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A smart little Bird flew to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ran from one room to another and suddenly she saw a big grey

1-4 класс

Cat. The Cat jumped and caught the Bird. "Now I can have a nice breakfast," the Cat said."You can't have breakfast now," said the Bird. "You must wash first. The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.""All right," the Cat said. "I live with the farmer's family and in their house, and I must do what they do."And the Cat opened his mouth and began to wash. But when he was clean and wanted to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird flew away. She was in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and began to sing."Now I see," the cat said." I must wash, but I must wash after dinner." And now all cats wash after dinner. Какой смысл у текста (по русски желательнобольшой

Elena17111 22 марта 2015 г., 19:06:35 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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22 марта 2015 г., 21:30:37 (9 лет назад)

Умная маленькая птичка летала в деревню чтобы позавтракать.Она влетела в комнату и увидела большую серую кошку.Кошка прыгнула и поймала птичку."Теперь я могу позавтракать "сказала кошка." Ты не сможешь позавтракать,"сказала птичка."Сначала ты должна умыться.Фермер и вся его семья всегда моют руки перед едой.Ты живёшь в их доме и ты должна выполнять то что делают они.""Это правильно"сказала кошка."Я живу в доме фермера и я  должна делать то что делают мои хозяева"И кошка стала умываться.Но когда она была чистой и хотела уже позавтракать,она не нашла птички.Умная птичка улетела прочь.Она была на высоком дереве в саду.Она была счастлива и начала петь."Теперь я вижу",сказала кошка."Я должна мыться только после еды."С тех пор все кошки моются после еды.


Другие вопросы из категории

1.Переведите предложения на русский язык. Образуйте вопросительную и отрицательную форму. Определите временную форму глагола.

a)Next summer we shall work on the collective farm.
b)Water is the natural resource we all know very well.
c)The principles of the system of public education were proclaimed by Govermment in a Decree in 1918.
2.Разместите следующие слова в предложении, соблюдая правильный порядок слов.
а) its,Every,national,part,the UK,of,has,emblem.
c)doesn't,The Uk,depend,manufacturing,upon,countries,other,of.
3)Заполните пропуски словами из списка: Gas,a car,tankful of sunshine, The US.
a) Each day,millons of people across the world fill their cars with ...to make them move

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A smart little Bird flew to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ran from one room to another and suddenly she saw a big grey

Cat. The Cat jumped and caught the Bird. "Now I can have a nice breakfast," the Cat said."You can't have breakfast now," said the Bird. "You must wash first. The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.""All right," the Cat said. "I live with the farmer's family and in their house, and I must do what they do."And the Cat opened his mouth and began to wash. But when he was clean and wanted to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird flew away. She was in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and began to sing."Now I see," the cat said." I must wash, but I must wash after dinner." And now all cats wash after dinner.
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A smart little Bird flew to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ran from one room to another and suddenly she saw a big grey

Cat. The Cat jumped and caught the Bird. "Now I can have a nice breakfast," the Cat said."You can't have breakfast now," said the Bird. "You must wash first. The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.""All right," the Cat said. "I live with the farmer's family and in their house, and I must do what they do."And the Cat opened his mouth and began to wash. But when he was clean and wanted to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird flew away. She was in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and began to sing."Now I see," the cat said." I must wash, but I must wash after dinner." And now all cats wash after dinner.

Вопросы по тексту:
Find out who said: 1) Now I can have breakfast. 2) You cant have breakfast now. 3) The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. 4)I live with the farmers family and I must do what they do. 5) I must wash, but I must wash after dinner.

Сhoose the title for the story:
1. All Is Well that Ends Well. (Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается)
2. Why Do Cats Wash after Dinner.
3. The Smart Bird. Answer the why-questions
1)Why did the Bird fly to a house?
2)Why did the grey Cat catch the Bird?
3)Why did the grey Cat find the Bird?
4)Why Didn't the grey Cat find the Bird?
5)Why did the grey Cat say? ''I must wash after dinner?''

Перевод текста с глаголами правильной формы A clever bird (come) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She (run) from one room to

another and suddenly she (see) a big black cat. The cat (jump) and (catch) the bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast,” the cat (say).“You can’t have breakfast now,” said the bird, “you must wash. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.”“All right,” the cat (say). “I live with a farmer and in his house, and I must do what they do.”And the cat opened his mouth and (begin) to wash. But when he (be) clean and (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The clever little bird (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and (begin) to sing.“Now I see,” the cat (say). “I must wash. but I must wash after dinner.” And now all cats wash after dinner.

Перевод текста с глаголами правильной формы A clever bird (come) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She (run) from

one room to another and suddenly she (see) a big black cat. The cat (jump) and (catch) the bird. “Now I can have a nice breakfast,” the cat (say).

“You can’t have breakfast now,” said the bird, “you must wash. The farmer and his family always (всегда) wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do.”

“All right,” the cat (say). “I live with a farmer and in his house, and I must do what they do.”

And the cat opened his mouth and (begin) to wash. But when he (be) clean and (want) to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The clever little bird (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and (begin) to sing.

“Now I see,” the cat (say). “I must wash. but I must wash after dinner.” And now all cats wash after dinner.

помогите перевести на русский с английского: A clever bird (come) to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She (run) from one

room to another and suddenly she (see) a big black cat. The cat (jump) and (catch) the bird. "Now I can have a nice breakfast", the cat (say). "You can`t have breakfast now," said the bird, "you must wash. The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do." "All right," the cat (say). " I live with a farmer and in his house, and I must do what they do." And the cat opened his mouth and (begin) to wash. But when he (be) in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and (begin) to sing. "Now I see," the cat (say). " I must wash, but I must wash after dinner." And now all cats wash after dinner.

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