the Great American Lakes?2.Have you been to Broadway?3.Has Mike managed to see the Statue of Liberty?4.Has Ann visited the White House?5.Have your fatehr got promotion?6.Have you received you driving license?7.Has your broher changed a car?8.What king of house have you bought?


1Sie hasn't read Gone with the Wind yet.2.Jill hasn't entered london University this year.3.Larry hasn't produced a new film yet. 4.Peggy and Paul haven't moved to ahother flat this month. 5.Pete hasn't finished his project yet. 6.My cousin hasn't got married this month.7.Mrs. Brown hasn't recovered yet.8.They haven't gone on business this week.


Другие вопросы из категории

Заполните пропуски словосочетаниями в нужной форме.

to go for a walk, wonderful, on his way, to decide, to be on, to buy, to telephone, a performance, to like, to be over, to take a taxi, to listen to, on the radio, good

Last Saturday Mr.Titov....... in the afternoon. I was spring and it was....... outside. ........ he saw a theatre box-office and.........to buy tickets for the Maly Theatre. "A Man From Stratford"........... on Saturday and on Sunday. But there were no tickets for the Sunday performance, there were tickets only for the Saturday performance at the box-office. Mr. Titov....... two tickets for the Saturday performance. It was already late and he decided not to go home. He........ his wife and she came to the theatre just in time for ..... .
The performance was....... .They....... it very much. It....... at a quarter past ten. Mr. Titov and his wife..... and came home at a quarter to eleven. It was not very late and they had time...... the news...... .

Ребят помогите с английским нужно вставить for или since 1)I have been studying in this school_____ the 1st grade. 2)I have lived in the

city ____10 years

3)_____I passed to the 10th grade i have been trying to study

4)Jim has been my best friend_____ 5 years,______ the art club

How do you really feel about school?

What things did you intend to do yesterday?
What did you regret doing this week?
What do you remember doing when you first came to school this morning?
What do you remember to do this week?
What would you like stop doing?did you stop on your home yesterday?Why?

Читайте также

Ребята помогите пожалуйста срочно

Ребята помогите пожалуйста срочно надо!!!
Write the following word combinations in the plural form using

possessive case(Напишите следующие комбинации слов во множественном

числе используя притяжательный падеж)
например:This boy/ bag- these

1)this engineer/work.......
2)my sister/clothes......
3)this woman/secret.....
4)that country economy.....

Помогите пожалуйста...

Using the prompts below,write sentences in the passive,as in the example
1.That's a beautiful sweater you are wearing!
Thank you.It/knit/my aunt,
2.This house is so dirty!
It/not/clean/for months.
3.Why is John so happy?
He/give/pay rise yesterday.
4.How's Mr Stevens?
He is upset,His shop/tear down/next week/by a demolition company.
5.Where were you born?
In Paris/but/I/raise/in London.

Здравствуйте!!! Помогите пожалуйста перевести данный текст по английскому языку на русский язык!!! Умоляю вас пожалуйста на завтра очень надо!!! Заранее

очень сильно я вам благодарен!!!
The integumentary system
The integumentary system is the organ system that protects the body from damage , comprising the skin and its appendages (including hair and nails).The integumentary system has a variety of functions; it may serve to waterproof , cushion , and protect the deeper tissues , excrete wastes , and regulate temperature , and is the attachment site for sensory receptors to detect pain , sensation , pressure , and temperature.
Layers of the skin.The integumentary system is the largest of the body`s organ systems.In humans , this system accounts for about 12 to 15 percent of total body weight and covers 1.5-2m2 of surface area.It distinguishes , separates , and protects the organism from its surroundings.
The human skin (integument) is composed of a minimum of 3 major layers of tissue: the epidermis; dermis; and hypodermis.The epidermis forms the outermost layer , providing the initial barrier to the external environment.Beneath this , the dermis comprises two sections , the papillary and reticular layers , and contains connective tissues , vessels , glands , follicles , hair roots , sensory nerve endings , and muscular tissue.The deepest layer is the hypodermis , which is primarily made up of adipose tissue.Substantial collagen bundles anchor the dermis to the hypodermis in a way that permits most areas of the skin to move freely over the deeper tissue layers.
The integumentary system has multiple roles in homeostasis.All body systems work in an interconnected manner to maintain the internal conditions essential to the function of the body.The skin has an important job of protecting the body and acts as the body`s first line of defense against infection , temperature change , and other challenges to homeostasis.Functions include:
Protect the body`s internal living tissues and organs.
Protect against invasion by infectious organisms.
Protect the body from dehydration.
Protect the body against abrupt changes in temperature , maintain homeostasis.
Help excrete waste materials through perspiration.
Act as a receptor for touch , pressure , pain , heart , and cold.
Protect the body against sunburns by secreting melanin.
Generate vitamin D through exposure to ultraviolet light.
Store water , fat , glucose , and vitamin D.
Maintenance of the body form.
Formation of new cells.
Aid in physical examination as color of the skin may indicate many conditions e.g. it becomes yellowish in jaundice.

Помогите пожалуйста с переводом текста!

Stressed out? Take control
We all know how it feels to get angry. Sometimes anger is mild, when you're just irritated with someone. But at other times anger can be more extreme, with explosive rages, You lose control. Your blood pressure increases, your heart races, and you can't think about anything else. But what exactly is anger?
Anger is a normal response to a situation where you feel you are being attacked, treated unfairly, let down by others, hurt or rejected. Anger can help you to defend yourself,deal with the problem, and let others know how you feel.But anger can also cause problems. If you always lose control, people might start to avoid you. Friends and colleagues may be afraid of your temper, and leave you alone. Getting angry might make you feel better, giving you energy and making you feel like you're in control. But it might also leave you feeling hurt, and misunderstood. Also, getting angry doesn't usually solve the problem.
So, what can you do about your anger?

When most of the parents (to talk) about the play and how well the dances(to perform),the Mayor (to approach) the parents with the words:"i wonder if

Prince Charming (to marry ) Liz,who (to play) the part of Cinderella,when they (to grow) up. помогите пожалуйста,срочно надо

Вы находитесь на странице вопроса "Помогите пожалуйста срочно! A Give news about yourself and other people to a friend of yours. Use the words given to make sentences in the Presen", категории "английский язык". Данный вопрос относится к разделу "10-11" классов. Здесь вы сможете получить ответ, а также обсудить вопрос с посетителями сайта. Автоматический умный поиск поможет найти похожие вопросы в категории "английский язык". Если ваш вопрос отличается или ответы не подходят, вы можете задать новый вопрос, воспользовавшись кнопкой в верхней части сайта.