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Выберете правильное местоимение. 1.Helen is a student, (she, her) is in (her, she) fourth year.

10-11 класс

свеш001 09 марта 2015 г., 17:05:05 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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09 марта 2015 г., 19:42:40 (9 лет назад)

Helen is a student, she is in her fourth year. Наверное так. Не понял предложения


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Выберите правильный вариант (other, another, the other)

1. Our office does business with France, Germany, and
many … countries.

2. I don’t like this magazine. Will you bring me … .

3. I have two brothers. My elder brother is an
engineer, … one is a student.

4. I brought five books from the library. There are
only three on my desk now. I wonder where … are.

Читайте также

вставьте артикль,где необходимо. 1.I can see many _people in_street. 2.Can you see _car? 3.She is _manager.She is at _work.She works at _office. 4.Do

you see these _flowers?What colour are _flovers? 5.There is _big brown table in _middle of our _room. 6.There are two kittens in _box._kittens are black. 7.Do you see _boy in _street?He is _pupil of our _school.He is _good pupil. 8.My sister is _student.She studies at _institute.She is _good student and _good sister. 9.This is _wolf._wolf is very hungry. 10.There is _carpet on _floor._carpet is new. вставить артикль,где необходимо 1.Are there many_magazines on _table? 2.There are two windows in _room. 3.His daughter is girl of ten. 4.Their sons go to _school every day. 5.Her parents live in _Kyiv. 6.My father often rests on _Sunday. 7.Our flat is on _third floor. 8.Today is _ninth of September. 9.Pete,go to _blackboard. 10.On _Monday he comes from _school at _ 5 o`clock. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в форму множественного числа, 1.This factory is very big. 2.There is a desk in this classroom. 3.She has a beautiful dress. 4.Does this lady speak English? 5.That gentleman knows my brother. 6.This girl isn`t my niece. 7.That table is made of wood. 8.An apple isn`t a vegetable. 9.There was a pen on this table. 10.This man was a student last year. 11.Is that sheep your? 12.This cat caught a mouse. 13.That game isn`t interesting. 14.Does this deer live in the wood? Перефразируйте,употребляя притяжательный падеж. the flat of my sister the son of her mother the name of this man the mark of our student the work of those men the sister of my friend the parents of that boy the room of these people the food of those dogs the hobby of these gentlemen the voice of this singer the friend of Susan the foot of the animal the ball of my child Раскройте скобки,употребляя необходимую степень сравнения прилагательных 1.This is _ in our city.(big building) 2.She is _we have ever mey.(strange person) 3.The road becomes _after some miles.(harrow) 4.Peter is _of them all.(old) 5.It was _time of my life.(bad) 6.The weather is much _than yesterday.(good) 7.Ann was a bit _ than she usually is.(cheerful) 8.Going by train takes twice _going by plain.(long) 9.He thinks English spelling is _than Russian.(difficult) 10.This test was _ of all.(easy) 11.She works _than her sisters (hard).

выбрать нужные местоимения 1.This is Tom's father.(he/his) likes football.2.These are Tom's sisters.(they/their) names are Katy and Alice.3.This is Tom's m

other.(she/her) hobby is tennis.4.This is Tom's grandmother.(she/her) is a good cook.5.These are Tom's friends.(they/ their) like basketball.6.This is my friend Pamela.(she/her) sends me e-mails every evening.7.This is my sister.(she/her friends) are nice.8.I am Judy.(I/my) am glad to meet you.9.You are a pupil.(you/your) live in Russia.10.We are sisters.(we/our) like good films.

составьте 2 предложения и данных слов.

С-1. she, the Orendurg, agrarian, studies, college, at.
C-2. is, a student, she.

Put a, an, the or nothing into each gap in the story. Example I had_______dinner with the


My Aunt Vanessa is (a)_________artist She lives in (b)

__________ beautiful old cottage by (c)_______sea and she

paints (d) _________small pictures of wild flowers and birds.

She doesn't like leaving (e)_______cottage, but once (f)

_______year she travels by (g)_______train to London

and has (h)_______tea with me at (i)----------Savoy

Hotel. At the moment I'm quite worried about her because

she's in (j)_______hospital, but I'm sure she'U be better

soon. I'm going to visit her next week.

Помогите с английским1) a)off b)away c)by d)back

2) a)asking b)demanding c)requesting d)appearing
3) a)brings b)goes c)arrives d )drivers
4) a)placed b)settled c)located d)put
5)effect b)result c)outcome d)conclision
6) a)return b)reserve c)repeat d)reverse
7)a)moment b)period c)time d)intant

A Great Mother.
Janet Ferguson is a working mother. She loves her two children with all her heart, but sometimes she thinks how wonderful it would be to get 1)...........and be on her own for a little while.

Janet's mornings are incredibly busy. She gets up at the crack of dawn, so she can get herself ready before her two children wake up, hungry and 2)...........for breakfast, which, of course, she has to prepare. Once everyone is washed, dressed and fed, Janet 3)...........her son and daughter to school.

Jane, the youngest, goes to a kindergarten which is 4)...........about twenty minutes from the city centre. Tom's school is right in the middle of London, which means that on many mornings Janet has to deal with heavy traffic to get him there. As a(n) 5)........... , she is often late for her job as an accountant at a large department store. Janet works hard for eight hours, and then turns around and does everything in 6)............She picks up the children, takes them home, feeds them and then makes sure they are in bed at a normal time. By this 7)........... every night, Janet is totally exhausted. It is only when she goes in to kiss Tom and Jane goodnight that she realises that all the work that she did that day was worth it because she has two such great people in her life.

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