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2 Make your questions polite. Start with Excuse me, can you tell...? Excuse me, do you know...?1. Where is my bag? 6. What's your address?

5-9 класс

2. Where are your friends? 7. What is the first lesson on Monday?
3. What's your name? 8. Where is the head teacher's office?
4. How old are you?
5. What's your phone number?

Katya0000233 20 апр. 2014 г., 14:44:06 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 апр. 2014 г., 16:12:48 (10 лет назад)

добавляй к каждому предложению одну из этих фраз, после фразы запятая и сам вопрос

+ 0 -
20 апр. 2014 г., 18:49:58 (10 лет назад)

1.Excuse me, do you know. . .
2.Excuse me, can you tell...


Другие вопросы из категории

Составь предложение из этих слов:

1.Not far/we/from/thepark/live/.
2.Kate"s/is/a doctor/father/good/.
3.Now/my/is/in/playing/sister/the garden/.
4.When/usually/you/get up/do?
5.Is/all/why/crying/the baby/time?
6.he/interestini/give/you/a book/can/.

Сделайте предложение вопросительным
1.Uncle Podge lakes a littie job.
2.Tom McKenzy works for a newspaper.
3.In sammer we uaually go to to the seaside.
4.Look.Jack is swimming to a big rock/
5.I can read English books quite wll.

помогите 5 упрвжнение

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Помогите сделать задание

Make your questions polite. Start with Excuse me, can you tell...? Excuse me, do you know...?

1. Where is my bag? 6. What's your address?
2. Where are your friends? 7. What is the first lesson on Monday?
3. What's your name? 8. Where is the head teacher's office?
4. How old are you?
5. What's your phone number?

помогите найти подхоящий ответ 1.Excuse me,do you speak English ? 2.Excuse me,could I ask you something? 3.Excuse,me are you


4.Excuse,me do you speak French?

5.Excuse,me could you tell me the time?

6.Where are you from ?

7.Can you speak Finnish?

8.Did you understand me?

a.Yes,sure .What is it?

b.No,but I understand it a little.

c.No,I don't.I'm sorry.

d.Yes,I do a little.How can I help you?

e.Yes,I am.How can I help you?

f.Not quilt.Could you repeat what you said,please?

g.Estonia.It's near Finland.

h.I'm sorry ,I haven't got a watch.

1 вопрос: Choose the correct variant: i will ... you the news later/ 1.say 2.speak 3.talk 4.tell


2 вопрос:

Choose the correct variant for the tag question:

She likes sports, ... ?

1.isnt she

2. is she

3. doesnt she

4.does she

5.arent she


Choose 3 sentences where the underlined words are used correctly:



3. excuse me, can you tell me shortly way to the library?

4. My younger brother was very anqry because he didnt want to go to bed.

5. He was a very hiqhly man.

6.There is no sugor left. Can you go quick and buy some?

1. Вставьте неопределенный артикль, где необходимо.

1) There is no ___ electricity in this house.

2) I can’t work here. There’s too much ___ noise!

3) I’m looking for ___ job.

4) I love ___ bananas.

5) Would you like ___ apple?

6) We had ___ lunch in a very good restaurant.

7) That’s ___ nice pair of jeans.

8) Subway is ___ means of transport.

9) Ann didn’t go to ___ work yesterday.

10) I’d like to have ___ piano.

2. Вставьте определенный артикль, где необходимо.

1) I’m going away at ___ end of this month.

2) ___ rich should pay more taxes.

3) Do you like ___ music?

4) I don’t drink ___ tea very often.

5) I often listen to ___ radio.

6) Many people are afraid of ___ dogs.

7) I like ___ people I work with.

8) My favorite sport is ___ basketball.

9) ___ information we were given wasn’t correct.

10) ___ water in the pool didn’t look very clean, so we didn’t go for a swim.

1. Вставьте определенный или неопределенный артикль.

1) We enjoyed our holiday. ___ hotel was very nice.

2) You look very tired. You need ___ holiday.

3) ‘Where is Tom?’ “He’s in ___ bathroom.”

4) Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to ___ city centre?

5) Jane is ___ interesting person. You must meet her.

6) Let’s go for ___ walk.

7) What do you usually do in ___ evening?

8) This doesn’t seem to work properly. Show me ___ better one.

9) ___ young are always more active than old people.

10)Is it ___ third floor?

помогите пожалуйста Cicle the correct verb and помогите пожалуйста Cicle the correct verb and fill in the


1.Why have you.......the TV?-l wanted to see the film.

a)turned bask b)turned off c)turned up

2.Somebody called his name and he............,but he saw nobody.

a)turned out be b)turned into c)turned back

3.She has been ill for a month.Her trip...................very diffcult for her.

a)turned b)turned down c)turned out to be

4.He was offered help.But he..............

a)turned off b)turned it down c)turned back

5.He aalways...................suddenly.

a)turns down b)turns up c)turns back

6.In the film Beauty and the Beast the Beast............ a handsome prince.

a)Turns into b)turns up c)turned down

7.Excuse me, can you tell me where the bookshop is?- Go down the shreet and .............left.

a)turned b)turn c) turn up

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