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исправте пожалуйсто ошибки надо прошу !once an old men feel ill his wife called a doctor who gave the sick man same medicine as the colour of the

1-4 класс

medicine was black the women made a mistake and gave him some ink to drink when she found out what had happened she ran into the rum and cryed what shall we do you have drunk the ink but not the medicine the old man didn`t warry and asked her to brin some blotting papper he wonted to eat it to brin some blotting paper he wonted to eat it to become well agein he was a man with a gud sense of humour

ДимаБух 16 апр. 2013 г., 18:21:21 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 апр. 2013 г., 20:47:00 (11 лет назад)

Felt, the same, room ( а не rum, сложно представить себе женщину, забегающую в ром), cried, worry, bring, wanted, снова bring, again, good sence


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Open the brackets.

David (not to do) his homework yesterday morning.
My sister ( not to drink ) coffee tomorrow morning.
They(not to buy) a new car yet.
He(to wake) up now.
What she (to do) now?
Your ever( to be) to London?

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Once there lived an old man and an old woman,his wife.They had no children.

The old man had a pet - a bird.It was a little grey bird.The man loved it dearly. He took good care of it.He gave it food and water every morning and every evening.One day the old man was going to the shop to buy food.He said to his wife:''I'LL go to the shop to buy bread,salt, butter,spaghetti and sugar.Please,take good care of the bird! Give it food and water in the morning and in the evening!'' ''OK'',said his wife.''I well''. It was very cold.The old man put on his warm trousers and boots,a sweater, an overcoat , a warm cap and went away.

Pete jimp be an 11-year-old boy.He live in Kirov with his parents.Pete goes at shool five days a week.He gets to shool on bus.On the way to shool he

is meeting his friends.His favourite subjects is Match and PE.My freind have two hoddies: football and rollerblading .After shool he take guitar classes.Pete comes home in 4p.m.He makes his homework and has dinner.After that he watch TV.Pete goes in bed at half past nine. В каждом предложение по одной ошибке найдите и исправте их .Пожалуйсто очень надо!!!!!!!!!!

Пожалуйста помогите мне!Мне задали по англ.языку составить 8 предложений на английском со словами:Do,does,am,is,are,did,was,were.1 слово например do надо

вставить в 1-но придуманное предложение а остальные разбросать такжае только по другим.Помогите пожалуйста,очень надо к завтрошнему дню!

s a clue to help you fingd his treasure. Guess the words in brackets and till in the gaps)-(вопрос) 1 Get_______ (no) the bus.2. Get____ (fof) the bus a

t the next stop.3. Turn _____ (qhtir) and qo_____ (qhsartit) on to the mountains. 4.Go______ (pu) and _____(wodh) the mouhtain.5. Go_______ (dnuora) the lake to the cave.6. Don' t qo _______- (otin) the caveюЕруку is an old tree near the cave.7.The treasure is under the old tree! Срочно надо пожалуйста!

In very early times grain was poundedand consumed as a watery paste. During the Stone Age grain was crushed between stones and gave a crude flour which

was mixed to a dough with water,shaped to a round, flat cake and then cooked on a large stone over a fire. As you may imagine the result – a rather hard bread – was very different from the loaf we know today. The next step was baking of fermented dough s.An old story says that a forgetful young Egyptian left some uncooked dough sitting for some time before he remembered it, and during this time the dough fermented. This caused the dough to rise, then it was made into loaves. A fter baking the loaves, our young Egyptian baker found he had produced the first light textured risen bread.

Напишите пожалуйста как читается текст русскими буквами(читать по англ. не умею( перевод текста не надо) только эти же слова и только русскими буквами плиз!

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