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11. What fruit do you know? 12. Do we roast fish? What is the way to cook it? 13. Do you ever have stewed fruit for dessert?

10-11 класс

AlexE2002 18 февр. 2014 г., 11:59:10 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 февр. 2014 г., 12:52:34 (10 лет назад)

1.i know apple,orange,kokos,kiwi,pineapple,watermelon.........
3.first clear the fish then warmed pan then pour the oil and then we put the fish in flour and turn over we put in the pan


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That was no
UFO in the skies above the southeast Missouri
town of Jackson, A UFO that was the talk of Jackson has turned out to
be nothing more than a school game gone wrong. Three weeks ago, Zach Stanfield,
16, videotaped a disc-shaped object hovering in the sky above his home. The
Southeast Missourian newspaper ran a front-page photo of the disc, taken from
the video, with a story about an unidentified flying object hovering over Jackson. But there were
no little green men inside it. The UFO actually was a baloon that had been for
schoolchildren. in an effort to make it fly, Cherie Moore, a schoolteacher, put
too much helium inside the baloon and it floated away. Cherie Moore said she
and her husband just about died when they saw a newspaper report on the supposed
UFO. An air traffic controller at the airport said too much helium would have
given the disc the strange hovering effect seen in the tape, especially on a
day with mild winds.

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This jacket belongs/is belonging to catherine
пожалуйста сделайте понятный перевод

Russian companies moving into Asian markets are often attracted to China
primarily for its growth and size. But increasingly they are finding that
investment opportunities in Southeast Asia are too good to be ignored and
making the move. The future of Russian business will depend not only on
Russia attracting international players to its markets, but also on Russian
companies making greater inroads internationally. Russian corporates are
increasingly taking this step. Only a deca de ago it was only Russian energy giants, or resources producers, that had moved into the global marketplace. But more and more, they are being joined by infrastructure and construction companies, machinery and equipment manufacturers and lessors, and Russianmobile telecommunications operators. More Russian corporate players can beexpected to follow

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haven’t ____ time. 5. Do you like ____ of these animals? 6. Yes, I

like ____ of them. 7. No, I do not like ____ of them. 8. Give me

____ water. 9. We don’t see ____ flowers here. 10. What fruit do you

want to buy? — ____ fruit that is good for small children. 11. If I

have ____ free time, I shall go with you to the cinema.

Помогите перевести правильно

1.What kinds of food do you know?Give as many nouns denoting food as you can.
2.What meals do you know?
3.What dishes do you know?Give as many names of dishes as you can.
4. What is understood by a'course?What attributes may quality this word?
5.What can be boiled?
6. Do we fry meat or do we roast it?
7. What is an omelette made of?
8. What are cornflakes generally eaten with?
9. What is the difference between fried potatoes and chips?
10.What kind of meal is five o'clock tea in England?Do you know other names for this meal?
11.What fruit do you know?
12.Do we roast fish?What is the way to cook it?
13.What food is Ukraine famous for?
14. Do you enjoy Ukrainian dishes?

Аnswering the questions. 1 What sports do you do? 2 What football team do you support? 3 What is the

most popular game In your country (in Britain, the USA)?

4 What sport games can be played all the year round?

5 What summer (winter) sports do you prefer?

6 What is the difference between 'a sport' and 'a game?

7 What sports and games do you know?

8 What games take the first place in public Interest?

9 What is the great national sport in England?

10 What outstanding sportsmen of our country do you know?

11 Where were the first (last) Olympic Games held?

12 What do spectators do al the stadium?

13 Who usually likes tobogganing?

14 Do you play draughts (chess)?

15 Do you attend hockey matches?

16 Do we have champions in all kinds of sport?

17 In what season is cricket played?

18 What is the reason for smaller popularity of football in Britain?

19 What kind of game is cricket as compared to football?

Помогите ответить на вопросы на английском : 1. Do you know what a cyber cafe is? Have you ever been to one? 2. Do you know how

to send an email?

3. Which sites do you usually visit?

4. Do you chat online?

5. Do you have your own website?

6. Does your school have its own website?

7. Do you buy anything on the Internet?

8. For what purpose do young people use the Internet?

9. What do you know about hackers and viruses?

10. How does the Internet effect our lives?

11. Has the Internet changed your life? If yes, in what ways?

помогите ответить на вопросы. 1.What languages do you speak? 2.What music do you listen to? 3.What dances do you know? 4.What kinds of food do you eat

at home? 5.In your school / class, what is considered polite and what is considered rude? 6.What manners have you been taught? (table manners, behaviour toward guests in your home, what to say when answering the telephone, how to say thanks for a meal.) 7.What do you wear on special occasions? 8.How often do you see your extended family? 9.What role do they play in your life? 10.What holidays and ceremonies are important in your family? Describe something very important to you. • It could be a value, such as respect or honesty. • It could be a person, such as a parent, brother, sister, or friend. • It could be a goal, such as going to college or designing a website. • It could be a hobby. 11.Based on what you've written, how would you describe the characteristics of the culture you're a part of?

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